This work deals with idealized modelling experiments designed to understand the dynamical evolution of low frequency intraseasonal monsoonal oscillations that result from interactions between the large scale monsoon Reverse Hadley Cell (RHC) and moist convective processes. The monsoon differential heating, which primarily determines the low-level convergence of the large-scale monsoon flow, is found to play a decisive role in affecting the northward progression of the monsoonal modes. A strong north-south differential heating leads to a robust generation and steady maintenance of northward propagating monsoonal oscillations. A weaker land-ocean thermal contrast leads to feeble low frequency monsoonal modes that have relatively longer periods in the 30–50 day band. This increase in the period of the monsoonal oscillations due to weak north-south thermal contrast is in good agreement with the observational findings of Yasunari (1980) and Kasture and Keshavamurty (1987). It is speculated that such an increase in the oscillatory period may be an outcome from an elongation in the meridional scale of the transient Hadley type cells which act as resonating cavities for the monsoonal modes.
A Mobile Wave CISK (MWC) form of interaction between the large scale monsoon and the transient circulations associated with the Madden Julian Oscillation (MJO) is projected as a viable physical mechanism for the northward movement of low frequency modes. It is demonstrated that the effective low level convergence, following such an interaction, tends to shift northward relative to the site of interaction. This enables the heating perturbations to be displaced northward which in turn causes the secondary circulations and wind perturbations to follow. The essential criterion for the occurrence of a prolonged northward propagation of the low frequency modes is that the heating perturbations should phase lead the wind perturbations at all times.
An examination of the ψ-χ interactions on the 30–50 day time scale reveals that the conversion from the transient divergent motions to rotational motions is quite intense (feeble) in the strong (weak) monsoon differential heating experiments. Because of the closer proximity to the monsoon heat source and also due to the latitudinal variation of earth's rotational effects, the ψ-χ interactions tend to be more pronounced to the north of 15°N while they are less robust in the near equatorial latitudes.
The regularity of the monsoonal modes is found to depend on the strength of the monsoon differential heating and also on the periodic behaviour of the equatorial intraseasonal oscillations. The monsoonal modes are quite steady and exhibit extreme regularity in the presence of a weak north-south differential heating provided the equatorial forcing due to the MJO varies in a periodic manner. This result supports the findings of Mehta and Krishnamurti (1988) who found greater regularity of the 30–50 day modes during bad monsoon years.
The low frequency monsoonal modes are found to be quite sensitive to the moisture availability factor (m) and the vertical profile of heating used in the MWC parameterization. A small increase in the value of (m) is found to significantly intensify the amplitude of the monsoonal oscillations while there is no considerable shift in the spectral frequency within the 30–50 day band as such. The 30–50 day motions show significant enhancement, with a relatively sharp spectral peak around 45 days, when the vertical profile of MWC heating has a maximum in the lower troposphere. However an upward displacement of the heating maximum tends to weaken the low frequency oscillations.
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Krishnan, R., Venkatesan, C. Mechanisms of low frequency intraseasonal oscillations of the Indian summer monsoon. Meteorl. Atmos. Phys. 62, 101–128 (1997).
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