By comparing the theoretically expected results of photon emission from a chaotic (thermal) field and those of an ordered (fully coherent) field with the actual experimental data, one finds ample indications for the hypothesis that ‘biophotons’ originate from a coherent field occurring within living tissues. A direct proof may be seen in the hyperbolic relaxation dynamics of spectral delayed luminescence under ergodic conditions.
A possible mechanism has to be founded on Einstein's balance equation and, under stationary conditions, on energy conservation including a photochemical potential. It is shown that the considered equations deliver, besides the thermal equilibrium, a conditionally stable region far away from equilibrium, which can help to describe both ‘biophoton emission’ and biological regulation.
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Popp, F.A., Li, K.H., Mei, W.P. et al. Physical aspects of biophotons. Experientia 44, 576–585 (1988).
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