GLACIATION AND SEALEVEL — EARLY RESEARCH: Changes of sealevel positions depend on vertical crustal movements, different distributions of oceanic water masses and variations of ocean water volume. In spite of the fact that C. Maclaren explained the relations between the fluctuations of continental ice masses and ocean water volumes correctly in 1842, only two years after the classical paper of L. Agassiz, it took half a century to reach global agreement on the matter.
Some examples of the different ways of research may illustrate the complex treatment of the problem, the fact that correct approaches were forgotten but wrong ideas were discussed for decades and the influence of geological authorities. However, some problems remain open even now, such as the exact dating of Pleistocene and Holocene sealevel fluctuations in different geological settings, or the influence of a changing geoid.
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Seibold, E., Seibold, I. Vereisung und Meeresspiegel. Geol Rundsch 85, 403–408 (1996). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02368999
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02368999