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An hypothesis about the selection of the Rh negative individuals

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International Journal of Anthropology


We have taken into account the possibility of identifying the cause of the selection of Rh negative individuals during the Paleolithic period, referring to the known data on Rh positive and Rh negative phenotype and the pathogenic agents inside the red blood cells. After having narrowed down the field, identifying the Babesia divergens as the most probable responsible agent for the selection of the Rh negative individuals, we discuss the epidemiologic mechanism which may have intervened, and we evaluate the likelihood of this hypothesis in relation to the available data. We conclude that the following sequence is possible: Babesia divergens, Ixodes ricinus, Ursus spelaeus and/or arctus, caves, Rh negative selection. This would appear to be confirmed by the coinciding of the distribution areas of Rh negative individuals, Ursus spelaeus and arctus, Ixodes ricinus and Babesia divergens. We have also mentioned the possibility that the extinction of Neanderthal Man had the same cause as the selection of the Rh negative individuals.

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Rossi de Vermandois, C., Accorsi, A. An hypothesis about the selection of the Rh negative individuals. Int. J. Anthropol. 7, 9–18 (1992).

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