We recall the variation of the speed of light with the local physical conditions of the material media in which it propagates, and identify a corresponding class of generalized metrics. The underlying group of isometries is constructed via a Lie-isotopic lifting of the envelope, algebra and group structure of Lorentz transformations. It is shown that the generalized transformations, called Lorentz-isotopic, are apparently capable of characterizing an isotopic lifting of the special relativity for extended, and therefore deformable particles. The current experimental information on the apparent approximate character of the conventional Lorentz transformations in particle physics are reviewed, and a number of direct tests suitable for the resolution of the issue are indicated.
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An excellent account still remains that byW. Pauli:Relativitätstheorie (Lipsia, 1921).
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Santilli, R.M. Lie-isotopic lifting of the special relativity for extended deformable particles. Lett. Nuovo Cimento 37, 545–555 (1983).
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