This is the first of two papers in which we discuss a nonperturbatively modified solution to the Euclidean Dyson-Schwinger equations for the 7 superficially divergent proper verticesΓ of QCD. It takes the formΣ n g 2n Γ(n) where eachΓ(n) approaches its perturbative form at large momenta. At lower momenta, it differs from that form by an additional non-analyticg 2 dependence through a dynamical mass scaleb, proportional toΛ qcd and associated with a pole dependence on the momentum invariants. In the zeroth-order two-point functions, these nonperturbative modifications amount to a generalized Schwinger mechanism, leading to propagators without particle poles. The termsΓ(0), representing the Feynman rules of the modified iterative solution, can become self-consistent in the DS equations through a mechanism of “nonperturbative logarithms” which we explain. The mechanism is tied to the presence of divergent loops, and thus represents a pure quantum effect, similar to quantum anomalies. It restricts formation of nonperturbativeΓ(0)'s to the 7 primitively divergent vertices, thus escaping the infinite nature of the DS hierarchy. In a given loop order, the self-consistency problem reduces to a finite set of algebraic equations.
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