A new procedure for studying dominant-subordinate (D-S) relationship in pairs of rats, competing for food, is described. The experimental design has the advantage of being stable for a long time without “spontaneous” D-S reversals. The method was used for testing the effects of pimozide, a highly potent and long-acting neuroleptic, on D-S behaviour. Treating the dominant rat of a pair (subcutaneously, 4 h before the test session), a significant weakening of the initially strong D-S relationship was demonstrated with a dose of 0.16 mg/kg, while 0.63 mg/kg of pimozide resulted in a nearly complete D-S reversal. Significant changes of D-S relationship were not observed when the subordinate rat was treated with 0.08, 0.16 or 0.31 mg/kg of pimozide. The results point at a normalizing effect of pimozide on social interaction through inhibition of aggressive behaviour.
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Desmedt, L.K.C., Van Bruggen, J.A.A. & Niemegeers, C.J.E. The effects of pimozide on dominant-subordinate behaviour in wistar rats competing for food. Psychopharmacologia 31, 49–62 (1973). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00429298
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00429298