In New England, patterns of glacial deposition strongly influence wetland occurrence and function. Many wetlands are associated with permeable deposits and owe their existence to groundwater discharge. Whether developed on deposits of high or low permeability, wetlands are often associated with streams and appear to play an important role in controlling and modifying streamflow. Evidence is cited showing that some wetlands operate to lessen flood peaks, and may have the seasonal effect of increasing spring discharges and depressing low flows. Wetlands overlying permeable deposits may be associated with important aquifers where they can produce slight modifications in water quality and head distribution within the aquifer. Impacts to wetlands undoubtedly will affect these functions, but the precise nature of the effect is difficult to predict. This is especially true of incremental impacts to wetlands, which may, for example, produce a change in streamflow disproportionate to wetland area in the drainage basin, i.e., a nonlinear effect as defined by Preston and Bedford (1988). Additional research is needed before hydrologic function can be reliably correlated with physical properties of wetlands and landscapes.
A model is proposed to structure future research and explore relationships between hydrologic function and physical properties of wetlands and landscapes. The model considers (1) the nature of the underlying deposits (geologic type), (2) location in the drainage basin (topographic position), (3) relationship to the principal zone of saturation (hydrologic position), and (4) hydrologic character of the organic deposit.
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O'brien, A.L. Evaluating the cumulative effects of alteration on New England wetlands. Environmental Management 12, 627–636 (1988). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01867541
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01867541