It is well known that mediation effect, the indirect effect from one variable to another variable through other variables (Baron & Kenny, 1986), is popular now in behavioral research. A more complicated effect, moderated mediation, is a mediation effect that is moderated; that is, the indirect effect depends on the values of one or more variables (Preacher et al., 2007). The indirect effect conditional on a particular set of value(s) of the moderator(s) is called the conditional indirect effect (Preacher et al., 2007). This effect has been gaining popularity in behavioral research because it can enrich our understanding of an indirect effect. There are many tools available for estimating indirect effects and conditional indirect effects. For example, PROCESS (Hayes, 2022), which supports SAS, SPSS, and R, can analyze a large variety of models with mediation, moderation, and moderated mediation. However, it only supports regression models estimated by ordinary least squares (OLS) or logistic regression. The package mediation (Tingley et al., 2014) supports more types of models, such as multiple regression, generalized linear models, and survival regression models. Most structural equation modeling (SEM) programs also support the estimation and testing of indirect effects, although for conditional indirect effects, additional programming is usually needed. To complement existing tools in terms of models supported and the ease of use, we developed manymome, which allows users to fit a wide variety of models (hence many in the name) using either SEM or multiple regression, and then estimate and test indirect effects and conditional indirect effects in paths in the fitted model, without the need to define in advance any user parameters in the SEM models or specify in advance the paths of interest in fitting the regression models. It also yields correct bootstrap confidence intervals (CI) for standardized indirect and conditional indirect effects, the latter not easy to form and sometimes incorrectly formed using existing tools.

In this manuscript, we first review the computation of indirect effects and conditional indirect effects using the estimates of path coefficients. We then present the two-step workflow which is adopted by manymome. Several numerical examples are used to illustrate how to use manymome to estimate indirect and conditional indirect effects and form their bootstrap confidence intervals (CIs). Lastly, we compare manymome with some existing tools to highlight its strengths and limitations so that researchers can select the tools suitable for their data and models.

Estimating indirect effects and conditional indirect effects

We first briefly review how the indirect effects and conditional indirect effects in a path model are estimated, which is essential for understanding the flexibility offered by the two-step workflow adopted by manymome and other tools. We use the model in Fig. 1 for illustration. It has two predictors, x1 and x2, two outcome variables, y1 and y2, and three mediators. The conceptual model illustrates the role of w1 and w2 as moderators, and the working model is the model actually tested, with moderation effects modeled by the inclusion of the product terms w1x1 and w2m2. This model, though arbitrary and complicated, is designed to reflect the complexity in models in published research (e.g., Chamorro-Premuzic & Furnham, 2008, tested a model with two predictors, three mediators, and two paths; Scott & Woods, 2018, tested a model with four mediators and two paths). It includes features common in applied research: mediation paths not moderated (e.g., x2 → m3 → y2, x2 → m1 → m2 → y2), moderation (e.g., x1 → m1 moderated by w1, m2 → y1 moderated by w2), and moderated mediation (x1 → m1 → m2 → y1, with two component paths moderated). We include two predictors and two outcome variables (y1 and y2) to illustrate the advantage of using SEM to analyze a multivariate model as a whole, although we will also later discuss cases in which regression-based analysis is appropriate and sufficient. Lastly, it is common that control variables, if any, are omitted from the diagram for readability. We follow this practice in Fig. 1, although two control variables, c1 and c2, are also included in the sample dataset and numerical examples to be introduced later, to simulate real research scenarios in which control variables are common.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Model 1: The conceptual model (left) and the working model (right) (variances, covariances, and error terms omitted for readability)

Indirect effects

The indirect effect is simply the product of the path coefficients along a path. For example, in Model 1, the indirect effect in x2 → m3 → y2 is a23b32. The indirect effect in x1 → m3 → y2 is a13b32. Although m1 is usually called a mediator, if theoretically relevant, we can also estimate the indirect effect in m1 → m2 → y2, which is b12b22. The indirect effects through any other path that does not involve a moderator can be estimated similarly, regardless of where the path starts and ends.

For the standardized indirect effect of a path, the recommended standardized effect size measure for mediation effects (Miočević et al., 2018), regardless of the number of mediators along it, it is simply the indirect effect multiplied by SDx/SDy (Hayes, 2022)Footnote 1, where SDx and SDy are the standard deviation (SD) of the variable at the start of the path and the SD of the variable at the end of the path, respectively.Footnote 2 For example, the standardized indirect effect in x2 → m3 → y2 is \({a}_{23}{b}_{32}\left(S{D}_{x_2}/S{D}_{y_2}\right)\). If one of the variables has a meaningful unit, a partially standardized indirect effect can be computed by omitting the SD of this variable (Hayes, 2022). For example, if y2 is monthly salary and only x2 needs to be standardized, the partially standardized indirect effect in x2 → m3 → y2 is \({a}_{23}{b}_{32}\left(S{D}_{x_2}\right)\).

Computing the point estimates of an indirect effect is simple, but testing the effect and forming an interval estimate are not simple, because the sampling distribution of the estimate, being the product of two or more estimates, is nonnormal and asymmetric (Craig, 1936). Methods that form symmetric CIs, such as the method by Sobel (1982) and delta method in SEM, were found to have suboptimal performance in some conditions, such as giving confidence intervals that tended to be too narrow (e.g., Cheung, 2009). One of the commonly used methods is nonparametric bootstrapping (Efron & Tibshirani, 1993), described below. This method has been shown to perform satisfactorily in a wide range of situations for both unstandardized and standardized indirect effects (e.g., Cheung, 2009; Falk, 2018; Pesigan & Cheung, 2020).

To form a (1 − α)100% percentile nonparametric bootstrap CI to estimate and test an indirect effect, α the level of significance for the test and (1 − α) the level of confidence of the CI, R bootstrap samples are first drawn (each sample is a random draw of n cases with replacement from the source sample, n being the sample size). In each bootstrap sample, all the component paths are estimated and then the indirect effect is computed. Lastly, the corresponding percentiles of these R estimates are used to form the CI. For example, the 95th percentile nonparametric bootstrap CI of the indirect effect x2 → m3 → y2 is formed by drawing R bootstrap samples, computing the estimates of a23 and b32 and then a23b32 in each bootstrap sample, and using the 2.5th and 97.5th percentiles of these R bootstrap estimates of a23b32 to form the CI. For the standardized indirect effect, it is slightly more complicated. As shown by Cheung (2009), the SDs also need to be recomputed in each bootstrap sample. Therefore, in each bootstrap sample, the SDs of x2 and y2 are also computed, and the percentiles of the \({a}_{23}{b}_{32}\left(S{D}_{x_2}/S{D}_{y_2}\right)\) in the R bootstrap samples are used to form the CI.

Conditional indirect effects

When one or more component paths on a path involve one or more moderators, the indirect effect is moderated. The indirect effect computed as shown above is no longer meaningful unless the levels at which the moderators are zero are meaningful. Instead of estimating the indirect effect, it is necessary to determine the indirect effect for different levels of the moderators. The indirect effect for these levels of moderators is called the conditional indirect effect (Preacher et al., 2007).

A conditional indirect effect is also estimated by the product of the path coefficients along a path, although one or more path coefficients are computed conditional on the levels of the moderators. For example, the path x1 → m1 → m2 → y1 involves three component paths: x1 → m1, m1 → m2, and m2 → y2. However, the indirect effect cannot be computed by a11b12b21 because x1 → m1 is moderated by w1 and m2 → y1 is moderated by w2. That is, the effect from x1 to m1 is (a11 + d1w1), where d1 is the coefficient of the product term w1x1, and the effect from m2 to y1 is (b21 + d2w2), where d2 is the coefficient of the product term w2m2. Nevertheless, if we denote the effect from x1 to m1 with w1 = w1∗ by a11∗, and the effect from m2 to y1 with w2 = w2∗ by b21∗, then the conditional indirect effect in x1 → m1 → m2 → y1 when w1 = w1∗ and w2 = w2∗ can again be estimated by a product of path coefficients: a11∗b12b21∗. This applies to any other moderated paths in the model. For example, the path x2 → m1 → m2 → y1 only has one component path moderated: m2 → y1. The conditional indirect effect of this path when w2 = w2∗ is simply a21b12b21∗. Again, if meaningful, the conditional effect in m1 → m2 → y1 can be similarly estimated.

The standardized conditional indirect effect and partially standardized conditional indirect effect are the conditional indirect effects multiplied and divided by the corresponding SDs. For example, the standardized conditional indirect effect in the path x1 → m1 → m2 → y1 when w1 = w1∗ and w2 = w2∗ is \({a}_{11\ast }{b}_{12}{b}_{21\ast}\left(S{D}_{x_1}/S{D}_{y_1}\right)\). The partially standardized conditional indirect effect with y1 standardized, when w1 = w1∗ and w2 = w2∗, is \({a}_{11\ast }{b}_{12}{b}_{21\ast }/S{D}_{y_1}\).

Nonparametric percentile bootstrap CIs can also be formed for conditional indirect effects and standardized conditional indirect effects. For R bootstrap samples, the path coefficients, including those of the product terms, are estimated and then the conditional indirect effect is computed. The percentiles of these bootstrap estimates of the conditional indirect effect are then used to form the CI. For standardized and partially standardized conditional indirect effects, the corresponding SDs are also estimated in each bootstrap sample to compute the bootstrap estimates of the standardized or partially standardized conditional indirect effect for forming the CI.

The two-stage workflow of manymome

Some common tools for mediation, moderation, and moderated mediation require users to perform parameter estimation and estimation of indirect and conditional indirect effects in one step (e.g., PROCESS and most SEM programs). This one-stage workflow, despite its convenience, has its limitations. First, researchers may be restricted by this tool with regard to the model that can be estimated and on aspects such as the numbers of predictors, outcome variables, mediators, moderators, or the form of the model. Users may need to find a workaround to use these tools. For example, the indirect effects and conditional indirect effects in Fig. 1 cannot be directly estimated by PROCESS in one step. Users need to call PROCESS several times to estimate all the parameters and effects. If one more moderator is added to the path from x2 to y2, or from m1 to m2, then PROCESS cannot be used at all because it does not support a model with more than two moderators (at the time of writing). Some other tools dedicated to mediation or moderation also have these limitations (e.g., mediate() in the mediation package, Tingley et al., 2014). This limitation can be overcome readily by SEM using lavaan (Rosseel, 2012), Amos (Arbuckle, 2021), or Mplus (Muthén & Muthén, 2017). As long as researchers know how to define an effect, most indirect and conditional indirect effects, standardized or not, can be estimated by them.

However, this leads to the second limitation. Most SEM programs require users to define their own parameters for these effects, except for simple cases such as indirect effects, and only in some programs. For example, in lavaan, researchers need to define a parameter for every indirect effect before estimating a model. For conditional indirect effects, researchers also need to define all conditional indirect effects, including the values of the moderators, in advance (Miles et al., 2015). This means that, to explore a path or a level of moderator not defined in the model specification, the model syntax needs to be modified and the model refitted, which can be time-consuming when bootstrapping is required, and it can take even more time if missing data are also involved. Some programs, such as Amos, can enumerate all indirect effects automatically and report them, so that users do not need to decide which one to examine when specifying a model. However, when there is more than one path from one variable to another, Amos still requires researchers to define their own estimand for each path (Amos Development Corporation, 2021). For conditional indirect effects, especially standardized conditional indirect effects, the coding requirement is more demanding and error-prone because researchers need to know how to compute the SD of the outcome variable, which is not a free parameter in a model.Footnote 3 Users can “trick” the program to give the standardized conditional indirect effects by standardizing the variables before fitting a model. However, as shown by Cheung (2009), standardizing the variables before fitting the model in these SEM programs to form the bootstrap CIs for indirect effects, called naïve bootstrapping by Cheung, will yield incorrect bootstrap CIs (see also Cheung et al., 2022, on standardization in moderation).

As illustrated earlier, parameter estimation and bootstrapping do not depend on the indirect effects to be estimated and the levels of the moderators on which the conditional indirect effects are conditional. Therefore, to address some of the limitations in the one-stage workflow, a two-stage workflow can be used: estimate all parameters and SDs first in Stage 1, with bootstrapping if necessary, and use the estimates to compute and test any indirect or conditional indirect effects in Stage 2. Some tools for mediation and moderation have already adopted this workflow. For example, the package mediation (Tingley et al., 2014) supports using the output of a wide variety of functions for regression and similar models. Researchers can use these tools to estimate the parameters and then use mediate() in the package to test mediation or moderated mediation. Our goal in manymome is to adopt this approach to support both SEM and multiple regression for models commonly fitted in behavioral research that involves mediation, moderation, and/or moderated mediation, and form the bootstrap CI appropriately for standardized effects as described by Cheung (2009).

In Stage 1 of manymome, users can estimate all parameters in a model using SEM (using sem() in lavaan) or regression (using lm()), without the need to code in advance the indirect effects and/or conditional indirect effects to be tested and the levels of the moderators, if any. This allows users to focus on model building and selection and avoid the hassle of defining indirect effects or conditional indirect effects in SEM. If SEM is used, there is no need to define any user parameters manually in specifying the model, and no need to label those parameters (see the examples in Miles et al., 2015). If bootstrap CI is needed, bootstrapping is done only once either in Stage 1 manually by users or automatically in the first run in Stage 2, with all model parameter estimates and other necessary information (e.g., SDs and means of variables) in all bootstrap samples stored. These bootstrap estimates of the model can then be reused in subsequent computation of any indirect and conditional indirect effects, without the need to perform the bootstrapping again.Footnote 4

In Stage 2 of manymome, users call functions for indirect effects (indirect_effect()) and conditional indirect effects (cond_indirect_effects()) to compute the indirect effects along any path or conditional indirect effects along any path for any levels of the moderators using the estimates from Stage 1. This stage can be repeated as many times as necessary, without the need to fit the model or perform the bootstrapping again. Therefore, as long as researchers do not change the model, Stage 1 only needs to be conducted once. The two functions only need to know the path: where it starts (the predictor); where it ends (the outcome variable); and which variables it moves along (the mediators, if any), and the moderators (if any). They will then compute the requested indirect effects or conditional indirect effects as presented above using the parameter estimates.

Supported stage 1 tools

The two-stage workflow allows us to develop a tool that leverages the features of existing tools for parameter estimation and model fitting in Stage 1, without the need to reinvent the wheel or develop tools that restrict the types of models supported. We decided to support lavaan when SEM is used in Stage 1 for two reasons. First, we believe it is one of the most popular SEM packages in R (R Core Team, 2022) and it supports a wide variety of methods for parameter estimation, model testing, standard errors, and model comparison. Second, researchers can fully utilize all available features in lavaan that they need for fitting a model and estimating its parameters. Because bootstrap CIs are used for indirect and conditional indirect effects, the estimation method used in SEM, which mainly affects the standard errors, does not affect the results in Stage 2 (as long as the parameter estimates are unbiased or not severely biased).

For Stage 1 estimation performed by regression, we decided to support lm() because it is usually the first function researchers learn for performing multiple regression when they learn R, and it is simple to use and readily supports moderators, continuous or categorical (just enter x*w, and the necessary product term and lower-order terms will be included in the model). Although lm() is rarely used for path analysis, regression-based tools like PROCESS actually perform a sequence of regression analysis as lm() does to estimate the parameters. Unlike other tools, users do not need to specify the predictor, mediators, and outcome variables in fitting these regression models by lm(). Just fit the necessary regression models and store the results. The functions in manymome will automatically identify the regression coefficients from the models for the indirect or conditional indirect effects along any path requested.

Numerical examples

We will first illustrate the workflow in using manymome with several numerical examples. We will then discuss the strengths and current limitations of manymome. All the files used in the examples can be downloaded from the OSF page for this manuscript The package is available at the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN) and can be installed by install.packages("manymome").

A model with both moderated mediation and mediation analyzed by SEM, with missing data

We do not follow the common practice of starting with simple models, as there are already numerous tools and illustrations for them. We use Model 1 for illustration because (a) the principle of the computation is not so different from that in simpler models, (b) it includes mediation, moderation, and moderated mediation in one model, (c) it shows the advantage of the two-stage workflow for an SEM model, and (d) it is fitted to a dataset with missing data to show how missing data can be handled. The indirect effect and conditional indirect effects in this model, though not uncommon, cannot be easily estimated and tested by various common tools because of (1) the form of the model, (2) the difficulty in coding, and/or (3) the presence of missing data.

The dataset to be used is data_mome_demo_missing, which comes with manymome. This dataset has all the variables in the conceptual models, plus two control variables (c1 and c2). The number of cases is 200, with 31 cases having missing data. Therefore, if listwise deletion is used, about 16% of cases need to be removed, resulting in reduced statistical power.

Stage 1: Model fitting

If performed in SEM, this stage does not involve manymome. Researchers simply need to specify the desired model as usual, with no need to label any parameters or define any parameters. We follow the advice by Kwan and Chan (2018) and mean-center all variables first and then compute the product terms:Footnote 5

# Mean-center all variables data_centered <-, scale=FALSE)) # Compute the Product Terms data_centered$w1x1 <- data_centered$w1 * data_centered$x1 data_centered$w2m2 <- data_centered$w2 * data_centered$m2

Next, this is the model syntax:

mod <- " m1 ~ x1 + w1 + w1x1 + x2 + c1 + c2 m2 ~ m1 + c1 + c2 m3 ~ x2 + x1 + c1 + c2 y1 ~ m2 + w2 + w2m2 + x1 + x2 + m3 + c1 + c2 y2 ~ m3 + x2 + x1 + m2 + c1 + c2 # Covariances for the error term of m2 m2 ~~ w2 + w2m2 # Covariances between all exogenous variables w2 ~~ w2m2 + x1 + w1 + w1x1 + x2 + c1 + c2 w2m2 ~~ x1 + w1 + w1x1 + x2 + c1 + c2 x1 ~~ w1 + w1x1 + x2 + c1 + c2 w1 ~~ w1x1 + x2 + c1 + c2 w1x1 ~~ x2 + c1 + c2 x2 ~~ c1 + c2 c1 ~~ c2"

A few notes on the syntax. First, there is no need to label the path coefficients when specifying the path models. Stage 2 functions automatically identify the coefficients needed. Second, for the moderation by w2 on the path m2 → y1, the covariance between the error term of m2 and w2 and that between this error term and the product term w2m2 are included to account for the endogeneity of this product term (Kwan & Chan, 2018; Miles et al., 2015). Third, the seven lines on covariances are needed because lavaan will not add them automatically if we covary the error term with an exogenous variable (w2 in this model). This is a behavior of lavaan rather than of manymome. If researchers judge that covariances can be fixed to zero and so remove the line m2 ~~ w2 + w2m2, then all the lines on covariances can be removed because they will then be included automatically. Researchers can also use the VS program by Kwan and Chan (2018) to generate the model syntax. VS can generate all necessary covariances automatically. If only paths from exogenous variables to mediators are moderated, there is no need to covary an error term with a product term. For example, if only the path x1 → m1 is moderated, the syntax can be simplified as follows:

mod_w1x1_only <- " m1 ~ x1 + w1 + w1x1 + x2 + c1 + c2 m2 ~ m1 + c1 + c2 m3 ~ x2 + x1 + c1 + c2 y1 ~ m2 + x1 + x2 + m3 + c1 + c2 y2 ~ m3 + x2 + x1 + m2 + c1 + c2"

The model can then be fitted by sem() in lavaan:

library(lavaan) fit <- sem(mod, data_centered, fixed.x = FALSE, missing = "fiml")

Missing data are handled by full information maximum likelihood (FIML, Arbuckle, 1996). The argument fixed.x =FALSE is added such that the predictors and moderators are also treated as random variables, which usually make more sense in behavioral research. Nevertheless, there are also situations in which these variables, which are exogenous variables ("pure predictors") in this model, should be treated as fixed, such that they do not need be multivariate normal in the population (FIML assumes multivariate normality, see Enders, 2022). The functions in manymome handle the argument fixed.x in the same way as lavaan does, so researchers can set this option according to their situations. Interested readers can refer to Kline (2023, p. 136) for a discussion on this setting.

The model fits satisfactorily (model χ2[20] = 30.52, p = .062, comparative fit index [CFI] = .976, root mean square error of approximation [RMSEA] = .051). The parameter estimates are presented in Table 1. All the component paths in x2 → m3 → y2 are significant. All component paths in x1 → m1 → m2 → y1 are also significant. However, two of the component paths, x1 → m1 and m2 → y1, are moderated, and so conditional indirect effects need to be computed to examine how the indirect effect is affected by the moderators w1 and w2.

Table 1 Parameter estimates of Model 1

One note on this stage. Although researchers can request bootstrap CI in this stage using se = "boot", this is not necessary, as illustrated next. Researchers can use whatever method for standard errors and CIs as appropriate for the model and the data (e.g., robust standard error by MLR for nonnormal variable) in estimating and testing the model parameters.

Stage 2: Indirect effects and conditional indirect effects

Indirect effects

To estimate the indirect effect along a path not moderated, we can use indirect_effect(). This is the call to estimate the indirect effect in x2 → m3 → y2:

out_ind <- indirect_effect(x = "x2", y = "y2", m = "m3", fit = fit, boot_ci = TRUE, R = 5000, ncores = 9, seed = 43143)

The argument x is the name of the variable at the start of the path. The argument y is the name of the variable at the end of the path. The argument m is a vector of the names of mediators in the path, ordered from the start to the end of the path. This example has only one mediator, m3. The argument fit is the output of sem() from lavaan, created in Stage 1.

To request bootstrapping CI, set boot_ci to TRUE, R to the number of bootstrap samplesFootnote 6, and seed to an arbitrary integer for reproducible results.Footnote 7 In the current version, only nonparametric bootstrapping is supported. By default, parallel processing will be used, and the number of processes is equal to the number of physical CPU cores minus 1. The number of processes can be set manually by setting ncores to the desired number of processes. We decided to enable parallel processing by default because bootstrapping can be slow when used with missing data. When it was run on a computer with an Intel Core i7-8700 CPU without parallel processing, this example took 8 to 9 minutes. With parallel processing and nine processes (ncores = 9), it took only about 1 to 2 minutes. Given that many contemporary computers have more than one core, it is safe to enable this by default. Researchers can disable parallel processing by setting parallel to FALSE. As noted, this bootstrapping step only needs to be done once because all parameter estimates and SDs will be stored in the output, regardless of the path being tested. The results can be reused in subsequent calls, to be illustrated later, so that there is no need to perform bootstrapping again.

This is an excerpt of the output when it is printed

> out_ind == Indirect Effect == Path: x2 -> m3 -> y2 Indirect Effect 0.272 95.0% Bootstrap CI: [0.188 to 0.366] Computation Formula: (b.m3~x2)*(b.y2~m3) Computation: (0.49472)*(0.55018) Coefficients of Component Paths: Path Coefficient m3~x2 0.495 y2~m3 0.550

The indirect effect in x2 → m3 → y2 is 0.272, 95% bootstrap CI 0.188–0.366, significant at p < .05. For understanding and verifying the results, it also prints the component paths involved and how the indirect effect is computed. If only the indirect effect estimate and the CI are needed, they can be extracted by the generic functions coef() and confint():

> coef(out_ind) y2~x2 0.2721852 > confint(out_ind) 2.5 % 97.5 % y2~x2 0.1880765 0.3657727

Therefore, researchers can call indirect_effect() and then retrieve the estimate and confidence interval for other purposes.

Suppose we also want to estimate the indirect effect in x2 → m1 → m2 → y2. The call is nearly the same:

out_ind2 <- indirect_effect(x = "x2", y = "y2", m = c("m1", "m2"), fit = fit, boot_ci = TRUE, boot_out = out_ind)

There are two major differences. First, the value of the argument m is c("m1", "m2"). This denotes the path x2 → m1 → m2 → y2. There is no known limit on the number of mediators in manymome. The function will automatically identify the component paths and their coefficients from the model. It will also check the validity of this path first to prevent misspecification. Therefore, setting m to "m1" will only result in an error message saying that the path x2 → m1 → y2 does not exist in the model. Setting m to c("m2", "m1") will also result in error because the direction is wrong. Second, the argument boot_out is used and set to out_ind, and the output from the previous call to indirect_effect() (or cond_indirect_effects(), presented next). The function will check whether bootstrap estimates are available in the value of boot_out, and if yes, will reuse them without performing bootstrapping again to form the bootstrap CI. Therefore, this step, while still needing to perform the calculation 5000 times, only took about 2 seconds on the same computer, versus 1 to 2 minutes in the previous call. Researchers can also save the output with bootstrap estimates (out_ind in this example) to a file by saveRDS() or save() and load it later to explore other indirect effects, without doing the bootstrapping again, as long as the model does not change.

Two remarks on using indirect_effect(). First, it can be used to estimate and test the indirect effect along any path in a model. Therefore, if we want to test the indirect effect in m1 → m2 → y2, just set x to "m1", y to "y2", and m to "m2". For a complicated model, researchers can freely explore any path without respecifying and refitting the model, which can be time-consuming with bootstrapping and missing data. Second, the function will automatically check whether any component path has one or more moderators. Therefore, if we set x to "x1", y to "y1", and m to c("m1", "m2"), denoting the path x1 → m1 → m2 → y1, it will give the estimates of the indirect effects but will also issue a warning that one or more component paths have one or more moderators (x1 → m1 and m2 → y1 in this example). The seemingly unconditional indirect effect is actually the indirect effect when all these moderators are equal to zero. It is the responsibility of the researchers to decide whether this indirect effect is interpretable.

Conditional indirect effects

To estimate and test a conditional indirect effect, the function cond_indirect_effects() can be used. This is a call to estimate the conditional indirect effects in x1 → m1 → m2 → y1:

out_cond <- cond_indirect_effects(wlevels = c("w1", "w2"), x = "x1", y = "y1", m = c("m1", "m2"), fit = fit, boot_ci = TRUE, boot_out = out_ind)

The arguments x, y, m, fit, boot_ci, and boot_out are specified in the same way as in indirect_effect(). Note that the bootstrap estimates in out_ind, though created when we estimate an indirect effect, can still be reused here because the model parameter estimates do not depend on the effects being tested. The new argument, wlevels, accepts several forms of input. If the default behavior is sufficient, then researchers can simply set it to the variable names of the moderators along the path, c("w1", "w2") in this example. There is no need to specify which paths they moderate. The function will automatically identify paths they moderate and compute the conditional effect accordingly, even if a moderator moderates more than one path.Footnote 8 Advanced uses of this argument, for example, for categorical moderators represented by two or more dummy variables, are presented later.

If the first call that involves bootstrapping is cond_indirect_effects(), then the argument R, ncores, and seed can also be set as in indirect_effect().

out_cond <- cond_indirect_effects(wlevels = c("w1", "w2"), x = "x1", y = "y1", m = c("m1", "m2"), fit = fit, boot_ci = TRUE, R = 5000, ncores = 9, seed = 43143)

Once the bootstrapping is conducted, the estimates will be stored in the output of cond_indirect_effects(). The stored estimates can be used by other calls to cond_indirect_effects() and indirect_effect().

This is an excerpt of the results when the output of cond_indirect_effects() is printed:Footnote 9

== Conditional indirect effects == Path: x1 -> m1 -> m2 -> y1 Conditional on moderator(s): w1, w2 [w1] [w2] (w1) (w2) ind CI.lo CI.hi Sig m1~x1 m2~m1 y1~m2 1 M+1.0SD M+1.0SD 1.011 0.959 0.441 0.225 0.703 Sig 0.505 0.548 1.594 2 M+1.0SD M-1.0SD 1.011 -0.959 0.016 -0.065 0.103 0.505 0.548 0.058 3 M-1.0SD M+1.0SD -1.011 0.959 0.175 -0.015 0.389 0.200 0.548 1.594 4 M-1.0SD M-1.0SD -1.011 -0.959 0.006 -0.027 0.047 0.200 0.548 0.058 - [CI.lo to CI.hi] are 95.0% percentile confidence intervals by nonparametric bootstrapping with 5000 samples. - The 'ind' column shows the indirect effects. - 'm1~x1','m2~m1','y1~m2' is/are the path coefficient(s) along the path conditional on the moderators.

By default, if there are more than two moderators, two levels of each continuous moderator will be used: 1 SD below mean and 1 SD above mean. For two continuous moderators, the number of combinations is 4. These default levels can be overridden (presented later). The printout reports the indirect effect conditional on each combination of the moderators, along with the bootstrap CI, if requested. For understanding and verifying the results, the component paths conditional on each combination are also printed (using get_one_cond_indirect_effect(), described later). As expected, the path m1 → m2 (m2~m1 in lavaan syntax) is the same for all combinations because it is not moderated. If either w1 or w2 increases, the indirect effect increases because the effect in either x1 → m1 or m2 → y1 increases. However, for the four levels examined, the indirect effect is significant only for the condition with both w1 and w2 1 SD above their means.

Like indirect_effect(), cond_indirect_effects() can be used to examine the conditional indirect effect for any path in a model by setting x, y, and m accordingly. For example, this call estimates the effect in x1 → m1 → m2 → y2, moderated only by w1:

out_cond <- cond_indirect_effects(wlevels = "w1", x = "x1", y = "y2", m = c("m1", "m2"), fit = fit, boot_ci = TRUE, boot_out = out_ind)

This is an excerpt of the output:

Path: x1 -> m1 -> m2 -> y2 Conditional on moderator(s): w1 [w1] (w1) ind CI.lo CI.hi Sig m1~x1 m2~m1 y2~m2 1 M+1.0SD 1.011 -0.009 -0.041 0.022 0.505 0.548 -0.033 2 Mean 0.000 -0.006 -0.030 0.015 0.352 0.548 -0.033 3 M-1.0SD -1.011 -0.004 -0.023 0.008 0.200 0.548 -0.033

With only one moderator, three levels will be used by default for continuous moderator: 1 SD below mean, mean, and 1 SD above mean. The indirect effects for all three levels are not significant, suggesting that in this range (1 SD within mean of w1), there is no significant indirect effect from x1 to y2 along this path. The printout also shows that, as expected, only one of the component paths (m1~x1) depends on w1.Footnote 10

Standardized effects

To estimate and test the standardized or partially standardized indirect effect or conditional indirect effect, indirect_effect() and cond_indirect_effects() can be used, with either the argument standardized_x or standardized_y set to TRUE for partially standardized effects and both set to TRUE for (completely) standardized effects. For example, this call is for the standardized indirect effect in x2 → m3 → y2:

out_ind_std <- indirect_effect(x = "x2", y = "y2", m = "m3", fit = fit, boot_ci = TRUE, boot_out = out_ind, standardized_x = TRUE, standardized_y = TRUE)

This is an excerpt of the output:

Path: x2 -> m3 -> y2 Indirect Effect 0.305 95.0% Bootstrap CI: [0.220 to 0.393] Computation Formula: (b.m3~x2)*(b.y2~m3)*sd_x2/sd_y2 Computation: (0.49472)*(0.55018)*(1.04844)/(0.93431) NOTE: The effects of the component paths are from the model, not standardized.

The standardized indirect effect is 0.305, with 95% CI 0.220–0.393, significant (p < .05). The computation formula shows the SDs it used to standardize the indirect effect. Note that, as discussed before, all four numbers, the two path coefficients and the two SDs, are estimated in each bootstrap sample, the SD of the outcome variable being the model-implied SD because it is not a model parameter. The generic functions coef() and confint() can be used to extract the estimate and the confidence interval:

> coef(out_ind_std) y2~x2 0.305434 > confint(out_ind_std) 2.5 % 97.5 % y2~x2 0.2197278 0.3933275

This is the call to estimate the standardized conditional indirect effect in x1 → m1 → m2 → y1, moderated by w1 and w2:

out_cond_std <- cond_indirect_effects(wlevels = c("w1", "w2"), x = "x1", y = "y1", m = c("m1", "m2"), fit = fit, boot_ci = TRUE, boot_out = out_ind, standardized_x = TRUE, standardized_y = TRUE)

This is an excerpt of the output:

Path: x1 -> m1 -> m2 -> y1 Conditional on moderator(s): w1, w2 Moderator(s) represented by: w1, w2 [w1] [w2] (w1) (w2) std CI.lo CI.hi Sig m1~x1 m2~m1 y1~m2 M+1.0SD M+1.0SD 1.011 0.959 0.173 0.089 0.282 Sig 0.505 0.548 1.594 M+1.0SD M-1.0SD 1.011 -0.959 0.006 -0.027 0.040 0.505 0.548 0.058 M-1.0SD M+1.0SD -1.011 0.959 0.069 -0.007 0.150 0.200 0.548 1.594 M-1.0SD M-1.0SD -1.011 -0.959 0.003 -0.011 0.018 0.200 0.548 0.058 - std: The standardized indirect effects.

The standardized conditional effects for the four levels are reported in the column std. The unstandardized component paths are also reported. As noted, computing the standardized conditional indirect effect only needs to multiply and/or divide the conditional indirect effect by the SDs of the x variable and y variable, and there is no need to standardize each component path in the computation. Consistent with what we found before, for the four levels examined, only at the level where both w1 and w2 are 1 SD above their means is the standardized indirect effect in x1 → m1 → m2 → y1 (0.173) significant (p < .05).

Moderation only

Although our focus is on mediation and moderated mediation, cond_indirect_effects() can also be used to estimate a path with only moderation, which can be useful to visualize the moderation effect of a component path in a path with mediators .Footnote 11 For example, to visualize the moderation of w1 and w2 on paths x1 → m1 and m2 → y1, respectively, we can use cond_indirect_effects() without the m argument:

out_cond_x1m1 <- cond_indirect_effects(wlevels = c("w1"), x = "x1", y = "m1", fit = fit, boot_ci = TRUE, boot_out = out_cond) out_cond_m2y1 <- cond_indirect_effects(wlevels = c("w2"), x = "m2", y = "y1", fit = fit, boot_ci = TRUE, boot_out = out_cond)

These are part of the outputs:

Path: x1 -> m1 Conditional on moderator(s): w1 [w1] (w1) ind CI.lo CI.hi Sig m1~x1 1 M+1.0SD 1.011 0.505 0.296 0.716 Sig 0.505 2 Mean 0.000 0.352 0.207 0.500 Sig 0.352 3 M-1.0SD -1.011 0.200 -0.017 0.424 0.200 Path: m2 -> y1 Conditional on moderator(s): w2 [w2] (w2) ind CI.lo CI.hi Sig y1~m2 1 M+1.0SD 0.959 1.594 1.288 1.906 Sig 1.594 2 Mean 0.000 0.826 0.552 1.089 Sig 0.826 3 M-1.0SD -0.959 0.058 -0.232 0.324 0.058

The plot() generic function can be used to plot the conditional effects:

plot(out_cond_x1m1) plot(out_cond_m2y1)

The plots are shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Model 1: Plots of moderation effects

A moderated mediation model with one categorical moderator and one continuous moderator, with missing data

To illustrate how manymome can also be used for a model with categorical moderators, we use the same dataset, data_mome_demo_missing, and (a) convert w1 to a three-group categorical variable for the sake of illustration, and (b) fit Model 2, a subset of Model 1 with only the path from x1 to y1 (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3
figure 3

Model 2: The working model, W1Beta and W1Gamma the dummy variables of the categorical moderator W1 (variances and covariances omitted for readability)

Stage 1: Model fitting

Using the mean centered dataset in the previous example, we create w1gp, a column of a categorical variable with three groups, Alpha, Beta, and Gamma, using the cutoff values −0.4 and 0.4 to obtain three groups with similar group sizes:

data_centered$w1gp <- cut(data_centered$w1, breaks = c(-Inf, -.4, .4, Inf), labels = c("Alpha", "Beta", "Gamma"))

The lavaan package does not support using categorical variables directly. We need to create the two dummy variables manually. Researchers can do this themselves. The manymome package also provides a basic function, factor2var(), to do this:

data_centered[c("w1Beta", "w1Gamma")] <- factor2var(data_centered$w1gp, prefix = "w1")

The first argument is the vector of the categorical variable (data_centered$w1gp). Alternatively, we can provide a prefix to the dummy variables to be created by setting prefix. Because two dummy variables will be created, c("w1Beta", "w1Gamma") is used to add them to the data frame. These are the columns created (for the first six observations).

> head(data_centered[, c("w1gp", "w1Beta", "w1Gamma")]) w1gp w1Beta w1Gamma 1 Alpha 0 0 2 Beta 1 0 3 Alpha 0 0 4 Gamma 0 1 5 Alpha 0 0 6 Gamma 0 1

After confirming that the dummy variables are correctly created, we can create the product terms between them and x1:

data_centered$w1Betax1 <- data_centered$w1Beta * data_centered$x1 data_centered$w1Gammax1 <- data_centered$w1Gamma * data_centered$x1 data_centered$w2m2 <- data_centered$w2 * data_centered$m2

This is the model syntax:

mod <- " m1 ~ x1 + w1Beta + w1Gamma + w1Betax1 + w1Gammax1+ c1 + c2 m2 ~ m1 + c1 + c2 y1 ~ m2 + w2 + w2m2 + x1 + c1 + c2 # Covariances for the error term of m2 m2 ~~ w2 + w2m2 # Covariances between all exogenous variables w2 ~~ w2m2 + x1 + w1Beta + w1Gamma + w1Betax1 + w1Gammax1 + c1 + c2 w2m2 ~~ x1 + w1Beta + w1Gamma + w1Betax1 + w1Gammax1 + c1 + c2 x1 ~~ w1Beta + w1Gamma + w1Betax1 + w1Gammax1 + c1 + c2 w1Beta ~~ w1Gamma + w1Betax1 + w1Gammax1 + c1 + c2 w1Gamma ~~ w1Betax1 + w1Gammax1 + c1 + c2 w1Betax1 ~~ w1Gammax1 + c1 + c2 w1Gammax1 ~~ c1 + c2 c1 ~~ c2"

This is similar to the one in the previous example, with x2, m3, and y2 removed. We fit this model as before using FIML to handle missing data:Footnote 12

fit <- sem(mod, data_centered, fixed.x = FALSE, missing = "fiml")

The model fits satisfactorily (model χ2[12] = 22.10, p = .036, CFI = .983, RMSEA = .065). The parameter estimates are presented in Table 2. All component paths in x1 → m1 → m2 → y1 are significant except for x1 → m1 (0.196, p = .141). However, the product of w1Gamma and x1 is significant (.434, p = .024), suggesting that the path x1 → m1 is moderated by w1. The product of w2 and m2 is also significant (.799, p < .001). Therefore, the conditional indirect effects need to be computed along this path.

Table 2 Parameter estimates of Model 2

Stage 2: Conditional indirect effects

In this model we focus on conditional indirect effects. We first examine the component path x1 → m1 to illustrate how to specify a categorical moderator represented by two or more dummy variables. We can use cond_indirect_effects() without setting m:

out_cond <- cond_indirect_effects( wlevels = list(w1 = c("w1Beta", "w1Gamma")), x = "x1", y = "m1", fit = fit, boot_ci = TRUE, R = 5000, parallel = TRUE, ncores = 9, seed = 43143)

All arguments are specified as in Model 1, except for wlevels. To tell the function that w1Beta and w1Gamma together represent a single moderator called w1, we use a named list, with the name representing the name of the moderator (not in the model) and its element a character vector of the names of the dummy variables (c("w1Beta", "w1Gamma")) in the model. Although bootstrapping is not necessary for this analysis, requesting bootstrapping allows the estimates to be reused in subsequent analysis.

This is an excerpt of the printout:

== Conditional effects == Path: x1 -> m1 Conditional on moderator(s): w1 Moderator(s) represented by: w1Beta, w1Gamma [w1] (w1Beta) (w1Gamma) ind CI.lo CI.hi Sig m1~x1 1 Reference 0 0 0.196 -0.079 0.449 0.196 2 Beta 1 0 0.321 0.055 0.611 Sig 0.321 3 Gamma 0 1 0.630 0.367 0.905 Sig 0.630

The function automatically enumerates the groups and tries to infer the group names from the dummy variable names.Footnote 13 Based on the bootstrap CIs, the effect of x1 on m1 is positive and significant for the group Beta and Gamma but not for the reference group (Alpha). Figure 4 shows a plot of the conditional effects for these groups (using plot(out_cond)).

Fig. 4
figure 4

Model 2: Plots of moderation effects from X1 to M1

To compute the conditional indirect effects in x1 → m1 → m2 → y1, moderated by w1 (represented by w1Beta and w1Gamma) and w2, we use cond_indirect_effects() and reuse the bootstrap estimates:

out_cond2 <- cond_indirect_effects( wlevels = list(w1 = c("w1Beta", "w1Gamma"), w2 = "w2"), x = "x1", y = "y1", m = c("m1", "m2"), fit = fit, boot_ci = TRUE, boot_out = out_cond)

There is one major change in setting wlevels. When at least one of the moderators is categorical, it needs to be a named list, where the names are the names of the moderators (not necessarily the variable names in the model) and the values are either (a) a vector of names of the dummy variables for a categorical moderator (c("w1Beta", "w1Gamma")) or (b) a single name of the variable of a continuous moderator ("w2"). All other arguments are set as in the previous example. This is an excerpt of the printout:

Path: x1 -> m1 -> m2 -> y1 Conditional on moderator(s): w1, w2 Moderator(s) represented by: w1Beta, w1Gamma, w2 [w1] [w2] (w1Beta) (w1Gamma) (w2) ind CI.lo CI.hi Sig 1 Reference M+1.0SD 0 0 0.959 0.171 -0.066 0.423 2 Reference M-1.0SD 0 0 -0.959 0.006 -0.027 0.053 3 Beta M+1.0SD 1 0 0.959 0.280 0.045 0.565 Sig 4 Beta M-1.0SD 1 0 -0.959 0.009 -0.048 0.071 5 Gamma M+1.0SD 0 1 0.959 0.551 0.271 0.894 Sig 6 Gamma M-1.0SD 0 1 -0.959 0.019 -0.078 0.131

With two moderators, continuous moderators have two levels each by default, resulting in six combinations in this example. When all paths and moderators are considered, among the six combinations, the indirect effect is significant only when w2 is 1 SD above the mean and only in the groups Beta and Gamma. Therefore, although x1 → m1 is significant in both Beta and Gamma groups, the indirect effect along the path is not significant in these two groups when w2 is 1 SD below the mean.

The index of moderated mediation and the index of moderated moderated mediation

Hayes (2015) proposed a useful measure of the effect of moderator in a moderated mediation model: the index of moderated mediation. When there is only one mediator, this is the change in the indirect effect when the moderator increases by one unit. When there are two moderators, Hayes (2018) also proposed the index of moderated moderated mediation, which is the change in the moderation of one moderator when the other moderator increases by one unit. The package manymome can directly compute these indices automatically using the function index_of_mome() and index_of_momome().

The index of moderated mediation

The function index_of_mome() can be used to compute the difference in conditional indirect effects for a path with one moderator and one or more mediators. We use the path m1 → m2 → y1, moderated only by w2, for illustration, reusing the bootstrap estimates stored in out_ind:

index_m1m2y1 <- index_of_mome(x = "m1", y = "y1", m = "m2", w = "w2", fit = fit, boot_ci = TRUE, boot_out = out_ind)

This is an excerpt of the output:

Path: m1 -> m2 -> y1 Conditional on moderator(s): w2 Moderator(s) represented by: w2 [w2] (w2) ind CI.lo CI.hi Sig m2~m1 y1~m2 1 1 1 0.892 0.639 1.159 Sig 0.548 1.627 2 0 0 0.453 0.278 0.640 Sig 0.548 0.826 == Index of Moderated Mediation == x y Index CI.lo CI.hi Index m1 y1 0.439 0.329 0.547

The moderator w2 increased from Row 2 to Row 1 by one unit, and the indirect effect along this path increases from 0.453 to 0.892. The difference, 0.439, is the index of moderated mediation of w2 for the path m1 → m2 → y1. The bootstrap CI is 0.329–0.547.

The arguments of index_of_mome() are similar to those in cond_indirect_effects(), but there is no need to specify the level of the moderator (w). There is no limit on the number of mediators (m), and there is no need to specify which path the moderator moderates.

Index of moderated moderated mediation

When a path has two moderators, index_of_momome() can be used to compute the index of moderated moderated mediation. For example, this index for the path x1 → m1 → m2 → y1, moderated by w1 and w2, can be found as follows:

index_x1m1m2y1 <- index_of_momome(x = "x1", y = "y1", m = c("m1", "m2"), w = "w1", z = "w2", fit = fit, boot_ci = TRUE, boot_out = out_ind)

This is an excerpt of the output:

Path: x1 -> m1 -> m2 -> y1 Conditional on moderator(s): w1, w2 Moderator(s) represented by: w1, w2 [w1] [w2] (w1) (w2) ind CI.lo CI.hi Sig m1~x1 m2~m1 y1~m2 1 1 1 1 1 0.449 0.229 0.715 Sig 0.503 0.548 1.627 2 1 0 1 0 0.228 0.106 0.391 Sig 0.503 0.548 0.826 3 0 1 0 1 0.314 0.162 0.496 Sig 0.352 0.548 1.627 4 0 0 0 0 0.160 0.075 0.270 Sig 0.352 0.548 0.826 == Index of Moderated Moderated Mediation == Levels compared: (Row 1 - Row 2) - (Row 3 - Row 4) x y Index CI.lo CI.hi Index x1 y1 0.066 -0.005 0.144

The index of moderated moderated mediation of w1 and w2 for the path x1 → m1 → m2 → y1 is 0.066, with bootstrap CI −0.005 to 0.144. Although the moderation effect of w1 on the indirect effect changes when w2 increases by one unit, and vice versa, the increase is not significantly different from zero.

The arguments of index_of_momome() are also similar to those in index_of_mome(), with one more argument, z, for the second moderator. There is no limit on the number of mediators (m), and there is no need to specify which path the two moderators moderate.

Difference between any two conditional indirect effects

The function cond_indirect_diff() is a generalized version of index_of_mome() and index_of_momome() for computing and testing the difference between any two conditional indirect effects. To illustrate the case of one moderator, we compute the conditional indirect effects in m1 → m2 → y1, moderated only by w2, reusing the bootstrap estimates stored in out_ind:

out_cond_m1y1 <- cond_indirect_effects(wlevels = "w2", x = "m1", y = "y1", m = "m2", fit = fit, boot_ci = TRUE, boot_out = out_ind)

This is an excerpt of the output:

[w2] (w2) ind CI.lo CI.hi Sig m2~m1 y1~m2 1 M+1.0SD 0.959 0.874 0.625 1.136 Sig 0.548 1.594 2 Mean 0.000 0.453 0.278 0.640 Sig 0.548 0.826 3 M-1.0SD -0.959 0.032 -0.123 0.184 0.548 0.058

The moderator w2 increased from Row 2 to Row 1 by 1 SD (0.959), and the indirect effect along this path increases from 0.453 to 0.874. The indirect effects at these two levels of w2 are both significant. Suppose we are interested in the change in the indirect effect when the moderator (w2) increased by 1 SD; we can use the function cond_indirect_diff():

ind_diff <- cond_indirect_diff(out_cond_m1y1, from = 2, to = 1)

The first argument is the output of cond_indirect_effects(). The arguments from and to are the row numbers. In this example, from = 2 and to = 1 indicate that the change in the indirect effect from w2 equal to mean (Row 2) to w2 equal to 1 SD above mean (Row 1) is to be computed. This is an excerpt of the results:

Levels: w2 To: w2: M+1.0SD 0.959 From: w2: Mean 0.000 Change in Indirect Effect: x y Change CI.lo CI.hi Index m1 y1 0.421 0.315 0.524

The change is 0.421 (0.874–0.453), with 95% bootstrap CI 0.315–0.524. The increase is significant, p < .05. Note that because the moderation effect is linear in the model, this change is the same for any interval with an increase of 1 SD for the moderator (e.g., from 1 SD below mean to mean). We denote this change in indirect effect for an increase of 1 SD in the moderator the z-index of moderated mediation. The z-index of moderated mediation is more interpretable when the moderator does not have a meaningful unit.

By setting the levels of the moderator to desired values (presented later), cond_indirect_diff() can be used to compute the difference between any two conditional indirect effects and form its confidence interval. If the moderator is categorical, then cond_indirect_diff() can be used to compute the difference in indirect effects between any two groups.

Total effect, total indirect effect, or any other functions of effects

In some models, it may be of interest to compute a function of indirect or conditional indirect effects. For example, in Model 1, researchers may be interested in computing the total indirect effect from x2 to y2 through the two paths: x2 → m3 → y2 and x2 → m1 → m2 → y2. The output of indirect_effect(), which is an indirect class object, supports addition and subtraction, with bootstrap confidence intervals if they are also requested for the indirect effects used in the operation.Footnote 14 Suppose the outputs of indirect_effect() for the two paths are out_ind and out_ind2, respectively; the total indirect effect can be computed as follows:

out_ind_total <- out_ind + out_ind2

This is an excerpt of the output when printed:

Path: x2 -> m3 -> y2 Path: x2 -> m1 -> m2 -> y2 Function of Effects: 0.269 95.0% Bootstrap CI: [0.184 to 0.363] Computation of the Function of Effects: (x2->m3->y2) +(x2->m1->m2->y2)

The output is similar to that for one indirect effect, with the paths being added listed. The total indirect effect is 0.269, 95% bootstrap CI 0.184–0.363, significant (p < .05).

The total effect from x2 to y2 is the sum of the effects for all paths, including the direct path x2 → y2. The direct effect can be computed by indirect_effect() with the argument m not set:

out_direct <- indirect_effect(x = "x2", y = "y2", fit = fit, boot_ci = TRUE, boot_out = out_ind)

The total effect can be computed as the sum of all these effects:

out_total <- out_ind + out_ind2 + out_direct

This is an excerpt of the output if printed:

== Indirect Effect == Path: x2 -> m3 -> y2 Path: x2 -> m1 -> m2 -> y2 Path: x2 -> y2 Function of Effects: 0.253 95.0% Bootstrap CI: [0.138 to 0.367]

The total effect is 0.253, 95% bootstrap CI 0.138–0.367, significant (p < .05). It is not described here, but the output of indirect_effect() also supports the "−" (subtraction) operator, allowing researchers to compute and test the difference between the indirect effects along two different paths.

Other options available

We limited the number of options used above to give readers a basic idea of how to use the functions. When necessary, there are other options available for researchers to enable greater control over the analysis. A few of them are introduced below.

Customizing the levels of moderators

Although we used the default options in forming the levels of the moderators, researchers can have a great deal of control on the levels formed in manymome. The function mod_levels() allows researchers to (a) use either SD (1 SD below mean, mean, and 1 SD above mean) or percentile (16th, 50th, and 84th percentiles) to form the levels, (b) specify distances in SD (values other than 1), (c) specify any numbers and values in SD for the levels, and (d) set levels using any values of the moderators when they have meaningful units (e.g., they are standard measures with commonly used cutoff values). For categorical moderators, researchers can set the group labels to other values. The output of mod_levels() for each moderator can then be combined by merge_mod_levels() into a single table and used as the value of wlevels in cond_indirect_effects() and proceed as in previous examples. Interested readers can refer to the help page of these functions and the examples at the OSF page for further information.

Monte Carlo confidence intervals

Although nonparametric bootstrapping is the most popular method for forming the CI of an indirect effect or a conditional indirect effect, it is computationally intensive and requires the raw data. If raw data are not available or bootstrapping is too slow due to missing data or other issues, a viable alternative is the Monte Carlo method (Preacher & Selig, 2012). Instead of resampling the raw data to generate a large number of (bootstrap) estimates to form a CI, the estimated sampling variance–covariance matrix of the parameter estimates is used to simulate a large number of sets of sample parameter estimates, assuming multivariate normality.Footnote 15 These simulated estimates are then used as in percentile bootstrap CI to form CI for an effect. When the sample size is large enough to have unbiased estimates of the sampling variances and covariances, and the sampling distribution of the estimates is close to multivariate normal, the Monte Carlo CI can also provide satisfactory performance (Pesigan & Cheung, 2020).Footnote 16

All main functions presented above that support bootstrap CIs also support Monte Carlo CIs for models estimated by SEM.Footnote 17 The only change is setting mc_ci to TRUE and using mc_out instead of boot_out to reuse generated estimates. Moreover, due to the much lower computational cost, it is common to set the number of replications to a much larger number. Therefore, R can be set to 10,000 or even 20,000. Because the workflow is virtually identical to that for bootstrap CI, we did not include an illustration here. Interested readers can refer to an illustration on the OSF page for this manuscript (

Using multiple regression to estimate the parameters

Although we used SEM by lavaan to illustrate how manymome can be used on complicated models with missing data, if testing model fit is not a major concern and there are no missing data, researchers may prefer using multiple regression. This can be done in Step 1 by fitting all models by lm(). For example, suppose the model of interest is Model 3 (Fig. 5).

Fig. 5
figure 5

Model 3: The conceptual model (variances, covariances, and error terms omitted for readability)

It has four endogenous variables (m1, m2, m3, and y1) and three moderators (w1, w2, and w3), and two control variables not shown (c1 and c2). The parameters can be estimated by the follow four regression models, assuming the data are stored in dat:

lm_m1 <- lm(m1 ~ w1*x1 + c1 + c2, dat) lm_m2 <- lm(m2 ~ w3*m1 + x1 + c1 + c2, dat) lm_m3 <- lm(m3 ~ x1 + c1 + c2, dat) lm_y1 <- lm(y1 ~ w2*m2 + m1 + m3 + x1 + c1 + c2, dat)

The four outputs can be used as the value of the fit argument as in the previous examples by combining them as a list (e.g., list(lm_m1, lm_m2, lm_m3, lm_y1)). The functions indirect_effect() and cond_indirect_effects() will check whether the list of models (a) form a model with all variables connected to at least one other variable (i.e., they form a model of connected nodes) and (b) all analyses are based on the same sample—not just the same sample sizes but the same cases. All other steps, including bootstrapping, can be conducted as in the case of using lavaan. The use of lm() has the added benefit that, unlike lavaan, it natively supports categorical variables, and dummy variables are created automatically. Examples of using lm() with manymome can be found on the OSF page for this manuscript.

Proportion of effect mediated

Alwin and Hauer (1975) proposed the proportion of effect mediated as a way to measure the indirect effect. For example, for a simple mediation with an a-path x → m, a b-path m → y, and a c'-path x → y, the total effect is ab + c, the direct effect is c, and the indirect effect is ab. The proportion of effect mediated is ab/(ab + c). Miočević et al. (2018) showed that this measure is unstable (confidence interval coverage probabilities less than the nominal value) unless the sample size is large. Moreover, it is not interpretable when the effects from x to y do not have the same signs (some are positive, and some are negative). Nevertheless, when all the effects are of the same sign (all negative or all positive), this measure is easy to interpret and could be useful when used with other measures (e.g., standardized indirect effect). The function indirect_proportion() in manymome can be used to compute this proportion.Footnote 18 It automatically computes the total effect from x to y along all pathways in a model and then computes the proportion of effect mediated along the requested pathway. It will also check the signs of all the effects and compute the proportion only if all the effects are of the same sign. Examples of using indirect_proportion() can be found on the OSF page for this manuscript (

The strengths and limitations of manymome and other selected tools

Despite the flexibility and convenience of manymome, we do not think that any tool, including manymome, can replace all other tools. Therefore, we will highlight the strengths of manymome below in comparison to some existing tools, but also mention the limitations of the current version of manymome.

The form of the model

We used a complicated model in Fig. 1 for illustration because, in practice, a model as complicated as or more complicated than that one is the norm rather than the exception. Some tools have limitations on the form of the model. For example, at the time of writing, although PROCESS can support a wide variety of models through the use of the bmatrix, wmatrix, and zmatrix arguments, using these arguments it can only support a model with at most six mediators (Hayes, 2022, p. 651). It supports as many as 10 mediators for some, but not all, numbered models, that is, the template models in PROCESS (Hayes, 2022, p. 588). For all models, numbered or user-defined, it only supports at most two moderators. Other tools have similar restrictions on the form of models. For regression-based mediation and moderation analysis, manymome has no limitation on these aspects of the models. Just fit all the regression models in a path model and then estimate and test any indirect effects and conditional indirect effects along any path. However, manymome does not yet officially support models in which a moderation effect is being moderated (e.g., Models 12 and 18 in PROCESS). For models readily supported by tools like PROCESS and mediate() in mediation, they are better tools, and the one-step approach can be sufficient.

If SEM is used to estimate model parameters in a model with mediation and moderation, SEM tools such as lavaan and Amos do not have the aforementioned limitations on the form of the models. To our knowledge, any valid models can be fitted, with few hard-coded limitations on the number of mediators, moderators, or paths. The manymome package can read the output of lavaan to compute the requested effects. Therefore, it also has very few inherent limitations on the number of predictors, mediators, outcome variables, moderators, or model form, except for models with moderating effects moderated by other moderators. Moreover, even if a model includes components that are not supported by manymome, it can still be used on paths that it supports, while other components are estimated and tested by other methods (e.g., defining user parameters).

Types of variables

The types of variables supported also vary across tools. For example, PROCESS supports a wide variety of variables: predictors and moderators can be continuous or categorical, and outcome variables can be dichotomous. The manymome package does not officially support a path that starts or ends with a categorical variable when parameters are estimated by regression. If estimated by SEM using tetrachoric or polychoric correlations (by telling lavaan that some variables are ordered variables), manymome can be used when the predictors, mediators, and outcome variables are ordered categorical variables, because it works on the coefficients and does not need to know that they are based on tetrachoric or polychoric correlations. However, the results may not be as easy to interpret as those in regression-based analysis using tools like PROCESS. Therefore, when estimation is performed by SEM using lavaan with ordered categorical variables, the results of manymome are only as interpretable as the path coefficients of the component paths in the model. If in doubt, tools like PROCESS are better alternatives.

In the current version, manymome can be used for any mediator supported by lavaan. The mediation package by Tingley et al. (2014) supports categorical mediators by using appropriate regression models. PROCESS does not support categorical mediators at the time of writing (version 4.3). Nevertheless, if a mediator is set as ordered in lavaan, then manymome can compute the indirect effect through the latent variable hypothesized to underlie the categorical ordered variable. If researchers deem this interpretable, then manymome can be used. However, while SEM is flexible, and indirect effects through categorical mediators can be computed even in lavaan syntax, researchers need to decide whether the estimate of this indirect effect is interpretable in their datasets and models.

Latent variables

For indirect effects, manymome fully supports models with latent variables. Indirect effects can be computed for any pathways with latent variables and/or observed variables. This is because functions such as indirect_effect() work by retrieving the corresponding path coefficients between two variables. If one or both variables are latent variables, they can still retrieve the correct coefficients. Confidence intervals can be formed as illustrated before. Because the only difference from the path analysis model examples is setting the arguments x, y, and m to the names of the latent variables, we did not include an illustration in the manuscript. Interested readers can refer to an illustration on the OSF project of this manuscript (

For paths which involve latent variables and at least one moderator, manymome preliminarily supports some models. However, due to the complication in moderation that involves latent variables (for a review, see Cheung et al., 2021), more testing is needed before it is appropriate to introduce how to use manymome for moderation with latent variables. Researchers who want to use R to perform the analysis can use the semTools package (Jorgensen et al., 2022), which have functions for estimating and testing conditional effects among latent variables (see Schoemann & Jorgensen, 2021, for a detailed illustration). Another alternative is the factor score approach (Ng & Chan, 2020).

Missing data

Missing data is a common phenomenon in behavioral research. However, some common tools cannot include cases with missing data and use listwise deletion, including only cases with complete data on all variables (e.g., PROCESS). The manymome package also has this limitation when the regression approach is used. It will check and require that exactly the same set of cases is used in all regression models. Listwise deletion will result in unnecessary loss in statistical power. If a model is fitted by SEM, then there are options to correctly handle missing data. As illustrated before, lavaan can use FIML to estimate parameters in the presence of missing data. Therefore, if SEM is used as the input of manymome, then manymome can also use all available cases in estimating the indirect and conditional indirect effects. For forming bootstrapping CI, Amos does not support bootstrapping in the presence of missing data (at the time of writing). There is no such limitation for manymome because lavaan supports combining bootstrapping with FIML. Therefore, by borrowing the strength of lavaan, manymome can form bootstrapping CIs for indirect and conditional indirect effects even in the presence of missing data.

Although FIML is a popular method to handle missing data in SEM, there are situations in which FIML may not have satisfactory performance, for example, when data are not multivariate normal (Enders, 2022). An alternative method, multiple imputation (Rubin, 1987), is a more flexible technique, though more difficult to use. Basically, it involves three steps. First, one or more methods are selected to impute values for missing data based on the posterior distribution of each variable with missing data, to generate M datasets with stochastically imputed values. Second, the complete-data method is then used to estimate the parameters in each imputed dataset. Lastly, results from the M datasets are pooled to form point estimates of the model parameters, as well as the estimated sampling variances and covariances of the pooled estimates.

It is beyond the scope of this manuscript to introduce multiple imputation. Interested readers are referred to van Buuren (2018) for a detailed introduction, and how to perform multiple imputation using the mice package. The manymome package supports models fitted in lavaan with multiple imputation, implemented by the runMI() function and its wrappers (e.g., sem.mi()) from the semTools package (Jorgensen et al., 2022).Footnote 19 If requested, Monte Carlos CIs can also be formed using the sampling variance and covariance matrix computed from the output of runMI(). The process is done internally and automatically. Users simply use the output of runMI() or sem.mi() in place of the output of lavaan::sem(). If the function of manymome detects that the fit object is of the class lavaan.mi, it will use the appropriate functions to extract the pooled point estimates to compute the requested effects and extract the pooled estimates of the sampling variances and covariances of the parameter estimates to form Monte Carlo CIs. A numerical example can be found at the OSF page of this manuscript (

Standardized effects

The support for standardized indirect effects and conditional indirect effects varies across tools. The mediate() function of mediation does not support standardized effects. PROCESS can report standardized indirect effects and correct bootstrap CIs that take into account the sampling variation of the SDs of the variables (add stand = 1). However, it does not support standardized conditional indirect effects for models with moderators (Hayes, 2022, p. 598). The manymome package forms the bootstrap CIs of standardized effects correctly because it uses the SDs in each bootstrap samples to perform the standardization and supports standardized effects in mediation models, moderation models, and moderated mediation models.

The case for SEM tools such as lavaan and Amos is more complicated. For standardized indirect effects, although lavaan can report the standardized estimates through standardizedSolution(), the confidence interval for the standardized indirect effect is actually a symmetric one based on the delta method (the same method used to derive the Sobel test, which is now usually not recommended for indirect effects because it assumes the sampling distribution to be symmetric, which is only asymptotically true), even if the bootstrapping confidence interval is requested by se = "boot" (at the time of writing, in version 0.6-15). They are not the percentile bootstrap CIs as reported in tools like PROCESS for indirect effects. On the other hand, Amos can report correct bootstrap CIs for standardized indirect effects. The package manymome forms the CI itself even when lavaan is used, and so the bootstrap CIs are always the percentile CIs as requested.

For standardized conditional indirect effects, in principle, they can be estimated in both lavaan and Amos. However, in practice, both tools require users to define the estimate manually as described above. The package manymome uses the model-implied SDs reported by lavaan in each bootstrap sample and so the computation is simpler, more reliable, and automatic. It also reports the computation formulas so that researchers can verify the computation themselves if necessary.

Lastly, we would like to note that standardized conditional effects (direct or indirect) are different from the standardized coefficient of a product term. The manymome package can only compute the former and form its confidence interval. The latter is the coefficient of a product term on the standardized metric, called the standardized moderation effect (Cheung et al., 2022), and manymome cannot be used to compute this (for now). In OLS regression, the proper way to form the standardized moderation effect is to standardize the variables before forming the product term (Aiken & West, 1991; Friedrich, 1982). The case is the same in SEM. However, this properly standardized coefficient of the product term can also be computed from the standard deviations of the moderator, the predictor, and the outcome variable (see Cheung et al., 2022, for the derivation). The package stdmod presented in Cheung et al. was developed for this purpose. It can compute the standardized moderation effect in both OLS regression models fitted by lm() and models fitted by lavaan, and form nonparametric bootstrap CIs for the coefficient, which is not normally distributed because its computation involves three sample standard deviations, just like the case for standardized regression coefficients (Yuan & Chan, 2011). Researchers interested in the standardized coefficient of the product term can refer to Cheung et al. (2022) and the package stdmod.

The pedagogical risk of automation

The goal of manymome, like tools such as PROCESS, is to automate tasks that can be done manually using syntax. However, pedagogically, automation can make researchers and students less motivated to learn the computation process. For example, the computation of conditional effects and conditional indirect effects can be done manually. Therefore, we would like to recommend that researchers learn how to compute the effects first (e.g., Aiken & West, 1991; Hayes, 2022) before using tools that automate the tasks.

To encourage users to understand (and verify) the computation, the printout of indirect_effect() by default shows how the computation is done. The printout of the output of cond_indirect_effects() by default only shows the component effects for readability. However, the lower-level function cond_indirect(), used by cond_indirect_effects(), also prints the computation of a conditional effect or conditional indirect effect. For example, researchers can use get_one_cond_indirect_effect() to show the details of a specific conditional indirect effect.

> get_one_cond_indirect_effect(out_cond, 1) == Conditional Indirect Effect == Path: x1 -> m1 -> m2 -> y2 Moderators: w1 Conditional Indirect Effect: -0.009 95.0% Bootstrap CI: [-0.041 to 0.022] When: w1 = 1.011 Computation Formula: (b.m1~x1 + (b.w1x1)*(w1))*(b.m2~m1)*(b.y2~m2) Computation: ((0.35235) + (0.15057)*(1.01052))*(0.54836)*(-0.03304) Percentile confidence interval formed by nonparametric bootstrapping with 5000 bootstrap samples. Coefficients of Component Paths: Path Conditional Effect Original Coefficient m1~x1 0.505 0.352 m2~m1 0.548 0.548 y2~m2 -0.033 -0.033

The first argument is the output of cond_indirect_effects(), and the second argument is the row number of the conditional effect to be extracted. Similar to indirect_effect(), it shows how the conditional effect is computed. We made the computation displayed by default because we encourage researchers to examine how an effect is computed.


Each tool has its own advantages and disadvantages. Our goal in developing manymome is to provide an alternative tool that uses a two-step workflow, separating the parameter estimation step from the indirect and conditional indirect effect steps. This gives researchers more freedom in the models to be fitted, and reduces the need to define parameters in advance, which can be complicated, error-prone, and time-consuming, especially when bootstrapping is used with missing data and standardized effects are needed. Nevertheless, there are cases in which other tools are more appropriate and the one-step workflow is more convenient, or the models and variables are supported by other tools but not yet supported by manymome. This is why we started the name with many: It does support many models, but it does not support all models (very few tools can). The two-step workflow has the advantage that, rather than developing a tool that performs both parameter estimation and the computation of indirect and conditional indirect effects, it leverages the power of existing tools such as lavaan in parameter estimation and model fitting and focuses on how to use these estimates to compute and test the indirect and conditional indirect effects. Further development of manymome can extend its support to more types of variables and models by focusing on how to compute the requested effects from the parameter estimates of other tools, without the need to reinvent tools to perform the parameter estimation for these models and variables. Development is also underway to add support for sensitivity analysis (Pek & MacCallum, 2011), to identify cases which are influential on the estimates of indirect effects or conditional indirect effects.Footnote 20