The origin and measurement of residual stresses and their effect on the transverse stability of circular saws are discussed, with emphasis placed on nondestructive stress analyses, their limits of application, and their possible adaptation to the measurement of residual stresses in circular saws. Saw stability variations can be computed once the stress distribution is known. Evaluation of the X-ray diffraction technique and the ultrasonic and magnetic methods were considered for this purpose.
Alternatively, saw stability can be related to resonance and bending stiffness measurements in specific modes. However, the state of stress cannot be inferred from these tests. For saw stability prediction, measurement of the state of stress is more essential than are direct stiffness measurements.
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The authors would like to express their gratitude to Professor R. M. Bragg, Department of Material Science and Engineering, U. C. Berkeley, and to Dr. R. L. Gause and Mr. W. N. Clotfelter, Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Alabama, for valuable suggestions and permission to use X-ray and ultrasonic equipment. The authors are also grateful for the financial support of the project from the University of California Forest Products Laboratory; the California Cedar Products Company, Stockton; the California Saw, Knife and Grinding Company, San Francisco; Sun Studs, Roseburg, Oregon; Weyerhaeuser Company, Tacoma, Washington; and McIntire-Stennis Funds.
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Szymani, R., Mote, C.D. A review of residual stresses and tensioning in circular saws. Wood Science and Technology 8, 148–161 (1974).
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