Correction to: Veterinary Research Communications

The authors regret that the original version of the above article contained errors:

In the legend of Figs. 3 and 4, the p value “P < 0.05” should instead have read “p < 0.05” and in the Table 3 the letter “P” of the “P value” should have been small letter “p” and are italicized. Figure 3 legend read as “RINe values” and “RINe ≤5, Moderate: 5 < RINe <6, High: RINe ≥6.” contains the subscript letter “e” instead of a superscript letter “e”. This should have been read as “RINe values” and” RINe ≤ 5, Moderate: 5 < RINe < 6, High: RINe ≥ 6”.

The original article has been corrected.