Sex-linked and sex-influenced inheritance are of interest because of their relation to the still intriguing problem of sex detrmination. Genes involved in the formation of the sex organs are regarded to be sex-determining genes. These genes may be present in all chromosomes including the sex-chromosomes. Other genes present in the sex-chromosomes, but not involved in sex determination, are the sex-linked genes. A mutation for narrow leaves we came across in ourM. ablum material is regarded as a case of sex linkage. Also the certation effect observed inM. album andM. dioicum must have been caused by genes on the sex-chromosomes. In both cases, however, it is not altogether unikekely, that the genes, regarded as sex-linked ones, actually take in the process of sex-determination.
Sex-determining genes might influence the effect of other genes, that are therefore called sex-influenced genes. We observed a number of such sex-influenced characters inMelandrium.
InM. album, female plants are, on the whole, larger than male plants, having larger stems and leaves. The petals, however, are larger in male plants, except in families with very broad petals. The leaves and petals are narrower in female plants than in male ones, except in families with very broad leaves and families with broad petals, where the difference in shape was no longer present. Usually, slightly more anthocyanin is formed in male plants than in females both in petals and the green parts. More glandular hairs were observed on male plants than on female ones.
Insofar the observations were made inM. dioicum the same results were obtained.
We regard these phenomena to be an expression of the different physiological conditions in female and in male plants, these conditions being provoked by the sex-determinging genes and more favourable for vegetative growth in female than in male plants.
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Van Nigtevecht, G. Genetic studies in dioecious melandrium. I. Genetica 37, 281–306 (1966). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01547140
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01547140