Coronas around quartz xenocrysts in andesite and basalt from Tertiary volcanics in northeastern Shikoku, Japan, have been described. The coronas are composed mainly of Ca-rich clinopyroxene and glass. Compositional profiles across the corona glass show monotonous variation of major elements except for alkalis. Preliminary experiment on the reaction between basaltic melt and quartz has shown that alkalis diffused against their concentration gradients. This particular feature of alkali enrichment in corona glass is explained by a diffusion model, in which non-ideality of alkalis in silicate melt is assumed. Preferred crystallization of Ca-rich clinopyroxene in coronas of orthopyroxene andesite is discussed using a chemical potential diagram in the system SiO2-CaO-RO (RO=MgO+FeO), and it is suggested that higher (Na+K)/Al ratio of the corona glass, which increases the effective CaO concentration and thus increases the μ CaO/μ RO, is responsible for the preferred crystallization of Ca-rich clinopyroxene.
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Sato, H. Diffusion coronas around quartz xenocrysts in andesite and basalt from Tertiary volcanic region in northeastern Shikoku, Japan. Contr. Mineral. and Petrol. 50, 49–64 (1975). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00385221
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00385221