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The relation between the heat flow field and the distribution ofPn-wave velocities for the European continent

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Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica Aims and scope Submit manuscript


Зaвuсuмосmь меж¶rt;угрaнuчнымu скоросmямu nро¶rt;ольных волн в¶rt;оль nоверхносmu Мохоровuчuчa (Pn) u mеnловым nоmоком, mемnерamуроŭ нa nоверхносmu мaнmuu u мощносmью земноŭ коры нa mеррumорuu Евроnы былa uссле¶rt;овaнa в связu с воnросомгорuзонmaльных нео¶rt;норо¶rt;носmеŭ в верхнеŭ мaнmuu. Для mеррumорuu Евроnы былa соmaвленa схемa uзмененuя скоросmеŭ Pn-волн нa nоверхносmu Мохоровuчuчa. Прuво¶rt;ящuеся в лumерamуре ¶rt;aнные о резульmamaх лaборamорных uссле¶rt;овaнuŭ фuзuческuх своŭсmв nоро¶rt; верхнеŭ мaнmuu в условuях высокuх ¶rt;aвленuŭ u mемnерamур хорощо сооmвеmсmвуюm резульmamaм nре¶rt;лaгaемоŭ рaбоmы. Был с¶rt;елaн выво¶rt;, чmо регuонaльные uзмененuя скоросmеŭ Pn-волн нa евроnеŭском конmuненmе можно в ¶rt;осmamочно мере объяснumь uзмененuямu mемnерamуры u ¶rt;aвленuя нa nоверхносmu Мохоровuчuчa.


The dependence of Pn-wave velocities on the heat flow, temperature at the crustmantle boundary and the thickness of the Earth's crust in Europe was investigated in relation to the problem of lateral inhomogeneities in the upper mantle. A map was constructed of the distribution of Pn-wave velocities on the territory of Europe. The relations these investigations yielded, were compared with the results of laboratory experiments and all the results are discussed from the physical point of view. The conclusion drawn is that that temperature and pressure effect provide a sufficient explanation of the observed regional changes of Pn-wave velocities for the European continent.

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Kubík, J. The relation between the heat flow field and the distribution ofPn-wave velocities for the European continent. Stud Geophys Geod 30, 60–78 (1986).

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