Several studies were made on the influence of physiological and psychological activation on motor patterns of handwriting. The test series included both intra-individual, conditional and also inter-individual, constitutional variables.
The following questions are studied:
direct activation effects after pharmacological stimulation,
the results of compensation of disturbances in handwriting, as well as the positive effect of the pharmacological stimulant on the compensation process,
the effect of individual variations in the degree of achievement motivation and in the degree of physiological activation.
The motor effects are discussed with particular reference to spontaneous and activity-induced dynamics, and their importance for pharmaco-therapeutic questions is briefly mentioned.
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Die Untersuchungen wurden durch Mittel der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft und der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Forschung des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen gefördert.
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Grünewald, G., Mücher, H. Über den Einfluß zentraler Funktionsaktivierung auf die Schreibmotorik. Psychopharmacologia 5, 372–389 (1964).
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