The long-term effects of psychotropic agents are reviewed. Major studies are summarized with attention focused on samples studied, criteria of outcome (i.e., rehospitalization, symptoms, vocational adjustment), and findings regarding the role of social and biographical variables on long-term adjustment within the context of chemotherapy.
There is evidence that chlorpromazine has reduced the rate of relapse among schizophrenics; however, more precise knowledge as to the specific long-range effects of chemotherapy is still lacking. Investigators hold widely differing views on the role of drug therapy in long-term adjustment; the contradictions observed in the literature stem from results derived from generally faulty research designs. The limitations of design consistently encountered in these studies are noted. Means of resolving them are discussed with reference to a few welldesigned studies.
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Supported, in part, by grants MH-02715 and MH-04798 from the National Institute of Mental Health, United States Public Health Service.
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Gittelman, R.K., Klein, D.F. & Pollack, M. Effects of psychotropic drugs on long-term adjustment. Psychopharmacologia 5, 317–338 (1964).
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