The reaction of mothers to replacement of breeding adult males was studied in two captive groups of vervet monkeys. Mother-infant behavior for 15 infants born in the season following the introduction of new males was compared to mother-infant behavior for 35 infants born with adult males that had been resident in the group for more than a year. The mothers responded to the presence of new males by being more protective toward their infants in the first 3 months. Increased protectiveness disappeared in the second 3 months, and in the infant’s sixth month of life mothers with new males in the group became more rejecting than mothers with long-term resident males. The combination of increased protectiveness and increased rejection was unusual among the mothers with long-term resident males but was the most common mothering style used in the presence of new males. The rate of rejection was inversely correlated with the interbirth interval, and mothers with new males in the group conceived sooner and had significantly shorter inter-birth intervals compared to mothers with long-term resident males.
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Fairbanks, L.A., McGuire, M.T. Mother-infant relationships in Vervet Monkeys: Response to new adult males. Int J Primatol 8, 351–366 (1987). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02737388
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02737388