The current outbreak of the Ebola virus occurred in the West Africa and it is the largest and more lethal outbreak in the history of Ebola virus. Thousands of peoples were infected along with thousands of death. The first case of current outbreak of Ebola virus was reported from Guine´e Forestie` re (Forested Guinea), eastern area of Guinea in December 2013 (Ahmad, 2014; Baize et al., 2014; Gatherer, 2014). But in March 2014 the diseases spread so much fast and infected the surrounding countries Liberia and Sierra Leone. While in August 2014 the Ebola virus were reported from the Nigeria (Ahmad, 2014).

Slowly and gradually the disease spread in the neighboring countries and also to the other parts of the world where the Ebola virus cases were reported includes United State of America, United Kingdom, Spain, Democratic republic of Congo, Senegal and Mali. Confirmation of the current Ebola virus cases shows traveling history to the affected areas. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) published a report in which they prohibited unnecessary entry to those areas where the current outbreak occurred. Still the disease is much more in progress in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone.

According to CDC, World Health Organization (WHO) updated on 31 December 2014 the total number of suspected cases, total number of laboratory confirmed cases and total death were given in Table 1 . The death rate was reported high. From Mali, Democratic Republic of Congo and Guinea 75%, 74.24% and 63.13% death rate were reported respectively (Table 1 and Fig. 1 ).


TNC: Total No. of cases; TNLC: Total No. of Laboratory confirmed cases; TND: Total No. of deaths

Table 1. Details information and country wise distribution of current Ebola virus outbreak
Figure 1.
figure 1

Country wise distribution of Ebola virus disease (CDC, 2014a). TNC: Total No. of cases; TNLC: Total No. of Laboratory confirmed cases; TND: Total No. of deaths

Figure 2.
figure 2

Map of the most affected countries (Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone). Map was taken from the CDC site (CDC, 2014b).