The cardiovascular changes (increase of forearm blood flow, of systolic and diastolic blood pressure and of heart rate) during a defined short-term emotional stress situation (Stroop interference test and mental arithmetic) were used as variables to determine the duration of action of two tranquillizers in a double-blind study on 9 subjects. Neither 10 mg of mesoridazine nor 20 mg of thioridazine inhibited the stress-induced cardiovascular changes 8 hours after oral intake. Therefore, in connection with earlier studies from this laboratory, it can be stated that the duration of the action of the two tranquillizers in the used doses lasts more than one and less than eight hours,
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Konzett, H., Berner, W. & Lochs, H. Emotionally induced cardiovascular changes in man as a means for the investigation of tranquillizing drugs. Psychopharmacologia 30, 75–82 (1973). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00422795
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00422795