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The 1983 Jodidi Lecture at The Center for International Affairs Harvard University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, February 24, 1983.
A. W. Clausen assumed the Presidency of the World Bank in July 1981, following a 32 year career with Bank of America and Bank America Corporation. For the last 11 years, he was President and Chief Executive Officer of both institutions. Mr Clausen has also served as a director or trustee of a number of organizations, including Standard Oil of California and the US-USSR Trade and Economic Council. He is a trustee of The Brookings Institution and past president of the International Monetary Conference and of the Federal Reserve Board Advisory Council, as well as a past vicechairman of SRI International. A graduate of Carthage College in Wisconsin, Mr Clausen received his LLB from the University of Minnesota. He has been awarded several honorary Doctor of Law degrees.
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Clausen, A.W. The 1983 Jodidi Lecture. Environmentalist 4, 13–21 (1984).
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