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We would like to thank R. S. Cohen, B. Dreben, R. Jackiw, J. Polchinski, H. Putnam, J. Renn, D. Robinson, A. Shimony, and S. Weinberg for critically reading the manuscript and giving us their comments and suggestions. During the course of this work, we have benefited from helpful conversations with S. Adler, W. Bardeen, L. M. Brown, R. S. Cohen, S. Coleman, B. Dreben, M. Fisher, H. Georgi, S. Glashow, D. Gross, R. Jackiw, K. Johnson, L. Kadanoff, G. Lepage, E. Lieb, F. Low, D. Nelson, J. Polchinski, H. Putnam, J. Renn, H. Schnitzer, A. Shimony, S. Saunders, G. 't Hooft, M. Veltman, S. Weinberg, A. S. Wightman, F. Wilczek, K. Wilson, T. T. Wu, and Y. Yao. Our work has been supported in part by a grant from the National Science Foundation (DIR-9014412 (4-59070)).
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Cao, T.Y., Schweber, S.S. The conceptual foundations and the philosophical aspects of renormalization theory. Synthese 97, 33–108 (1993).
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