Human lymphocytes, stimulated by PHA, and exposed to increasing Na2HAsO4 concentrations, show an identical incorporation rate for14C thymidine and14C-TTP into the DNA.14C uridine is incorporated 3–4% less at an As concentration of 1.0 µg/ml medium, above this however approximately 15% less into the RNA as compared to14C-UTP. In free pyrimidine bases, the incorporation of labelled triphosphates into the DNA and RNA is significantly reduced above 1 µg and 10 µg Na2HAsO4. Corresponding to its approximately uniform distribution into DNA and RNA, the incorporation rate of14C-ATP above 10 µg Na2HAsO4/ml culture medium lies between that of14C-UTP and14C-TTP. The incorporation of14C alanine and14C leucine into cellular protein is not reduced below 10 µg Na2HAsO4/ml. medium. The incorporation rate is 41% at a concentration of 100 µg Na2HAsO4/ml medium. Compared to14C-UTP,14C-ATP and14C-TTP it is increased by the factor of 1.8; 2.5 and 6.8 respectively. The inhibition of enzymes of the dark repair mechanisms and the synthesis of biopolymers together with their altered sequence and the involvement of long-lived messenger RNA serve as an explanation of the observed alterations of the lymphocyte metabolism, caused by arsenic.
Steigenden Na2HAsO4-Konzentrationen ausgesetzte PHA-stimulierte menschliche Lymphocyten zeigen eine identische Inkorporationsrate für14C-Thymidin und14C-TTP in die DNA.14C-Uridin wird unterhalb einer As-Dosis von 1,0 µg/ml Medium um 3–4%, oberhalb davon aber um ca. 15% weniger in die RNA eingebaut als14C-UTP. Wie im Fall der freien Pyrimidin-Basen ist auch bei Verwendung der markierten Triphosphate die Inkorporation in die DNA und RNA oberhalb 1 µg bzw. 10 µg Na2HAsO4 signifikant erniedrigt. Entsprechend ihrer etwa gleichmäßigen Verteilung in die DNA und RNA liegt die Inkorporationsrate für14C-ATP oberhalb 10 µg Na2HAsO4/ml Kulturmedium zwischen der von14C-UTP und14C-TTP. Der Einbau von14C-Alanin und14C-Leucin in das celluläre Protein ist erst ab 10 µg Na2HAsO4/ml Medium erniedrigt. Ihre, bei einer Dosis von 100 µgNa2HAsO4/ml Medium noch vorhandene Einbauaktivität von 41% ist um den Faktor 1,8; 2,5 bzw. 6,8 höher als die von14C-UTP,14C-ATP und14C-TTP. Die Inhibition von Enzymen der dark-repair-Mechanismen und der Synthese von Biopolymeren sowie deren veränderte Sequenz durch Enzym-vermittelten Fehleinbau und die Beteiligung langlebiger messenger-RNA werden zur Erklärung der beobachteten Arsen-bedingten Alterationen des Lymphocyten-Stoffwechsels herangezogen.
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This study was carried out with the support of the foundation Volkswagenwerk Hannover.
Dedicated to Prof. Dr. G. Leonhardi, on his 60th birthday.
Substantial parts of this study will be presented by Mrs. I. Frischmuth as a dissertation of the medical faculty of the University of Freiburg i. Br.
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Baron, D., Kunick, I., Frischmuth, I. et al. Further in vitro studies on the biochemistry of the inhibition of nucleic acid and protein synthesis induced by arsenic. Arch. Derm. Res. 253, 15–22 (1975).
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