
Fluency, or the subjective ease or difficulty of information processing, impacts a wide variety of judgments (Alter & Oppenheimer, 2009). For example, an interviewer who becomes frustrated during an online job interview because of an unstable internet connection and bad audio-visual quality might mistakenly blame the candidate for their negative experience (Fiechter, Fealing, Gerrard, & Kornell, 2018). The present experiments address the misleading role of fluency in judgments about the accuracy of one’s memory (i.e., metacognitive monitoring; Nelson & Narens, 1990); specifically, we assessed how trial-completion times influenced confidence.Footnote 1 Participants report higher confidence in multiple-choice responses that they select more quickly (Koriat, 2008; Koriat & Ackerman, 2010; Robinson, Johnson, & Herndon, 1997; Zakay & Tuvia, 1998), even when accuracy of responses is controlled for (Ackerman & Zalmanov, 2012). Furthermore, primed answers are retrieved more quickly and receive higher confidence ratings than do unprimed answers, regardless of the accuracy of those answers (Kelley & Lindsay, 1993).

Repeated questioning and confidence

In the present experiments, we examined what happens to confidence when a question is asked multiple times. This manipulation has been implemented most frequently in the eyewitness literature as an analogue to repeated police questioning of witnesses for their memory of a crime (Pezdek, Sperry, & Owens, 2007; Shaw, 1996; Shaw & McClure, 1996; Odinot & Wolters, 2006; Odinot, Wolters, & Lavender, 2008; see also Wells, Ferguson, & Lindsay, 1981). These studies have mostly found that eyewitness confidence increases when participants are asked the same question repeatedly. The strongest evidence comes from studies that used multiple-choice questions (Shaw, 1996; Shaw & McClure, 1996); only one study has found confidence inflation with free-response questions (Odinot et al., 2008).

Response fluency has been used to explain why learners' confidence is increased following repeated questioning. The idea is that repeated questioning today enhances retrieval fluency tomorrow, which in turn is used as a cue when learners make confidence judgments (Bjork, Dunlosky, & Kornell, 2013; Koriat, 2012; Odinot et al., 2008; Shaw, 1996; Shaw & McClure, 1996). We will call this account the fluency hypothesis. The fluency hypothesis is based on evidence from the aforementioned answer-priming paradigm used by Kelley and Lindsay (1993); however, there is at least one other plausible mechanism that could explain increases in confidence after repeated questioning: when asked to answer a previously answered question, learners may remember having given the same response earlier (Finn & Metcalfe, 2007, 2008) and use that consistencyFootnote 2 as a cue for their confidence judgment. This consistency would probably be a more salient cue after repeated questioning because of enhanced memory following multiple retrievals (e.g., Karpicke & Roediger, 2008). We will call this account the response-repetition hypothesis. The fluency hypothesis and response-repetition hypothesis both predict increased confidence after repeated questioning, but they are premised on different mediating mechanisms.

Participants in our experiments answered general knowledge questions either once or three times. They then took a final test in which they responded to all the questions for a final time and were asked to assess confidence in their responses. Because participants were never told the correct answers to the questions we asked, we predicted that repeated questioning would not affect response accuracy. We predicted that it would increase confidence, however. Finally, we conducted a proper mediation analysis in order to evaluate whether the fluency hypothesis or response-repetition hypothesis better accounted for our data.

These experiments are important for practical and theoretical reasons. First, on a practical level, there are many situations in which people answer questions and do not look up the answer, and in doing so might increase their confidence in an incorrect answer. One is when one recalls a false autobiographical story that cannot be looked up (e.g., “I once saw Bill Clinton working at a diner in Wichita”). Another is when one does not bother to check a false “fact” because one does not doubt its veracity (e.g., “the Great Wall of China is visible from the moon”). In these cases, an idea could turn from uncertain (“maybe George H. W. Bush masterminded the assassination of JFK?”) to certain (“George H. W. Bush masterminded the assassination of JFK!”) without external confirmation, based solely on thinking about it from time to time and consistently thinking of the same answer.

Second, in terms of theory, we sought to establish the mechanism that underlies this phenomenon: How and why does repeated questioning cause changes in confidence? This question fits with a recent push to understand the mechanisms underlying metacognitive judgments, including confidence judgments (Koriat & Adiv, 2016). As previously stated, researchers have postulated that repeated questioning increases confidence via fluency; this research sought to test predictions made by the fluency and response-repetition hypotheses.

Experiment 1


Our experimental method and statistical analyses are preregistered at the Open Science Framework at We analyzed our data using Bayesian analyses, which allow for the use of optional stopping during data collection (Rouder, 2014; for mathematical proof, see Deng, Lu, & Chen, 2016). We therefore collected data from 60 people and analyzed our data, with a commitment to collect data from 40 additional people if the data were inconclusive, but to stop if we found convincing evidence in favor of or against our hypotheses. Bayes Factors for all comparisons of interest (test accuracy, confidence, trial-completion time, and coefficients from a mediation analysis) were assessed as part of this optional stopping.


We recruited 100 participants from Amazon's Mechanical Turk Service. Participants were paid $3.00 to complete the experiment, which lasted approximately 25 min. We then excluded participants who: (1) did not complete every phase of the experiment; (2) started the experiment multiple times; (3) failed to report being fluent in English; (4) reported technical difficulties; (5) reported seeing our stimuli before; or (6) had a median trial completion time of less than 2 s over all phases of the experiment (these exclusion rules were preregistered). Of the subjects who completed all parts of the experiment, five were removed for having a median trial time of less than 2 s and seven were removed for starting the experiment multiple times. We excluded one additional participant because they did not make any commission errors on the repeated questions and so their data could not be analyzed. The final sample consisted of 84 participants.


We used a two-level (number of times asked: once vs. three times) within-subject design. Our dependent variables were accuracy, trial-completion time, and confidence on the final test.


We used 48 general knowledge questions taken from Kornell (2014). Example questions include "What nation consumes the most Coca-Cola per person?" (Iceland) and "What is a group of owls called?" (parliament).


The experiment consisted of an initial practice phase followed by a brief distractor and then a final test phase. All trials were self-paced. Participants responded to 48 general knowledge questions during the practice phase; we instructed them to guess even if they were uncertain about their responses. These questions were presented one at a time and participants typed their responses into an empty box placed below each question; they submitted their responses by pressing the "Enter" key on their keyboard. We measured trial-completion time as the temporal span between the onset of a question and the submission of a response. At no point in the experiment were participants shown the correct responses to these questions. Half the questions were asked once and the other half three times. We structured the practice phase so that it consisted of three blocks; each block consisted of all 24 repeated questions and eight single questions (i.e., one-third of the single questions was randomly assigned to each of the three practice blocks). The question order in each block was randomly determined.

After completing the practice phase, participants completed a brief distractor in which they were asked to recall as many sports as they could think of for 2 min. Then, on the final test, they were asked all 48 questions once more. On each trial, after providing a response, they were asked "How confident are you in your response?" and typed an integer from 1 to 7 into an empty box placed below the prompt, pressing the "Enter" key to submit their rating. Participants' answers to the questions were initially leniently scored by the PHP "similar_text" function and were counted as correct if that function returned a value of 75 (out of 100) or higher. Responses that were scored as incorrect were hand-scored for accuracy; only 65 responses across both experiments (out of 18,615) were scored as correct after initially being classified as incorrect. A summary of these responses is presented in Table S1 of the Online Supplementary Materials (OSM).


All our data and an R script for running our analyses are located at the Open Science Framework at

We analyzed our data using Bayesian t-tests (Rouder, Speckman, Sun, Morey, & Iverson, 2009). We report Bayes Factors (BF10), which are a ratio of evidence in favor of the alternative and null hypotheses. Following recommendations from Jeffreys (1961), we consider evidence convincing if BF10 ≤ 0.33 (for the null) or BF10 ≥ 3 (for the alternative).

We removed questions from each participant's data file for which there was at least one omission error. This policy was not included in our preregistration file, but we were interested in the effects of repeated answering on confidence and omission errors, which do not involve answering at all, were irrelevant to that relationship. We ultimately removed 1,030 trials (i.e., 9% of the original data set).

Accuracy, confidence, and response times

All dependent measures of interest as a function of question repetition are presented in Table 1. We found that confidence in response accuracy was higher for repeated versus single questions, BF10 = 8.10, Cohen's d = 0.47.Footnote 3 This difference in confidence was not mirrored by actual performance: accuracy on the final test for repeated versus single questions was approximately the same, BF10 = 0.25. Median trial-completion time on the final test was faster for repeated questions than for single questions, BF10 = 6,151.84, d = 0.91.

Table 1 Accuracy, confidence, response times (RTs), and proportion repeated responses on the final test for items asked once and thrice in each experiment

Mediation analysis

Finally, we conducted a Bayesian mixed-effects mediation analysis (Kenny, Korchmaros, & Bolger, 2003) with group-level effects for each item and question. Details of the analysis are included in the OSM. We initially pre-registered an analysis that included trial-completion time as a lone mediator (this analysis is presented in the OSM). However, further examination of our data showed that learners were more likely to repeatFootnote 4 answers from the practice phase in the repeated-questioning condition (see Table 1), and so we hypothesized that this enhanced response repetition may also be mediating that relationship. We therefore conducted a mediation analysis with two mediators (see, e.g., Preacher & Hayes, 2008): trial-completion time and response repetition (i.e., whether a final-test response had been provided previously during the practice phase or not).

The parameter estimates from the two-mediator analysis are presented in Fig. 1. Bayes Factors for our mediation analyses were calculated via Savage-Dickey ratios (Wagenmakers, Lodewyckx, Kuriyal, & Grasman, 2010). In contrast to the fluency hypothesis, we found strong evidence that trial-completion time did not mediate the relationship between repeated questioning and confidence (i.e., a1b1 + σab; BF10 = 0.003); in support of the response-repetition hypothesis, we found evidence that response repetition did mediate this relationship (i.e., a2b2 + σab; BF10 = 13.11).Footnote 5 Furthermore, evidence for a direct relationship between confidence and repeated questioning supported the null (i.e., c'; BF10 = 0.16), suggesting that response repetition completely mediated that relationship. It thus appears that participants were more likely to give a repeated response at test if they were asked a question three times during practice and that they were more confident in these repeated responses.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Posterior means (standard deviations in parentheses) from our mixed-effects mediation analysis using response times and probability of a repeated response as mediators in Experiment 1. Values in bold font indicate a corresponding Bayes Factor that is ≥ 3. Values of a correspond to the relationship between our independent variable (i.e., "# Asked") and a mediating variable after controlling for the other mediating variable; values of b correspond to the relationship between a mediating variable and our outcome variable of interest (i.e., "Confidence") after controlling for the independent variable and other mediating variables. The product of a and b, plus their covariance at the group level (i.e., ab + σab), corresponds to the mediating effect of a variable (Kenny et al., 2003). Values of c' correspond to the relationship between our independent variable and the outcome variable of interest after controlling for both mediating variables


Experiment 1 suggested that repeated questioning increases confidence in responses to general knowledge questions, replicating and extending previous studies in the eyewitness literature (e.g., Shaw, 1996). Most notably, our mediation analysis suggested that trial-completion time did not mediate the relationship between repeated questioning and enhanced confidence, but that response repetition did. Experiment 1 provided clear support for the response-repetition hypothesis over the fluency hypothesis.

Experiment 2

One possible reason why trial-completion time did not mediate the repeated questioning-confidence relationship in Experiment 1 is because we had participants report their confidence after a very brief 2-min delay. Previous findings suggest that reliance on processing fluency increases following a delay. For example, the oft-cited false-fame effect (Jacoby, Woloshyn, & Kelley, 1989b) occurs after a 24-h delay, but not immediately (Jacoby, Kelley, Brown, & Jasechko, 1989a). It seemed possible that delay would have similar effects in our study. Thus, in Experiment 2 we extended the delay between initial exposure to the questions and the final test to 48 h. Doing so had the added advantage of increasing the realism of the study, given that longer delays are more representative of how repeated questioning might happen in everyday life.


Our experimental method and statistical analyses are preregistered at the Open Science Framework at


Unlike Experiment 1, we did not use optional stopping for data collection in Experiment 2. Instead, we initially collected data from 100 people from Amazon's Mechanical Turk Service and then analyzed data from participants who returned 48 h later to complete the second session. Participants were paid $2.00 for completing the first session and $1.00 for completing the second session. We ended up with 55 participants after excluding those subjects who met any of our exclusion criteria or did not complete the second session. Our exclusion rules were the same as in Experiment 1; of the subjects who completed all parts of the experiment, one was removed for having a median trial time of less than 2 s, one was removed for starting the experiment multiple times, and one was removed for reporting technical difficulties.

Design, Stimuli, and Procedure

Our design, stimuli, and procedure were identical to Experiment 1, with two exceptions. First, we now included a 48-h delay between the initial practice of questions and the final test. Second, during the final test, we asked participants to report whether the current question had been asked once or three times during their first session.Footnote 6


As was the case for Experiment 1, we removed items that had not been responded to at any point during the experiment. We ultimately removed 368 observations (i.e., 5% of the original data set).

Accuracy, confidence, and response times

The pattern of condition means replicated Experiment 1, as can be seen in Table 1. We found that confidence in response accuracy was higher for repeated versus single questions, BF10 = 6.88, d = 0.57. This difference in confidence was not mirrored by actual performance: Accuracy on the final test for repeated versus single questions was approximately the same, BF10 = 0.16. Median trial-completion time (on the final test) for repeated questions was faster than for single questions, BF10 = 6.41 × 108, d = 2.36.

Mediation analysis

We preregistered an analysis with trial-completion time as a sole mediator (presented in the OSM) but present here a two-mediator analysis with time and response repetition as mediators. The parameter estimates from this analysis are presented in Fig. 2. In contrast to the fluency hypothesis, we found evidence for no mediating role of trial-completion time (i.e., a1b1 + σab; BF10 = 0.09); in support of the response-repetition hypothesis, we found very strong evidence for a mediating role of response repetition (i.e., a2b2 + σab; BF10 = 6.69 × 1020). Furthermore, we found strong evidence for no direct contribution of repeated questioning (i.e., c'; BF10 = 0.06), suggesting that response repetition once again accounted for much of that variable's effect.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Posterior means (standard deviations in parentheses) from our mixed-effects mediation analysis using response times and probability of a repeated response as mediators in Experiment 2. Values in bold font indicate a corresponding Bayes Factor that is ≥ 3. See Fig. 1 for an interpretation of the parameters


In Experiment 2 we had participants wait 48 h between initially responding to trivia questions and then making their final responses and confidence judgments. We replicated the finding from Experiment 1 that repeated questioning increased response speed and confidence without affecting response accuracy. And, once again, increased speed did not mediate the repeated questioning-confidence relationship. Rather, response repetition mediated that relationship. Experiment 2 therefore replicated the support for the response-repetition hypothesis over the fluency hypothesis that we found in Experiment 1.

General discussion

Participants in both experiments gave higher confidence ratings on the final test when questions had been asked multiple times during an earlier practice phase than when they had been asked once. There was no concomitant increase in response accuracy, which suggests that increased confidence was not justified. These experiments replicated and extended similar effects found in the eyewitness literature (Shaw, 1996; Shaw & McClure, 1996; Odinot, Wolters, & Lavender, 2008) to semantic, factual knowledge of the kind that people habitually generate in daily life.

Critically, and unlike previous studies, these experiments examined the causal relationship that links repeated questioning to increased confidence. Mediation analysesFootnote 7 suggested that response repetition, and not trial-completion time, mediated the repeated questioning-confidence relationship. This result held when participants gave their final answers 2 min (in Experiment 1) and 2 days (in Experiment 2) after practicing the questions. These findings support the response-repetition hypothesis and not the fluency hypothesis. Finally, it is important to note that we did find a mediating role of trial-completion time in a single-mediator analysis for Experiment 2, which suggests that our study was in fact capable of detecting a mediating role of fluency in the two-mediator analysis had such a role been present.

Our findings provide clear counter-evidence to the fluency hypothesis (and, more generally, to any account that predicts a mediating role of response time; Koriat, 2012), which has received virtually uncontested support as an explanation for confidence in repeated questions in the metacognitive literature. It appears to be the case that learners monitor the consistency between a current response and past responses and use that repetition as a cue for confidence. That repeated responses happen to be given more quickly is probably why previous studies (e.g., Shaw, 1996) mis-identified fluency as a mediating variable.

Our data are consistent with past studies that have found retrieval success to be a basis for metacognitive judgments (Dunlosky & Nelson, 1992; Finn & Metcalfe, 2007, 2008; Nelson & Dunlosky, 1991; Spellman & Bjork, 1992). However, in previous studies, participants had learned the answers during the study, so recalling the same answer as before (typically) meant recalling the correct answer. This study was different, in that our participants had generated their answers in the absence of feedback, so they had no confirmation that their initial answers were correct. It is interesting that confidence increased when accuracy held steady at only around 25%. Our participants had very little reason to suspect that they were generating correct information during the practice phase, but even so, recalling the same answer again during the test phase seemed to make them more confident.

It is circular reasoning to decide your opinion today must be correct because, in the past, you had the same opinion. Yet this scenario appears to be what happened to our participants. They were not more correct after answering questions more times, but they thought they were. This effect of repeating oneself on confidence could help explain why people are generally overconfident in their knowledge.