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Classification of schoenus communities in South and Southeast Sweden

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Vegetatio Aims and scope Submit manuscript


The Schoenus phytocoenoses of South and South-eastern Sweden have been sampled by 189 relevés of standard areas (4 m2) and divided into clusters using the TABORD program on two homotoneity levels. Two Schoenus associations and five potential nuclei of associations, mainly Schoenus nigricans phytocoena, have been distinguished.

The species have been divided into twelve groups on the basis of similarities in distribution amongst phytocoena and assumed environmental preferences. Acidophilous or indifferent species together with common mire species are characteristics of the Oxycoccus-Schoenus ferrugineus association, while basiphilous and wet-meadow species are typical of the Primula-Schoenus ferrugineus association and the Fissidens-Schoenus nigricans phytocoenon. The Primula-Schoenus ferrugineus association is characterized by species associated with Tofieldietalia and Eriophorion latifolii, while in the Oxycoccus-Schoenus ferrugineus association also Scheuchzerio-Caricetalia and Oxycocco-Sphagnetalia species play an important rôle. Another difference between the two associations is that hemicryptophytes and helomorphes dominate in the Primula-Schoenus ferrugineus association, while in the Oxycoccus-Schoenus ferrugineus association dwarf shrubs, hydrophytes and hydromorphes are rather common.

The properties of the homotoneity and diversity indices used are compared and their compatibility is discussed.

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Tyler, C. Classification of schoenus communities in South and Southeast Sweden. Vegetatio 41, 69–84 (1980).

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