In ecological assessment many abiotic and biotic indicators, reflecting the many facets of ecosystems, are used. Reporting on the state of the environment requires that information on separate indicators be integrated into comprehensive yardsticks or indices. In this paper we describe a method for assessing the quality of natural resources in agroecosystems and present a case study on the Dutch Lowland Peat area. Using a coherent set of physical, chemical, and biotic indicators, we compare the present situation with the long-term policy objective of strategic policy plans. Results are depicted in a radial plot. The present ecological quality of the Lowland Peat area has been found to deviate strongly from that of the desired state.
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Latour, J.B., Groen, C.L.G. Ecological assessment of natural resources in agroecosystems of Dutch Lowland Peat area. Environmental Management 18, 455–464 (1994). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02393873
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02393873