Sections of undemineralized tooth germs ofAmbystoma andTriturus were examined. The ultrastructure of early germs, both larval and adult, and of dentinogenesis, resembled that of mammals. In adult bicuspid teeth, once the dentine of the cusps was mineralized, mineral crystals of a similar size to early mammalian enamel crystals, appeared between the dentine and the inner dental epithelium (i.d.e). Concomitantly, the i.d.e showed features of mammalian secreting ameloblasts. This new layer, regarded as true enamel, lacked collagen, possessed an ordered arrangement of crystals and reached a maximum thickness of 6 μm.
In larval monocuspid teeth, once dentine mineralization had reached the plasma membranes of the i.d.e at the tip of the cusp, the i.d.e developed a ruffled border. At this stage the dentine of the tip, regarded as enameloid, was very hard and difficult to section. The ruffled border, characteristic of other cells which transport materials, was regarded as indicating that the i.d.e was removing organic matter from the enameloid. The differences in development between larval and adult teeth support the concept that there is a change in cellular activity of the i.d.e which occurs during metamorphosis from the larval to the adult urodele.
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Smith, M.M., Miles, A.E.W. The ultrastructure of odontogenesis in larval and adult urodeles; differentiation of the dental epithelial cells. Z.Zellforsch 121, 470–498 (1971).
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