The recovery of a Cistus shrubland after experimental treatments (cutting, burning and ploughing) was studied to determine qualitative and quantitative differences in the secondary succession. The study was carried out in three experimental plots of 100 m2 each, in which five 1 m2 sampling units were fixed and surveyed for five years, estimating cover percentage of each plant species. The data were analysed by means of affinity indexes (Sorensen and Steinhaus Indexes). The results indicated that the cover of the woody species increased progressively, but the degree of recovery depended on the treatment, as well as on the time afterwards. The number of these species remained almost constant throughout the whole period. The herbaceous species diversity was higher in the two first years in all treatments. When treatments were compared, the greatest diversity occurred after cutting. The regeneration of the community occurred by autosuccession in which the diversity decreased when the dominance of Cistus increased, unlike the general trend of the classical theories. The recovery was very quick after all three treatments, which can be interpreted as a great resilience of this ecosystem.
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Tárrega, R., Luis-Calabuig, E. & Alonso, I. Comparison of the regeneration after burning, cutting and ploughing in a Cistus ladanifer shrubland. Vegetatio 120, 59–67 (1995). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00033458
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00033458