Geochemical analyses were interpreted on the dominant lithological units and on a deep crustal fluid from the Continental Deep Drilling Project (KTB) Pilot Hole, situated at the western margin of the Variscan Bohemian Massif. The biotite gneiss (from 384 m depth) shows a rare earth element pattern very similar to the European shale composite with Nd model ages of 940 Ma (CHUR) and 1.4 Ga (DM). The lamprophyre dike in the upper profile (1549 m), a nepheline and olivine normative basalt, is geochemically and isotopically similar to rocks from the Tertiary Central European Volcanic Province. The lower metabasite sequence (3575–4000 m), with an intrusion age of approximately 500 Ma, is made up primarily of highly metamorphosed subalkalic olivine basalts. The geochemical characteristics of the metabasites are a (La/Yb)N of 5–10, an La concentration of 20–50 times chondrite as well as (87Sr/86Sr)i of 0.7035–0.7038 and ɛεNd(T) of 4–6. These values suggest a depleted mantle source for the igneous precursors, evolving by assimilation-fractional crystallization processes with up to 25% of upper crust into the ultramafic, basaltic, and intermediate rock types of the metabasite sequence. The strong geochemical and chronological similarities between the KTB metabasites and rocks from the Münchberg Massif suggest that these units belong to the same lithological complex. The high salinity as well as the radiogenic 87Sr/86Sr ratio of 0.709413 in the KTB fluid from 4000 m depth might be the result of migrating fluids reacting with the regional Permo-Mesozoic evaporite deposits, followed by extensive Sr isotopic exchange with the upper crust.
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Teichmann, F., Basu, A.R. Nd-Sr isotopic and trace element study of rocks and fluids from the continental deep drilling Project (KTB), Germany. Geol Rundsch 85, 162–171 (1996). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00192074
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00192074