A method is described for the rapid survey and determination of the ecological value of woodlots. The three dominant tree species in a stand are given a visual ranking that is converted to awoodlot index through the use of species adaptation values. The woodlot index is scaled by presettlement vegetation type to yield awoodlot scale. The ecologically most valuable woodlots in a region are identified by using the woodlot scale and data on woodlot area, human disturbance, and tree density. The woodlot index corresponds closely to results from conventional methods of woodlot surveys. This method should be valuable to land-use planners for environmental impact assessment and regional planning.
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Dorney, J.R., Leitner, L.A. Woodlot scale: A method for rapid assessment of woodlot values. Environmental Management 9, 27–34 (1985). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01871442
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01871442