This article discusses the role developmental dyspraxia plays in developmental coordination disorder (DCD), based upon a review of literature on apraxia, developmental dyspraxia, and DCD. Apraxia and dyspraxia have often been equated with DCD. However, it is argued that apraxia and dyspraxia primarily refer to the problems of motor sequencing and selection, which not all children with DCD exhibit. The author proposes to distinguish developmental dyspraxia from DCD. Other issues discussed include the assessment, etiology, and treatment of developmental dyspraxia and DCD, and the relationship between DCD and learning disabilities. A research agenda is offered regarding future directions to overcome current limitation.
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Miyahara, M., Möbs, I. Developmental dyspraxia and developmental coordination disorder. Neuropsychol Rev 5, 245–268 (1995). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02214648
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02214648