The lunar interior is comprised of two major petrological provinces: (1) an outer zone several hundred km thick which experienced partial melting and crystallization differentiation 4.4–4.6 b.y. ago to form the lunar crust together with an underlying complementary zone of ultramafic cumulates and residua, and (2) the primordial deep interior which was the source region for mare basalts (3.2–3.8 b.y.) and had previously been contaminated to varying degrees with highly fractionated material derived from the 4.4–4.6 b.y. differentiation event. In both major petrologic provinces, basaltic magmas have been produced by partial melting. The chemical characteristics and high-pressure phase relationships of these magmas can be used to constrain the bulk compositions of their respective source regions.
Primitive low-Ti mare basalts (e.g., 12009, 12002, 15555 and Green Glass) possessing high normative olivine and high Mg and Cr contents, provide the most direct evidence upon the composition of the primordial deep lunar interior. This composition, as estimated on the basis of high pressure equilibria displayed by the above basalts, combined with other geochemical criteria, is found to consist of orthopyroxene + clinopyroxene + olivine with total pyroxenes > olivine, 100 MgO/(MgO + FeO) = 75–80, about 4% of CaO and Al2O3 and 2× chondritic abundances of REE, U and Th. This composition is similar to that of the earth's mantle except for a higher pyroxene/olivine ratio and lower 100 MgO/(MgO + FeO).
The lunar crust is believed to have formed by plagioclase elutriation within a vast ocean of parental basaltic magma. The composition of the latter is found experimentally by removing liquidus plagioclase from the observed mean upper crust (gabbroic anorthosite) composition, until the resulting composition becomes multiply saturated with plagioclase and a ferromagnesian phase (olivine). This parental basaltic composition is almost identical with terrestrial oceanic tholeiites, except for partial depletion in the two most volatile components, Na2 and SiO2. Similarity between these two most abundant classes of lunar and terrestrial basaltic magmas strongly implies corresponding similarities between their source regions. The bulk composition of the outer 400 km of the Moon as constrained by the 4.6-4.4 b.y. parental basaltic magma is found to be peridotitic, with olivine > pyroxene, 100 MgO/ (MgO + FeO) ∼ 86, and about 2× chondritic abundances of Ca, Al and REE. The Moon thus appears to have a zoned structure, with the deep interior (below 400 km) possessing somewhat higher contents of FeO and SiO2 than the outer 400 km. This zoned model, derived exclusively on petrological grounds, provides a quantitative explanation of the Moon's mean density, moment of inertia and seismic velocity profile.
The bulk composition of the entire Moon, thus obtained, is very similar to the pyrolite model composition for the Earth's mantle, except that the Moon is depleted in Na (and other volatile elements) and somewhat enriched in iron. The similarity in major element composition extends also to the abundances of REE, U and Th. These compositional similarities, combined with the identity in oxygen isotope ratios between the Moon and the Earth's mantle, are strongly suggestive of a common genetic relationship.
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Ringwood, A.E. Basaltic magmatism and the bulk composition of the moon. The Moon 16, 389–423 (1977). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00577901
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00577901