From the 5th day up to the end of 3rd week following local crushing of the frog ventricle myocardium, ca. 13% of myocyte nuclei, in the vicinity of the damaged zone, were labelled after a single 3H-thymidine (3HTdr) injection, and 30–50% of these were labelled after repeated 3HTdr administration. The number of myocyte mitoses was maximal (ca. 1.3%) at the beginning of the 3rd week. The reactive proliferation of myocytes was accompanied by their “partial dedifferentiation”. This involved the nuclear euchromatic rearrangement, increase in size of nuclei and nucleoli, accumulation of the sarcoplasm rich in free ribosomes and rough endoplasmic reticulum, hyperplasia of the Golgi apparatus, and the appearance of 80–100 Å in diameter cytofilaments. Electron microscope autoradiography has shown that all these changes may be more or less pronounced in myocytes incorporating 3HTdr. The myofibril ultrastructure was found to be unchanged during S phase. However, in the mitotically dividing myocytes, the majority of Z-disks were disintegrated resulting in progressive release of myofilament bundles. Both 3HTdr labelled and mitotic myocytes were anchored to the adjacent ones by desmosomes and intercalated disks. No free myoblasts were observed.
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This work is dedicated to the memory of the late Professor Dr. L. N. Zhinkin. The helpful assistance of V. M. Semonov in operating of electron microscope is gratefully acknowledged.
With technical participation of N. V. Seina.
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Rumyantsev, P.P. Post-injury DNA synthesis, mitosis and ultrastructural reorganization of adult frog cardiac myocytes. Z.Zellforsch 139, 431–450 (1973).
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