The rate of protein synthesis by the neurosecretory cells in the pars intercerebralis and in the corpora allata was determined by autoradiography. Bees that forage throughout the day display a daily rhythm in that rate; the synthesis curve could be shifted considerably in each of two different training experiments.
The total amount of protein synthesized per day is distinctly greater for bees that collect all day than for those with activity limited by the training schedule.
The corpora allata also exhibit a daily rhythm in protein synthesis, and this too can be altered by training. The relationship to collecting activity are less clear than in the case of the pars intercerebralis, but are similar in direction of shift.
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We thank Mrs. L. v. Szczepanski for valuable assistance in preparing the autoradiographs; funds and equipment for their preparation were supplied by the Gesellschaft für Strahlen- und Umweltforschung m.b.H. Neuherberg/München (Institute of Biology: Prof. O. Hug).
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Vogel, H., Heinzeller, T. & Renner, M. Daily protein synthesis in the pars intercerebralis and corpora allata ofApis mellifica L. with and without training to a foraging schedule. J. Comp. Physiol. 118, 51–60 (1977).
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