Examination of living and stained preserved embryos of the fundulid Adinia xenica from the intertidal salt marshes of the northern Gulf of Mexico, revealed a saltatory pattern of development. Embryonic structures indicate an ability to tolerate low oxygen conditions, primarily by extensive vascularization of the large yolksac and pericardial headfold, and capillaries covering the entire body. Adhesive fibres of the chorion hold the egg to the chosen substrate, away from anoxic sediments. Prior to hatching most embryos enter a resting interval of up to four weeks, with a mean duration of 8 days (in the laboratory). Growth ceases, development is limited to some skeletal calcification, and metabolic rate, as indicated by bradycardia and yolk resorption, is greatly reduced. This step distributes hatching and recruitment over time in a variety of environmental conditions. Hatching is considered to result from a variable summation of internal and external factors; ease of its induction increases during the resting interval. Upon hatching most embryos are well developed and ready to feed exogenously, there being essentially no free-embryo phase. The considerable individual variation in timing and relative order of some ontogenic events may provide opportunities for environmentally induced heterochronies and thus assist A. xenica to develop in a range of habitats and conditions. Reproductive style includes hiding the eggs in protected locations, and a fractional spawning pattern. Consideration of this plus morphological adaptations, egg size and adhesivity places A. xenica in the reproductive guild of brood-hiding cavity spawners.
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Cunningham, J.E.R., Balon, E.K. Early ontogeny of Adinia xenica (Pisces, Cyprinodontiformes): 1. The development of embryos in hiding. Environ Biol Fish 14, 115–166 (1985).
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