In this paper methodological aspects of impact analysis of regional economic policy are discussed. The first part of the paper deals primarily with conceptual notions and considers impact analysis as part of the comprehensive process of policy evaluation. Given this frame of reference, a detailed conceptual framework for impact analysis is outlined. In the second part of this paper measurement methods are classified into micro and macro studies. The latter class is then further subdivided according to the structure and contents of the impact model at hand. The advantages and weaknesses of each method are evaluated. Finally, an overview of the choice of an appropriate measurement method, given the circumstances under which a specific type of effect of a given kind of instrument has to be measured, is given. This is followed by some general conclusions on impact assessment.
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Folmer, H., Nijkamp, P. Methodological aspects of impact analysis of regional economic policy. Papers of the Regional Science Association 57, 165–181 (1985). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01935288
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01935288