Erratum to: Breast Cancer Res Treat (2012) 134:511–517 DOI 10.1007/s10549-012-2079-4

Figure 1c in the original publication had nuclear lamin B controls inserted in both the cytoplasm and nucleus sets. The revised Fig. 1c show the correct GAPDH controls. The authors regret this error.

Fig. 1
figure 1

a Proposed hypothesis: Small molecule inhibitors of BRCT(BRCA1)–phosphoprotein interaction will increase the sensitivity of cancer cells to DNA damage based therapeutics. The inhibitor is represented as a red X. b Competitive inhibition curves for BRCT(BRCA1) inhibitor peptides 1 (Ac-pSPTF-CO2H) and 2 (Ac-R10 G-pSPTF-CO2H). c IP and IB studies with and without the BRCT inhibitor 2 in the presence and absence of IR-induced DNA damage