We performed a quantitative assessment of the impact of impingement at power plants on the Hudson River white perch population We estimated that impingement reduces the abundance of each white perch year class by at least 10% and probably by 15–20% or more after 2–3 years of vulnerability to power plants We attempted to detect effects of impingement on average year-class abundance of white perch from a time series of abundance indices derived from impingement data We found, however, that neither impingement collection rates observed at Hudson River power plants nor beach seine data provide a reliable index of year-class strength in white perch. Even if a reliable index were developed, natural fluctuations in year-class strength are great enough that a short-term monitoring program would be inadequate for detecting even a large reduction in average year-class strength. We performed a multipopulation analysis using simple food chain and food web models The results suggest that any long-term decline in white perch abundance caused by impingement should be accompanied by an increase in the abundance of one or more competing fish species and by an increase in the biomass of adult white perch relative to young-of-the-year.
We conclude that 1) at present, assessments of population-level impact of impingement should focus on short-term effects, 2) research is needed to develop a reliable index of year-class strength for use in long-term monitoring programs, 3) identification and quantification of natural environmental factors influencing year-class strength are needed to improve our ability to predict and detect changes in abundance, and 4) it would be useful in designing monitoring programs to focus on detecting patterns of change among populations and age groups rather than solely on declines in abundance of individual populations
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Research sponsored by the Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research, US Nuclear Regulatory Commission under Interagency Agreement No. 40-550-75 with the US Department of Energy under Contract W-7405-eng-26 with Union Carbide Corporation. Publication No. 2030, Environmental Sciences Division, ORNL.
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Barnthouse, L.W., Van Winkle, W. & Vaughan, D.S. Impingement losses of white perch at Hudson River power plants: Magnitude and biological significance. Environmental Management 7, 355–364 (1983). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01866918
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01866918