This paper deals with sparse approximations by means of convex combinations of elements from a predetermined “basis” subsetS of a function space. Specifically, the focus is on therate at which the lowest achievable error can be reduced as larger subsets ofS are allowed when constructing an approximant. The new results extend those given for Hilbert spaces by Jones and Barron, including, in particular, a computationally attractive incremental approximation scheme. Bounds are derived for broad classes of Banach spaces; in particular, forL p spaces with 1<p<∞, theO (n −1/2) bounds of Barron and Jones are recovered whenp=2.
One motivation for the questions studied here arises from the area of “artificial neural networks,” where the problem can be stated in terms of the growth in the number of “neurons” (the elements ofS) needed in order to achieve a desired error rate. The focus on non-Hilbert spaces is due to the desire to understand approximation in the more “robust” (resistant to exemplar noise)L p, 1 ≤p<2, norms.
The techniques used borrow from results regarding moduli of smoothness in functional analysis as well as from the theory of stochastic processes on function spaces.
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Donahue, M.J., Darken, C., Gurvits, L. et al. Rates of convex approximation in non-hilbert spaces. Constr. Approx 13, 187–220 (1997). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02678464
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02678464