Biosphere reserves are protected areas of representative environments internationally recognised for their value for conservation and for their ability to provide the scientific knowledge, skills and human values to support sustainable development. Biosphere reserves — as a part of the UNESCO programme “Man and the Biosphere” (MAB) — make up a world-wide network sharing research information on ecosystem conservation, management and development. They include strictly protected ‘core-areas’ — representative examples of natural or minimally disturbed ecosystems. Core areas are surrounded by ‘buffer zones’ in which research, environmental education and training and recreation can take place. Buffer zones are, in turn, surrounded by ‘transition areas’, large open areas where the aim is to ensure rational development of the natural resources of the region. At present, twelve biosphere reserves are designated in Germany, covering in all an area of 11,589 km2. The role of biosphere reserves to support sustainable development in Germany and Europe is discussed.
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Karl-Heinz Erdmann is a geographer and Deputy Secretary General at the Secretariat of the German National Committee for the UNESCO Programme on “Man and Biosphere” (MAB), Federal Agency for Nature Conservation. He is also a Committee Member of the Society for Man and Environment (GMU).
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Kastenholz, H.G., Erdmann, KH. Biosphere reserves in Germany: A contribution to support sustainable development. Environmentalist 14, 139–146 (1994).
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