Since the early studies by Woodworth (1899) it is well established that performing something faster comes at the cost of less accuracy (see also Fitts, 1954, and many others). This observation has become known as the speed–accuracy trade-off (SAT; for reviews, see Heitz, 2014; Wickelgren, 1977). Interesting in itself as a topic of research (e.g., Fiedler et al., 2020; Hedge et al., 2019), an SAT can also cause interpretational problems in studies assessing mean response times (mean RT) or the percentage of correct responses (PC) as the main dependent variable(s).

More precisely, participants in such studies are typically confronted with a conundrum: they are asked to perform the task “as fast and as accurately as possible,” “as fast as possible without sacrificing accuracy,” and the like. What is more important according to such instructions, speed or accuracy? And how low can PC fall and still count as not “sacrificing accuracy”? As instructions do not provide answers to these questions, participants must answer them for themselves. In other words, because responding faster necessarily incurs a higher risk of committing an error, participants always have to decide for some trade-off between speed and accuracy. The relation between speed and accuracy on this continuum has, for example, been described as an exponential approach to a limit that follows the form


where \(\overline{RT}\) is mean RT, δ is the x-offset, γ the steepness of the curve, and λ the PC asymptote (see Wickelgren, 1977; see also Usher & McClelland, 2001, and for a broader discussion, see Luce, 1986). An example is visualized in Fig. 1. Up to a certain mean RT level (200 ms in the example), mere guessing takes place and PC remains at about 50% (assuming two response alternatives with one being the correct one, thus a two-alternative forced-choice task). With increasing mean RT, then, PC increases as well until an asymptotic level is reached. What becomes clear from this visualization is that SAT is conceived of as a unidimensional phenomenon: Each point on the curve refers to one particular setting on the SAT and a change in SAT affects mean RT and PC at the same time (see Appendix 1 for an alternative view).

Fig. 1
figure 1

Illustration of a speed–accuracy curve with δ = 0.20, γ = 5, and λ = 95 (adopted from Wickelgren, 1977)

The issue of uncontrolled SATs in psychological studies is most evident when comparing groups of participants: due to differences in their personality (e.g., when comparing age groups) or due to differences between conditions (e.g., different stimuli or instructions), one group might—on average—choose a different SAT than the other group and therefore perform faster and less accurately or vice versa, even if average ability and/or task difficulty is comparable across groups. The study by Liesefeld and Janczyk (2019) suggests that out of several available measures to combine mean RT and PC, the Balanced Integration Score (BIS; Liesefeld et al., 2015) works best for solving this issue in between-participants designs. This measure attenuates variations in SAT better than other measures that have been used for this purpose (Inverse Efficiency Score and Rate Correct Score; Akhtar & Enns, 1989; Bruyer & Brysbaert, 2011; Townsend & Ashby, 1983; Woltz & Was, 2006), including a more recently developed measure, the goal of which is similar to that of BIS: integrating speed and accuracy in a balanced manner. This alternative measure has been termed the Linear Integrated Speed–Accuracy Score (LISAS; Vandierendonck, 2017, 2018, 2021b).

BIS combines mean RT and PC according to the following formula (Liesefeld & Janczyk, 2019):


where \({z}_{i,j}^x\) is the z-standardizedFootnote 1 performance (mean RT or PC, respectively) for participant i in condition j, \({S}^{\overline{RT}}\) refers to the standard deviation (SD) of mean RTs used in the calculation of BIS, refers to the grand mean RT—that is, the average of mean RTs of all conditions and participants—and \(\overline{PC}\) refers to the average of PCs of all conditions by participant combinations. Importantly, z standardization is based on the variance across averaged data points (mean RT and PC), that is, on those data points that would also go into a standard t test or analysis of variance (ANOVA), rather than the variance across individual trials (RT and accuracy). Typically, this standardization is performed across all cells of the design (e.g., n × J data points in a one-way ANOVA with J conditions and n participants per condition). As demonstrated below, it turns out to be crucial that the variance for the standardization comes from the aggregated data, that is, to use the standard deviations across mean RTs and PCs rather than the standard deviations across trials.

LISAS is calculated according to the following formulaFootnote 2:


where SRT refers to the SD of RTs across trials and SE refers to the SD of errors across trials (which equals \(\sqrt{PE\left(1- PE\right)}\)). Thus, in contrast to BIS, LISAS uses the SDs across trials for individual participants, but otherwise the intention of the two measures is similar: mean RT and percentage of errors (PE) (= 1 − PC) is brought to the same scale and added up (see Vandierendonck, 2021b, Appendix A). Yet, as will be demonstrated below, the choice of the SD is crucial for how the respective measure behaves with regard to SATs. Vandierendonck has used two versions of the formula, one where SRT and SE are calculated across all conditions of a given participant (which we assume is the default and which is displayed in Eq. 2; Vandierendonck, 2017, 2021b) and one where SRT and SE are calculated separately per condition and participant (Vandierendonck, 2018; which in the following we refer to as LISAScond as a shorthand for condition-specific LISAS).Footnote 3

Given the widespread use of within-participants designs in behavioral research and the frequent use of LISAS and BIS in within-participants comparisons, including many studies in which we have been involved (e.g., Allenmark et al., 2019; Barrientos et al., 2020; Bratzke & Ulrich, 2021; Chen et al., 2021; English et al., 2021; Liesefeld et al., 2015, 2019; Liesefeld & Müller, 2021; Madrid & Hout, 2019; Mueller et al., 2020; Schuch & Pütz, 2021; Serrien & Spapé, 2021; Smith et al., 2019), it is important to note that LISAS was explicitly developed for the within-participants case (Vandierendonck, 2021b, p. 22). By contrast, BIS is by no means restricted to within-participants designs, but we and others consider many use cases even going beyond experimental psychology (e.g., Bakun Emesh et al., 2021; Draheim et al., 2019; Liesefeld & Janczyk, 2019; Liu et al., 2019; Mueller et al., 2019; Palmqvist et al., 2020; Stojan et al., 2021; Unsworth et al., 2020; White et al., 2021). This difference in scope of the two measures, in retrospect, also implies that our previous comparison of BIS and LISAS based on a between-participants design might not have been the fairest case (see Vandierendonck, 2021b, p. 22). To make up for this, Vandierendonck (2021b) has recently validated and compared the two measures on data explicitly simulated to conform to a typical within-participants design, concluding that the two measures behave highly similar and neither of them satisfactorily attenuates variations in SATs in this case. By contrast, the present study provides first evidence that BIS (but not LISAS) fulfills this purpose very well. These opposing conclusions can be traced back to various consequential mistakes in Vandierendonck’s analyses, which we correct for in reanalyses of one of his simulated data sets. We also point out problems with the simulations reported in Vandierendonck (2021b) and clarify several additional points that have been brought up since the publication of Liesefeld and Janczyk (2019). Although it does not aim to provide a comprehensive validation of combined measures in within-participants designs, the present paper demonstrates the differences between LISAS and BIS from various perspectives, thereby informing the choice between these two seemingly similar measures. Along the way, we also offer advice on how to avoid various pitfalls in the calculation of BIS and in the simulation of within-participants data.

Simulating differential speed–accuracy trade-offs in within-participants designs

To explore how a given measure handles variation in SATs, it is useful to produce data for which variations in SATs are known a priori. As there currently is no undisputed experimental method of inducing specific levels of SAT and as developing, validating, and using such a method is highly resource intensive, simulating data with an established mathematical model of human performance seems the most straightforward and efficient first step to tackle this question.

From among the many cognitive models that would fulfill this purpose, Liesefeld and Janczyk (2019) used a relatively simple version of the drift-diffusion model (Ratcliff, 1978; Ratcliff et al., 2016; for a similar approach, see Dutilh et al., 2012; Hedge et al., 2018a, b, 2021; Lerche & Voss, 2018; Vandierendonck, 2021b). This model simulates a decision process, assuming that, from a starting point z, evidence for the correct response continuously and noisily accumulates with a certain drift rate v until a preset threshold a is reached, thus producing a correct response. Because of the noise, typically modelled as a scaled Wiener process, the activation reaches the lower threshold at zero by chance on some trials, thus producing an incorrect response.Footnote 4 Increasing the value of v decreases mean RT and increases PC at the same time and is thus often thought to reflect decreases in task difficulty or increases in cognitive ability. By contrast, increasing the value of a (i.e., increasing the distance between the upper and lower threshold and thereby increasing the distance of the starting point to the thresholds as well) increases mean RT and PC at the same time (see also Lerche & Voss, 2018), thus capturing changes on the SAT continuum towards a more conservative responding. As such, this model is suited to simulate variations in SAT and difficulty/ability independently by variations in a and v, respectively.

Arbitrary as this selection might be, the drift-diffusion model has several characteristics that are highly desirable for our purposes: (a) It makes predictions on mean and trial-wise RTs and accuracies, (b) the model is widely used and is well established in terms of being able to account for empirical data from a huge range of cognitive tasks, and (c) there are separate parameters that can be interpreted as reflecting SAT settings (threshold separation a) or difficulty (drift rate v).

To see how simulations need to be adapted for the present purposes (in comparison to Liesefeld & Janczyk, 2019), it is necessary to consider what differentiates a between-participants from a within-participants design and how that affects the data. The core feature of within-participants designs is that the same participant performs both (or all) conditions and that each participant is compared to themselves via, for example, repeated-measures ANOVAs or paired t tests. This ensures that pre-experimental interindividual variability (between-participants variance) does not affect the error term of significance tests (the participant × condition interaction) and thereby typically increases their statistical power. As this pre-experimental variability is the same in all conditions, performance across conditions is highly correlated in within-participants designs. In fact, the higher these correlations are, the higher the increase in statistical power compared to between-participants designs (e.g., Lakens, 2013). That is, it is for measures highly correlated across conditions (as is typically the case for mean RTs in different conditions of an experiment), where within-participants designs play out their full strength and differ most from between-participants designs.


Based on these considerations, we simulated two sets of data, one with a variation in drift rate v (“real” effectFootnote 5) and one with a variation in threshold separation a (SAT effect) to get a first impression of how LISAS and BIS react to these manipulations. All data were modeled as Wiener diffusion processes (see Ratcliff, 1978; Ratcliff et al., 2016; Ulrich et al., 2015; Vandekerckhove & Tuerlinckx, 2007; Voss & Voss, 2007; Wagenmakers et al., 2007), that is, activation at time t, X(t), is modelled as a scaled Wiener process with a time-independent drift rate v

$$X(t)=W(t)\cdot\sigma+v\cdot t$$

with a fixed value of the noise parameter σ = 4 (as in Liesefeld & Janczyk, 2019).Footnote 6 A decision is made when the activation, starting at 0.5 · a exceeds either the upper threshold a (correct) or the lower threshold at zero (error). The time point where this happens is interpreted as the decision time. Time spent on additional processes of encoding and responding is captured via an additional non-decision time parameter, tER, which is added to the decision time to yield the overall RT.

In the first simulation, a “real” effect was induced by varying the drift rate between conditions. In this case, we chose v1 = 0.246 and v2 = 0.254 while keeping the threshold separation constant at a = 125. In the second simulation, an SAT was induced by varying the threshold separation between conditions. In this case, we chose a1 = 120 and a2 = 130, while keeping the drift rate constant at v = 0.25.Footnote 7

Based on these standard parameters, two sources of variability were added to the respective varied parameter. First, interindividual variability was implemented by adding the same value \({\epsilon}_i^{between}\) to both conditions of a simulated participant i. Second, to induce error variance (which, in a within-participants design, is the participant × condition interaction), an additional \({\epsilon}_{i,j}^{within}\) was added to each condition j (j ∈ {1, 2}) of each participant i. Thus, for a participant i in condition j, the parameter μi, j (i.e., drift or threshold separation) used for the simulations is the following sum:


The (error) terms \({\epsilon}_i^{between}\) and \({\epsilon}_{i,j}^{within}\) were drawn from a set of random variables \({\boldsymbol{E}}^{between}\sim N\left(0,{\sigma}_B^2\right)\) and \({\boldsymbol{E}}_j^{within}\sim N\left(0,{\sigma}_W^2\right)\), respectively. For the drift rate simulation, we set \({\sigma}_B^2={0.01}^2\) and \({\sigma}_W^2={0.005}^2\); for the SAT simulation we set \({\sigma}_B^2={20}^2\) and \({\sigma}_W^2={10}^2\). Note that the theoretical correlation of the parameters between the two conditions across participants can be calculated as


and is accordingly r = .80 for the chosen values (see Appendix 2 for a proof). The non-decision time tER was drawn separately for each participant i, but was the same for both conditions j with \({\boldsymbol{t}}_i^{ER}\sim N\left(\mathrm{300,20}\right)\), thus adding extra between-participants variance in mean RTs. Both simulations were repeated to yield 1000 experiments with n = 20 participants each and 1000 trials per condition (i.e., we simulated 2 × 1000 × 20 × 1000 = 40 million individual diffusion processes in total).


In our simulations, raw data were aggregated at the end of each simulated experiment to improve computational efficiency. In this course, the statistics required to calculate BIS, LISAS, and LISAScond as detailed above were obtained and stored (mean correct RTs and PCs for both measures, and the respective across-trial SDs for LISAS [including all trials of a participant and separately per participant × condition cell; only correct trials were included for RT SDs]). For each of the 1000 experiments, a paired-sample t test was calculated between the two conditions on each obtained dependent variable (mean RT, PC, BIS, LISAS) and the percentage of significant results (at α = .05) was recorded. In addition, the effect size \({d}_z=\frac{t}{\surd n}\) was calculated per experiment and averaged across experiments.


The means, effect sizes, and percentages of significant t tests for the drift rate and the SAT simulation are summarized in Table 1. Four aspects of these simulated data are of major relevance here:

Table 1 Means of mean RT, PC, BIS, and versions of LISAS, complemented by mean effect size dz, and the percentage of significant paired t tests (at α = .05) when a “real” effect was implemented via different drift rates while keeping the threshold separation constant at a = 125 (upper part) or when an effect on SATs was implemented via different threshold separations while keeping the drift rate constant at v = 0.25 (lower part)

First, the data of both simulations produced positive correlations between the two conditions; they thus correspond to typical observations in within-participants designs. More precisely, for the drift rate simulation, the mean correlationFootnote 8 for the drift rates (range in square brackets) was r = .811 [.309; .960], for mean RT r = .979 [.869; .995], and for PC r = .684 [−.198; .948]. Similarly, for the SAT simulation, the mean correlation for the threshold separations was r = .807 [.282; .974], for mean RT r = .831 [.310; .975], and for PC r = .793 [−.295; .965].

Second, as becomes evident from Table 1, our manipulations of drift rate and threshold separation across conditions yielded “real” effects and effects on SATs, respectively, with the former indicated by opposing trends and the latter indicated by same-directional trends in mean RT and PC.

Third, when considering BIS and the various versions of LISAS with regard to the “real” effect in Table 1, it appears that all combined measures yielded more significant t tests than either mean RT or PC and thus can potentially increase the statistical power when an effect is distributed across mean RT and PC.

Fourth, and most importantly for the present purposes, are the results for BIS and LISAS with regard to the SAT effect in Table 1 (lower part). Remember that variations in mean RT and PC were only due to varying the SAT setting by manipulating the threshold separation parameter a in the underlying simulation. While the percentage of significant t tests on LISAS and LISAScond is around the same as for mean RT, this percentage is strikingly reduced for BIS (and LISASBIS, which is designed to mimic BIS and is introduced and discussed further below), namely from 85% (mean RT) or 79.7% (PC) to 6.7% (BIS).

To make sure that the relative insensitivity of BIS to variations in threshold separation is not just a chance finding related to the specific parameters used, we ran additional simulations with other values to cover a broader range of parameters, while focusing only on SAT effects, that is, variations in threshold separation a (see Table 2). These simulations yield the same conclusions as those reported in Table 1.

Table 2 Additional simulations with SAT effects (for details, see Table 1)

In sum, both BIS and LISAS maintain “real” effects (and even improve statistical power; Table 1), but—contrary to the conclusions of Vandierendonck (2021b) —only BIS considerably attenuates SAT effects in our simulated within-participants data (Tables 1 and 2). This converges with what Liesefeld and Janczyk (2019) had observed in a much more extensive simulation study for between-participants data. Most importantly for the present purposes, based on these results we can exclude the possibility that the difference between BIS and LISAS observed in our previous study “is quite likely due to the usage of between-subject designs in the Liesefeld-Janczyk paper” (Vandierendonck, 2021b, p. 22). All simulations, analyses, and data used here can be found at:

Reanalysis of Vandierendonck (2021b, Exp. 2)

In the previous section, we have arrived at a conclusion diametrically opposed to Vandierendonck (2021b): While we find that BIS is highly effective in attenuating effects that result from mere variations in SATs and that its behavior deviates strongly from that of LISAS, Vandierendonck (2021b) found that BIS and LISAS behave almost identically and neither of them satisfactorily attenuates effects resulting from variations in SATs. To clarify why that is the case, we reanalyzed data from one of his simulations and reviewed the analysis code that is publicly available at This exercise fulfills several additional purposes: It clarifies how BIS is calculated and points out some potential issues with simulating (within-participants) data with the drift-diffusion model, emphasizing the importance of simulating realistic amounts of between- and within-participants variance.

Out of the available data sets, we decided against using the simulation from Vandierendonck’s (2021b) Study 1 (which follows a logic similar to all simulations in Vandierendonck, 2017), because we do not believe that this approach is valid for simulating variations in SAT. Most problematically, in this simulation, the relative size of effects on mean RT and PC is arbitrary (as also discussed in Appendix 1). A non-arbitrary relationship between effects on mean RT and PC is achieved by simulations using the psychologically plausible drift-diffusion model and by manipulating the threshold separation parameter a, as was done above and already in Liesefeld and Janczyk (2019). Therefore, we were happy to see that in Study 2 and Study 3, Vandierendonck (2021b) adopted this approach and simulated variations in SAT and difficulty (“real” effects) using the drift-diffusion model. Because the data structure and the underlying reasoning of Study 3 are unnecessarily complex for the present purposes, we decided to work with the data from Study 2.

This study contains 40 (4 PE levelsFootnote 9 ×10 speed–accuracy steps) simulated data sets, each with a 2 (drift rate) × 3 (threshold separation) within-participants manipulation. “PE levels” refers to four different sets of drift rate/threshold separation combinations that approximately yielded the desired PEs (.05, .10, .15, and .20) and “speed–accuracy steps” refers to the size of the threshold-separation manipulation in the respective simulated data set. Further details on the simulations can be found in Vandierendonck (2021b). From these data, Vandierendonck extracted (among other measures) mean RT, PE, LISAS, and what we call here BISV (with “V” standing for “Vandierendonck”) for each of the six cells of each of the 40 studies.

Surprisingly, at first, we were unable to replicate the pattern for “BIS as displayed in Vandierendonck’s (2021b) Figures 4–6 with his simulated data (cf. “BISV” and BIS in Fig. 2). Working through his code revealed a programming error (in, l. 24–28) that eventually resulted in entering mean error RT into the calculation of BIS rather than mean correct RT.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Rows 1–3 reproduce parts of Fig. 4 in Vandierendonck (2021b), recalculated based on the publicly available simulation results and our reading of the analysis code. “BISV” (row 3) refers to the (erroneous) calculation of BIS in that article. Row 4 presents the pattern for BIS obtained when all required corrections were applied to the calculation. Filled and unfilled circles represent the experimental (lower drift rate) and the control (higher drift rate) condition, respectively. Colors code the three SAT conditions of each simulation and “Speed–Accuracy Steps” refers to the size of the respective SAT manipulation

An even more consequential, conceptual, problem in the analyses is that instead of using the variance across the participants × condition cells in aggregated mean RT and PC as intended (Liesefeld et al., 2015; Liesefeld & Janczyk, 2019), Vandierendonck (2021b) has used the variance in RTs and accuracies across trials to standardize mean RT and PC during the calculation of BIS. Thus, to plot BISV in Fig. 2, we (incorrectly) used mean error RT and the across-trial variance in error RTs and accuracies, thereby perfectly replicating the “BIS” pattern in Fig. 4 of Vandierendonck (2021b).Footnote 10

When correcting for these mistakes, BIS attenuates SAT effects to a higher degree than all competing evaluated measures and it seems almost unaffected by the size of the threshold separation manipulation in the simulations (i.e., by the “Speed–Accuracy Steps”; see Fig. 2, row “BIS”). However, as discussed further below, the simulated SAT effect still affects BIS (to a higher degree than in our analyses above or in the more extensive between-participants simulations of Liesefeld & Janczyk, 2019), as evidenced by the difference between the colored lines in Fig. 2 and the moderate effect sizes as visualized in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Effect sizes (\({\eta}_p^2\)) for mean RT, PE, BISV, and BIS for the data of Study 2 of Vandierendonck (2021b). \({\eta}_p^2\) was calculated as \(\frac{SS_{effect}}{SS_{effect}+{SS}_{error}}\) and slightly deviates from the \({\eta}_p^2\) reported in Vandierendonck (2021b)

These observations must be interpreted with some caution, due to various potentially non-ideal choices in Vandierendonck’s (2021b) simulations as detailed in turn. First, in contrast to our simulations above, all variance contributing to the error term of the statistical within-participant tests in Vandierendonck’s (2021b) simulations comes from the stochastic diffusion process itself rather than being explicitly controlled. This variance can be controlled by drawing parameters from a random distribution for each participant × condition cell of the design as done in the above simulations (\({\epsilon}_{i,j}^{within}\)).

More problematically, the data does not contain sufficient between-participants variance (\({\epsilon}_{i,j}^{between}\); reflecting, e.g., pre-experimental variation in ability). While not mentioned in the manuscript, a close inspection of the simulation code reveals that for each participant a random value was drawn from a normal distribution with M = 0 and SD = 0.001 and this value was added to the drift rate and threshold separation parameter. That the induced between-participants variance might not be realistic in the data simulated by Vandierendonck (2021b) can be seen by considering that interindividual differences that are stable across experimental conditions result in correlations between conditions, because a participant who responds relatively fast in condition A will also respond relatively fast in condition B. However, in contrast to typical within-participants data (e.g., Lakens, 2013), the correlation between conditions in the data set reanalyzed here is almost zero on average (see Table 3). Thus, unfortunately and in contrast to our simulations reported above, the data simulated by Vandierendonck (2021b) are not representative of within-participants data, despite the purpose of that study to evaluate measures combining speed and accuracy in within-participants designs.

Table 3 Average correlations (and their range across speed–accuracy steps in square brackets) between the two drift rate conditions for mean RT and PE of Study 2 in Vandierendonck (2021b)

Equally problematic—in particular with regard to BIS—is a potential consequence of drawing only one value per participant and adding it to both the drift rate and the threshold separation parameters: An increase in drift rate decreases RTs and PEs, whereas an increase in threshold separation increases RTs and decreases PEs. Therefore, if drift rate and threshold separation increase in parallel, mean RTs remain relatively stable, while PEs decrease much more; if drift rate and threshold separation decrease, mean RTs remain relatively stable, while PEs increase much more. Thus, by adding the same value to both parameters, more between-participants variance in PEs is induced than in mean RTs. As this variance goes into the denominator of the z standardization in the calculation of BIS, any such-induced between-participants variance diminishes the influence of PE on the final BIS score (as if PE was down-weighted). Thus, artificially adding the same term to drift rate and threshold separation parameters to induce between-participants variance exaggerates RTs in the calculation of BIS. The reason why this is not so dramatically the case in the simulated data (see Figs. 2 and 3) is that insufficient between-participants variance was induced in the first place. Note that this is not an issue with BIS, but an issue with the assumption in Vandierendonck’s (2021b) simulations that participants with a high drift rate necessarily also apply a high threshold separation.

Another issue is that Vandierendonck (2021b) simulated only a single experiment per data point in Figs. 2 and 3, so that the resulting data are unlikely to be representative of all possible data sets that could have been generated with the respective employed parameter set. This results in the jagged shape of the curves in Figs. 2 and 3, where, for example, PE can rise or fall with an increase in threshold separation (“Speed–Accuracy Steps”) due to quasi-random fluctuations in the simulations. The individual points in such a graph would become more representative of all potential simulation outcomes by simulating a large number of experiments per parameter combination and then averaging across these simulated experiments as done in our simulations above and in Liesefeld and Janczyk (2019).

Finally, based on these data one could get the impression that just analyzing PE is the best way to handle variations in SAT, because, overall, PE was the measure least affected by variations in threshold separation (in contrast to the effects of variations in threshold separation on PC observed in our simulations, see Tables 1 and 2), while being rather sensitive to variations in drift rate, in particular for high PE levels (when there is room for effects on PE; see Figs. 2 and 3). This unrealistic insensitivity of PE to variations in threshold separation (in part) explains the relatively bad performance of BIS with regard to attenuating variations in SAT (which is still better than the other combined measures and mean RT): if—as is the case in the data simulated by Vandierendonck (2021b)—there is insufficient corresponding variation in PE, variation in mean RT induced by differential SATs cannot be compensated for by any combined measure (see also the section on “Comparisons of three conditions using ANOVAs” and on “Transforming the constituents” in Liesefeld & Janczyk, 2019).

In sum, due to these various issues with the analyses and simulations in Vandierendonck (2021b), for the time being, we recommend referring to our preliminary simulations and analyses above with regard to the question of whether combined speed–accuracy measures can attenuate effects resulting from variations in SAT in within-participants designs, the tentative answer being that BIS can, at least for pairwise comparisons. More comprehensive simulations are desirable, but would overly extend the present article. Furthermore, our reanalyses and comments on the simulation hopefully convey several crucial points in the simulation of within-participants data, and prevent future users of BIS from committing the same mistakes in their calculation of BIS.

The crucial difference between LISAS and BIS

Having established that BIS and LISAS differ in their behavior and—taking also the extensive simulations and analyses in Liesefeld and Janczyk (2019) into account—that only BIS attenuates spurious effects that are due to differential SATs, we now turn to the question of what differentiates the two measures. While Vandierendonck (2021b) stresses that BIS scores cannot be compared across experiments as a major difference to LISASFootnote 11, the above reanalyses of his data set indicate that the choice of the variance used for standardization matters most. To see where the opposing views come from and to support users of combined measures to make an informed choice, the following dwells on these two characteristics in some detail. Following these theoretical considerations, we will demonstrate that indeed variance in standardization rather than the different scaling matters most. In particular, by using BIS’ standardization variance, we can easily modify LISAS, so that it attenuates the effects of differential SATs while maintaining “real” effects in our simulated data, just like BIS does.

On the surface, BIS is indeed highly similar to LISAS (as demonstrated in Appendix A of Vandierendonck, 2021b). This superficial similarity is not surprising, because both measures combine mean RT and PC/PE by first bringing them to the same scale. Which scale they are brought to is, we would argue, a relatively arbitrary choice that is non-consequential for the measure’s behavior (as already discussed in Liesefeld & Janczyk, 2019, p. 50). LISAS is scaled in terms of RTs and, according to Vandierendonck (2021b), “can be interpreted as an RT corrected for errors” (p. 24). Liesefeld and Janczyk (2019) suggested (but by no means prescribed) scaling BIS in terms of above-average (BIS > 0) or below-average (BIS < 0) performance across participants and conditions in the analyzed experiment, with higher absolute values reflecting stronger deviation from the average. To us, this appeared to be the most interesting scaling, because absolute RTs are typically not in the focus of psychological studies and comparisons of absolute performance across studies is not usually desired or even possible, because absolute performance is affected by many incidental choices regarding stimuli and experimental designs that would differ between studies. Rather, experimental research usually focuses on performance differences between conditions (and maybe participants) within an experiment, which is directly reflected in BIS with the scaling suggested by Liesefeld and Janczyk (2019).

Having said this, if, for whatever reason, a scaling in terms of RTs (like for LISAS) is desired, BIS can easily be rescaled accordingly (Liesefeld & Janczyk, 2019, p. 50):


where \({S}^{\overline{RT}}\) refers to the SD of mean RTs used in the calculation of BIS (usually, across all participant × condition cells) and refers to the grand mean RT, that is, mean RTs averaged across all conditions and participants. Such linear transformations do not affect the behavior of BIS in any way (see Appendix 3 and Liesefeld & Janczyk, 2019, Footnote 9). Actually, on its first application (before it even got its name), BIS was scaled and interpreted as mean RT corrected for errors (Liesefeld et al., 2015; as pointed out in Liesefeld & Janczyk, 2019, Footnote 3).

By contrast, which variance is used for standardization is crucial: BIS uses the variance across the data points of interest. In typical experimental designs of the type simulated here, these data points are mean RT and PC, that is, the aggregated data. The underlying idea is to combine mean RT and PC within one score (BIS) so that both constituent measures (mean RT and PC) contribute the same amount of variance to this score (i.e., correlate with it to the same degree; see Liesefeld & Janczyk, 2019, pp. 45–46). For this goal, it is of no direct relevance how raw RTs (and accuracies) are distributed across trials, but the distribution of the derived measures (mean RT and PC per participant × condition cell) that are actually submitted to standard statistical tests (e.g., ANOVAs or a t tests) is what counts. That the distribution of means differs from the distribution of the raw data is probably most widely known for RTs: While distributions of raw RTs are heavily left-skewed (have a long right tail), the distribution of mean RTs more closely approximates a (symmetric) normal distribution if a sufficient number of trials is aggregated. Typically, the best estimate of the variance of the aggregated measures is achieved by calculating it across all participant × condition cells, but there are situations where it is desirable to equate BIS across two or more groups of participants (e.g., when the focus is on a group-by-condition interaction; see Liesefeld et al., 2015). We cannot readily see, nor did we find any respective discussion in Vandierendonck’s publications, as to why it is desirable to scale aggregate measures by across-trial variance as done for LISAS.

To demonstrate that the choice of the standardization variance is crucial, we tweaked LISAS so that it mimics the behavior of BIS as a result. This is done by simply replacing the across-trial variance of raw performance used to scale PE by the across-cell variance of the aggregated data (as used by BIS):

$$LISAS_{i,j}^{BIS}=\overline{RT_{i,j}}+\frac{S^{\overline{RT}}}{S^{PE}}\cdot PE_{i,j}$$

Please compare Eq. 4 to the original version of LISAS (in our notation) in Eq. 2 and note that we merely adapted the term for scaling PEi,j. As shown in Tables 1 and 2, LISASBIS indeed strongly attenuates effects from differential SATs while maintaining “real” effects, just like BIS does. Finally, Appendix 3 demonstrates that LISASBIS is essentially a version of BIS linearly transformed to the scale of mean RTs (LISASBIS = BISRTscaled + C), taking—in contrast to Appendix A of Vandierendonck (2021b), which is based on a single participant—also the crucial standardization variances into account.

Are combined performance measures needed at all?

To us, the major aim of combined performance measures is to integrate measures of speed (mean RT) and accuracy (PC) in a way that attenuates SAT effects while maintaining “real” effects. The same goal can be achieved by fitting cognitive models such as the drift-diffusion model (i.e., the very model used here for simulating data) to empirical data and then analyzing the parameter estimates that are considered to reflect “real” effects. In fact, the drift rate of the drift-diffusion model closely corresponds to what BIS is assumed to reflect and, in a way, calculating BIS here and in Liesefeld and Janczyk (2019) can be conceived of as recovering effects on the drift rate parameter from the simulated data. Thus, fitting the drift-diffusion model to each individual cell of the design and submitting the drift rate estimates to further statistical tests (as has been done before; e.g., Janczyk & Lerche, 2019; Schuch, 2016) would achieve the same purpose as calculating BIS. In fact, the modeling approach is far superior in many ways (e.g., Ratcliff et al., 2016). For example, it provides estimates of many additional parameters and allows to impose useful constraints on parameter estimates (e.g., Vandekerckhove & Tuerlinckx, 2007) and to directly test psychological theories by comparing different models (e.g., Koob et al., 2021). Furthermore, an estimate of some basic parameters of the drift-diffusion model has been suggested that is equally easy to apply as BIS (Wagenmakers et al., 2007; which is not without critiques, though, Ratcliff, 2008). Clearly, the purpose of BIS is not to replace this powerful approach, but to offer an alternative in cases where model fitting does not seem applicable. The two approaches complement each other, because decision models such as the drift-diffusion model assume a very specific set of cognitive processes and, in particular, that SAT effects reflect variation in the decision criterion. Whenever the model assumptions are likely to apply to the psychological phenomenon under investigation, this specificity is desirable. By contrast, BIS is constructed based on purely statistical considerations, namely equal weighting of the two constituent measures, mean RT and PC, and does not make any assumptions with regard to the underlying cognitive processes. We expect BIS to be useful as long as psychological phenomena are investigated for which there is no easily accessible model that can be used instead or whenever there is doubt in the validity or applicability of these models (see also Liesefeld & Janczyk, 2019, pp. 52–53).

Another consideration that would, in our opinion, render combined measures largely dispensable was brought forward by Vandierendonck (2021b), who argues that differential SATs were impossible when trials from the various experimental conditions are randomly intermixed in within-participants designs and therefore recommends to use such designs, rather than combined performance measures, in order to avoid the issues with potential condition-specific variation in SAT. If this was true, it would indeed resolve the issue of differential SATs and, thus, neither combined measures nor model fitting would be needed for that purpose. Problematically, however, (a) such random intermixing is not always possible or desirable and (b) it is an empirical question whether intermixing makes differential SATs impossible that, we believe, must be tested for each specific situation.

Regarding point (a), many research questions require across-group comparisons, such as those involving different age groups or the comparison of intervention and control groups. Furthermore, even in within-participants designs, random intermixing is not always possible or desirable. An example close to our own work is response-effect compatibility in the action-control literature (Janczyk & Lerche, 2019; Kunde, 2001), but there are many further reasons that might prevent an experimenter from intermixing experimental conditions of interest in a fully random fashion.

Regarding point (b), as powerful as this technique might be, random intermixing does not guarantee the absence of differential SATs. For example, it seems likely that in tasks with longer mean RT, participants decide that they have spent sufficient time on a given, particularly difficult trial and respond prematurely in a higher number of cases than on easy trials (e.g., Liesefeld et al., 2015, where difficult mental rotations were randomly intermixed with easy mental rotations). Such behavior could, for example, be based on a time-out strategy. Also, an adaptation of SATs based on a preliminary scanning of the stimulus does not seem too unrealistic after all. Consider for example a visual search task with a strong difference in difficulty between randomly intermixed inefficient search and efficient search conditions. All else being equal, participants might be less willing to spend much time on the inefficient search trials but rather tend to make their decision based on less evidence and proceed with the next (probably easier) trial prematurely. A coarse and preliminary scan of the scene can often tell whether a search display is difficult or easy (e.g., whether non-targets are homogeneous or heterogeneous, see Liesefeld & Müller, 2020) and result in a trial-wise adaptation of the search strategy (e.g., Tay et al., 2022). Another example are intertrial effects, that is, the observation that features of a preceding trial affect performance on the current trial, potentially by changing SATs. As a matter of fact, intertrial effects on the threshold parameter have been observed previously (e.g., Schuch, 2016). In sum, in contrast to the viewpoint expressed in Vandierendonck (2021b), we argue that the intermixing technique does not generally solve the issue of condition-specific SATs and we believe that combined performance measures remain useful for this purpose.