The Cu and Zn levels of both 607 men (1–85 y old) and 649 women (1–92 y old) were determined by atomic absorption spectrometry. Sex does not influence Cu (14.89±0.89 μg/g and 15.26±0.79 μg/g hair for males and females, respectively) and Zn contents (200.97±9.68 μg/g for men and 209.81±9.49 μg/g hair for women). Age influences Cu and Zn concentrations, but only significantly in females: Cu levels decrease over 60 y of age; whereas Zn levels increase significantly from age groups 2–5 to 20–40 years. Hair color influences Cu concentrations in both males and females. In males, white hair containes less Cu than black hair; in females, white hair's Cu levels are significantly lower than those of dark blond, red, light brown, and brown hair. There are no significant differences in Zn concentrations with respect to different hair colors, in either males or females.
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Bertazzo, A., Costa, C., Biasiolo, M. et al. Determination of copper and zinc levels in human hair. Biol Trace Elem Res 52, 37–53 (1996). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02784088
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02784088