This study investigates the relationship between postmaterial values and the New Environmental Paradigm in Canada (Ontario) and the United States (Michigan). Based on survey data collected among both citizens and environmental activists, it is evident that among both Canadian and American respondents of both citizen and activist type the two value dimensions are similarly multidimensional and separate. Rather than reflecting a single larger dimension of value orientation, as claimed by some, it is clear that the Inglehart postmaterialist value measure and the Dunlap and Van Liere NEP index are separate constructs in the thinking of the Canadians and Americans surveyed. While these findings were parallel in the Canadian and American settings, a number of cross-national differences in how these values influence attitudes and behaviors are reported. In general, these findings underscore the need to continue to focus on variations in the cultural context of citizen responses to postindustrial change.
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Steger, M.A.E., Pierce, J.C., Steel, B.S. et al. Political culture, postmaterial values, and the new environmental paradigm: A comparative analysis of Canada and the United States. Polit Behav 11, 233–254 (1989). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00992298
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00992298