
Patient medication regimens are described in a variety of genres of medical documents, including prescription orders, intake interview medication lists, discharge summaries, prescribing guidelines, and medication orders. Often, at least some aspects of the regimen are described in free text; in many cases, the entire regimen is specified in free text alone. Regimen information is essential to patient care, as well as for secondary uses such as retrospective studies and pharmacovigilance, but the free text representation presents great challenges in accessing the information computationally. In this introduction we describe the availability and current state of the art of medication information extraction tools. We then describe community evaluations, open representation schemata, and corpus development efforts in the medication regimen domain.

Medication information extraction systems

Over the last two decades, several systems have been developed to identify medication names and associated dosage attribute information in the free text of clinical reports. Early rule-based systems include CLARIT [1], MedLEE [2, 3], and MERKI [4]. MERKI is an open source system that uses a library of regular expressions and a lexicon of drug names to identify medication names and dosage attributes. Authors of this system report accuracies of 83.7% for dose, 88.0% for route of administration, and 83.2% for frequency. CLARIT, a commercial system, combines basic NLP, general and special lexicons, and pattern matching rules to identify medication names and dosage attributes. MedLEE, a commercial system developed to extract various medical concepts, identifies medication names but not dosage attributes. Additional commercial systems include LifeCode™ from A-Life Medical, Inc., Natural Language Patient Record™ from Dictaphone Corporation, and FreePharma™ from Language and Computing NV. Algorithms for these systems are not publicly available.

A 2009 assessment of the medication extraction performance of commercial systems from four vendors (Language and Computing, Coderyte, LingoLogics, and Artificial Medical Intelligence) [5] found that they did well identifying medication names (F-measure 0.932) but less well identifying attributes such as strength (F = 0.853), route (F = 0.803), and frequency (0.483), and concluded that automated extraction could support but not replace a manual process for clinical applications such as medication list generation.

The i2b2 2009 Medication Challenge shared task [6] focused on extraction of medication-related information from clinical text. The information to be extracted included medication name, dosage amount, route of administration, frequency, duration, and reason for administration. Twenty teams participated in this challenge, and while all of the top 10 systems recognized medication names well with F-measures above 0.75 F-measure, they performed less well on other attributes. The attributes that proved hardest to extract were durations and reasons, for which the highest scores were 0.525 and 0.459, respectively.

Seven of the top ten performing systems were rule-based systems [7,8,9,10,11,12,13]. Three of the top ten [14,15,16] were hybrid systems that combined machine learning and rules, including the highest ranking system [14], which used machine learning for tagging and rules for integrating related components.

PredMed [17] and MedXN [18] are two more recent systems which improve on the accuracy demonstrated by the 2009 i2b2 challenge entries. PredMed is not yet publicly available; MedXN is available as a free and open-source UIMA-based tool. Both target the same set of seven medication-related concepts, which are listed in Table 1 in comparison to other information representations.

Table 1 A comparison of concept coverage, and the identifiers for those concepts, in various information representations: MedXN/PredMed information extraction output, SHARPn annotation schema, FHIR clinical data structures, and TranScriptML

Both PredMed and MedXN find spans referencing these seven concept types in text. Additionally, MedXN assigns an RxCUI id to normalize the medication name, performs coreference between medication names and regimen concepts, and attempts to assign an RxCUI normalization to the full medication concept. The full normalization produces a structured string combining the referenced regimen concepts. However, neither system normalizes the individual concepts (e.g. Frequency); individual concept references are left in their original surface text form.

Medication annotation schemas

In the i2b2 2009 challenge, the target output included standoff annotations of six fields of medication information (medication names, doses, modes [i.e. routes], frequencies, durations, and reasons [i.e. indications]). This schema captures the text positions and surface text of each category of information, but does not capture any semantic or normalized representation for each tagged instance.

A large annotation task undertaken by Strategic Health IT Advanced Research Projects (SHARP) Research Focus Area 4 (SHARPn) consisted of annotating a variety of medical named entities in clinical notes. The annotation task was intended to support development of clinical NLP tools. The SHARPn NLP team used the annotation to improve the functionality, interoperability, and usability of a clinical NLP system, Clinical Text Analysis and Knowledge Extraction System (cTAKES), which is now publicly available as Apache cTAKES (

The SHARPn annotation task consisted of (1) identifying mentions of clinical concepts (i.e. spans of source document text which refer to those concepts), including medications, (2) mapping them to a UMLS code [19] from the provided terminology (RxNORM for medications) [20], and (3) identifying modifiers or attributes of the mention. Terms to be annotated as a medication were terms belonging to a specified set of UMLS semantic types with RxNORM as the terminology source. In the SHARPn annotation task, the annotation was applied to a corpus of free-text clinical notes, including radiology and breast cancer notes, in which medication mentions occur primarily in sentential text or semi-structured text such as medication lists [21, 22].

SHARPn’s annotation types related to medication regimens are listed in Table 1 in comparison to other information representations; an additional annotation, Allergy_Indicator, relates to medications, but not to prescribed regimens. In addition to medication-specific attributes, several general attributes (that is, attributes not specific to a particular entity class) were applied to medication text: Negation_indicator, Uncertainty_indicator, Conditional, Subject, and Generic.

The SHARPn schema captures text positions and surface text for medication names and attributes, and normalized representation of medication names with RxNorm codes. Normalization of dosage attributes was not a focus of the annotation effort, and reasons for taking a drug (i.e., indication) were not included as part of the medication annotation task.

A 2015 BioNLP effort [23] captured annotations of medication information from Adverse Event Report documents. In addition to adverse event content, these annotations captured medication names as well as several types of regimen information: Dosage, Route, Frequency, and Duration. However, normalization of the captured information was not within the scope of this effort.

FHIR medication resource schema

The medication information representation schema referenced above all relate specifically to inline annotation of medication regimen concepts, and the information extraction systems described have been designed and evaluated in the context of those annotation schema. To fulfil the promise of NLP-enabled downstream applications such as medication decision support and medication reconciliation, information extraction systems must produce results that are compatible with the information structures used by EHRs and other production systems. A full survey of clinical applications’ schemas for representing medication information is out of scope of this article, but TranScriptML’s attribute structure for normalizing regimen concepts was designed to be compatible with the Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) standard representation.

Health Level Seven (HL7) is currently developing FHIR, a standard for RESTful exchange of clinical data [24]. FHIR is not an annotation schema and is not intended as a markup language for natural language data, but it is relevant for its inclusion of a richly detailed data structure for medication regimens in its MedicationOrder resource. FHIR MedicationOrders [25] include, among other data, regimen fields related to dosage, frequency (highly structured and allowing for normalization of expressions like “take X to Y times per Z days, with meals”), indication, and route. Table 1 shows these data types in comparison to other representations.


Description of the data

We developed our annotation schema and conducted our experiments using a dataset obtained from Partners Healthcare. The full dataset consisted of 2914 prescriptions, each of which included a number of fields that contain structured data (e.g., ID, medication, dose, form, frequency, duration, etc.) as well as a directions field containing unstructured text (e.g., “take 3 tablets twice a day for the next 2 weeks then stop”). Forty percent of the records were preserved as an unexamined test set for other related work, and 60% (1746 records) were used in the present study to develop and test the TranScriptML annotation schema. Our annotation effort focused exclusively on the directions field, with other fields informing the design of the annotation tag set. A simplified sample input record appears in Table 2.

Table 2 Sample Prescription Record

The directions field was extracted from each of the training records to create 1746 short text files for annotation.

Annotation and modeling environment

We constructed our annotation schema, conducted our annotation, reconciled our results, and built our models using the MITRE Annotation Toolkit (MAT). (MAT is a generalization and extension of the MIST de-identification system [26].) Open-source installation files and full documentation of MAT are available at MAT provides a declarative language for specifying the details of an annotation task, including tag names, attributes, and relations, as well as annotation workflows. MAT also provides a facility for building predictive models (via machine learning) from and conducting experiments with annotated data. The model building component implements machine-learning algorithms including Conditional Random Fields span annotation and Maximum Entropy classification. A sample record being annotated in MAT appears in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Sample record in MAT annotation environment

Annotation Schema

Throughout the remainder of the paper, we will use the following terms with specific meanings: a tag refers to an annotation denoting that a medication regimen concept is described in a particular part of a document; a label refers to the category to which the tagged concept belongs (e.g. DOSEFORM, DURATION); a span refers to the specific portion of the document (defined by start and end character indices) to which the tag applies; an attribute is an annotated property of a tag (specific to the label type) which by itself or in combination with other attributes assigns a normalized semantic representation of the tagged concept.

Our annotation schema, TranScriptML, is designed to provide flexible markup and representation of the regimens described in prescription directions. It was developed iteratively; each iteration included redundant annotation of small subsets of the corpus (~ 40 documents) by four annotators (A1-A4) using candidate TranScriptML schema versions. Discrepancies and flagged issues were discussed by all four annotators together after each iteration, which served the dual purposes of refining the schema and resolving annotator misunderstandings prior to primary annotation (which is described later). Once the schema stabilized, all documents used in schema development were reannotated along with the remainder for the sake of corpus consistency. TranScriptML contains 19 tag types, each with associated attributes. TranScriptML is a detailed representation that expands significantly on the complexity of medication regimens that can be described by the schemata used in earlier representations such as those used in the i2b2 and SHARPn medication annotation challenges. For example, TranScriptML’s attribute structure allows full specification of frequency ranges (e.g. “every 4-6 hours”), preserves the differences in meaning of frequency information that is stated as periods rather than frequencies (e.g. “every three days” vs. “three times per day”), and enables specification of additional timing information (e.g. “1 hour after meals”). The detailed attribute structure for dose, strength, frequency, and timing information is mappable to the detailed data structures used in FHIR’s MedicationOrder resource, described earlier. The list of tag descriptions appears in Table 3.

Table 3 TranScript annotation tag Label type descriptions

There are several tag label types represented in TranScriptML. Simple span-only tags such as PRN and INDICATION mark spans of text that refer to corresponding concepts; these tags identify the concept spans but have no additional attributes to describe and normalize the content. Other tags have attributes associated with them that encode the semantics that the text spans describe. These attributes are either numeric (e.g., quantity of a DOSEAMOUNT), text strings (e.g., units or events), or Boolean (e.g., REFILLs allowed or not allowed). Some tags are complex, with multiple attributes (e.g, FREQ and TIMING). A list of tags and their attributes appears in Table 4.

Table 4 Transcript annotation tag label types and their attributes

Annotation effort

Four annotators (A1-A4) participated in the study, and each document in the corpus was double-annotated. The 1746-document corpus was divided into 4 groups (G1- G4), with each annotator individually tagging all documents in 2 of the groups. After the initial annotation, each group of documents was adjudicated by a third annotator who had not been one of the primary annotators of that group. Finally, annotators A1 and A2 reconciled the entire corpus. This double-annotation, followed by the two-stage adjudication and reconciliation process was an effort to ensure we produced a consistently tagged corpus.

Model building

We conducted several learning experiments, described below, to model the annotations in our corpus.

We used the Carafe [27] Conditional Random Fields (CRF) engine included with the MAT distribution to learn models of tag spans and labels. For span tagging and labeling, we used MAT’s default English tokenizer and the following feature set:

  • Prefix and suffix ngrams of length up to 3

  • Whether the current or previous token starts with a capital letter

  • Whether the current token contains a digit

  • The surface form of the current token

  • The surface form of each of the single tokens 1, 2, or 3 tokens away from the current token

Depending on the intended use case of a trained model, the relative importance of precision and recall may not be equal, but rather there may be a particular need for high recall, or high precision. Carafe includes a parameter (prior_adjust) to adjust the tradeoff between precision and recall; we used this to build three span label models: one biased toward high recall (prior_adjust set to − 3), one biased toward high precision (prior_adjust set to + 3), and one with balanced recall and precision (default prior_adjust of 0 applied). Adjusting this parameter can result in higher recall at the expense of lower precision, or higher precision at the expense of lower recall.

For modeling the attributes of tagged spans, we used several different methods and combinations of methods, because there are several different types of attributes (numeric, string, Boolean), and many tags include multiple attributes of different types. We describe the attribute modeling methods below in the context of particular tags and classes of tags. Classifiers for modeling attributes were trained using Carafe’s Maximum Entropy engine. Model building experiments for both span annotation and attribute learning used an 80/20 training/test split of the 1746-document annotated corpus.


Before modeling attributes, we normalize number expressions by using a numeric retokenizer that maps all number expressions to canonical forms. For example, three is mapped to 3, one and a half to 1.5, and 4 to 4. Except where noted below, prescriptions containing normalized number expressions are the inputs for the modeling experiments.


The FREQ tag is complex, encoding the times-per-day and/or timing interval for medications, as well as units for these numbers. As such, it contains both numeric and string attributes, and we explored several methods for modeling the attributes. For example, “take 2-3 times per day” would involve a FREQ tag with attributes times_per = 2, to_times_per = 3, every = 1, to_every = null, and unit = DAY. The Baseline method simply counts each UNIT value and applies the most common value, along with the default numeric feature values of times_per = 1, to_times_per = null, every = 1, and to_every = null. The Hybrid method used a simple model containing bag of words, bigrams, and count of number expressions as features for learning the value of the UNIT attribute, as well as to determine whether the FREQ instance is an interval (every N time-units), or a count (N times per time-unit) phrase. Our Classifier method is a variation on the Hybrid method that adds a classifier for each numeric attribute, normalizing to allow only 1–12, 15, 30, 45 and 60 as valid values.


The TIMING tag is also complex, with multiple numeric and string attributes. The Baseline method chooses the most common value for each attribute. The Hybrid method builds a classifier for direction, event, and offset_unit, and maps the numeric attributes directly from the normalized token list. The Classifier method adds a classifier for the numeric attributes as well, using the same features as used for the FREQ tag, and normalizing numeric attributes to the same list of valid values.

Numeric attributes

DISPENSE, DOSEAMOUNT, STRENGTH, TAKE, and DURATION all have only numeric attributes. We experimented with just two conditions here, Un-normalized, in which the source string is mapped as-is to the attribute (e.g., “take <TAKE amt=‘three’>three</TAKE> tablets”), and Normalized, in which the numeric retokenizer preprocess is applied (e.g., “take <TAKE amt=‘3’>three</TAKE> tablets”).

Choice attributes

Applying the unit tags (DISPENSE_UNIT, DURATION_UNIT, etc.) and ROUTE involves selecting attribute values from fixed lists. We explored four methods for modeling these attributes. The Baseline method simply chooses the most common value seen in the training data. The Literal Match method memorizes the mapping between text spans and attribute values in the training data, and uses the most common match. As a fallback, if a span does not appear in the training data, but matches one of the available values, the value is selected. The Levenshtein Fallback method is similar to the Literal match method, but the fallback method selects the value having the smallest edit distance [28] from the span, rather than requiring an exact match. Finally, the Classifier method builds a classifier for each attribute, using bag-of-words and bigrams as features.

Boolean attributes

For the Boolean attribute tags (REFILL and SUB_STATUS), our Baseline method chooses the most common value seen in the training data, and the Classifier method builds a classifier for each attribute using bag-of-words and bigrams as features.


Pairwise agreement

Because each document was annotated by exactly two of the four annotators, we calculated pairwise agreement for each of the four annotator pairings (G1-G4) by calculating the F-measure between each set of annotations. These calculations are presented both broken down by tag label and also in total, and they reflect the degree of agreement between human annotators without reference to automated system output. Pairwise agreement results by F-measure appear in Table 5.

Table 5 Pairwise agreement F-measures by annotation group and tag

Pairwise agreement by F-measure was fairly consistent between the groupings, with overall agreement ranging between 0.685 to 0.752. Inconsistent use of the STRENGTH, STRENGTH_UNIT and REFILL tags lowered their agreement levels. The agreement levels for the INSTRUCTION tag were also predictably low, as INSTRUCTION is a catch-all tag for capturing patient instructions not captured elsewhere. Most of the other tags had relatively high agreement levels.

Label and span accuracy

Table 6 shows precision, recall, and f-measure scores for conditional random field modeling experiments for tag labels and spans. We report three experiments, one where the modeling is biased towards high precision scores, one biasing high recall scores, and a balanced run. The balanced run performs best overall, with an overall f-measure score of 0.748, and a narrow spread of precision and recall. Training with a bias towards precision boosts precision significantly (to 0.996), at the expense of recall (0.407). Surprisingly, training with a bias towards recall fails to boost recall (0.726) but does lower precision (0.651). Overall modeling results for labels and spans are encouraging, but show substantial room for improvement, particularly for the lower-frequency labels.

Table 6 Precision, recall, and F-measure results for labels and spans

Attribute accuracy

Table 7 shows accuracy results for modeling attribute values of various types. These experiments involved predicting attribute values for manually annotated span labels (thus there is no compounding of span prediction errors with attribute prediction errors). For choice attributes the Levenshtein Fallback and Classifier methods perform best (side being a notable exception where Literal Fallback outperforms Levenshtein Fallback). For the attributes of FREQ and the attributes of TIMING both the Hybrid and Classifier methods do quite well, with most accuracy scores in the 0.9–1.0 range. For the numeric attributes the Normalized method outperforms the Un-normalized method, by a large margin for some attributes. The exception is to_amt, where the Un-normalized method is slightly better. Finally, for Boolean attributes the Classifier method outperforms the Baseline method.

Table 7 Accuracy results for tag attributes


The results of our annotation efforts show that it is possible to create a detailed annotation schema that captures a variety of information about prescription directions in a structured way. Our pairwise agreement levels show that most of the tags in this schema can be applied in a consistent manner. The agreement levels show room for improvement, and point to the need to adjudicate a gold standard (which we did). There is always a tradeoff between the complexity of an annotation schema and the consistency with which it can be applied, as reflected in pairwise agreement numbers. The lower agreement numbers of the STRENGTH and STRENGTH_UNIT tags may be a result of their confusability with DOSEAMOUNT and DOSEAMOUNT_UNIT. These two sets of tags have clearly different uses, but capture similar information. In a complex annotation task such as ours these distinctions can become too subtle to apply consistently, and the more frequently occurring tags (DOSEAMOUNT and DOSEAMOUNT_UNIT in this comparison) can become the default in an annotator’s mind for particular text strings.

One of the lower performing tags in our label and span modeling is MEDICATION. Of the 26 MEDICATIONs in the test corpus, just three were correctly identified by label and span in the Balanced model. Nine were assigned an INSTRUCTION tag (and often a longer span) by the model, and 14 were missed entirely. This result is unsurprising. MEDICATION strings vary greatly, as do INSTRUCTION strings, and are very sparse in this corpus, as medications often appear only in the structured data and not in the patient prescription regimen string. The methods in this study relied solely on our small training set, whereas any system intended for production use should rely on a medication name vocabulary (such as RxNorm) as an additional source of information. Our attribute modeling experiments show that there are methods available to assign attributes automatically at a high level of accuracy. However, the best-performing methods differ for different attribute types. The Classifier methods tend to perform at or near the top for all classes of attributes, save numeric, which we did not model with any classification method.

Our study is limited in that it describes an annotation schema developed over a single corpus of prescription regimens. As there was no earlier effort to build on, development of the schema was a labor-intensive task, involving several rounds of pilot annotation and refinement of the schema. The schema has not been validated against a second corpus from a different source; this would be a valuable direction for future work.

Previous related work in de-identification has shown that the labor needed to apply a schema to a corpus can be significantly reduced by iteratively applying preliminary machine-learned models to unseen data as pre-taggers [29]. By doing this, the annotation task becomes a correction task (inspecting and correcting the output of the preliminary models), which has been shown to speed-up model and corpus development [30]. A logical next step for this work is to apply these tag-a-little, learn-a-little principles to bootstrap the development of an annotated prescription regimen corpus from a second source, to validate our approach.


Through an annotation development effort, we have demonstrated a method for capturing structured data from prescription regimen strings, and have shown that the schema can be applied manually with high accuracy for many tag label types. We have further shown that conditional random field modeling techniques can apply tag labels to text spans with similar accuracy levels in this corpus, and that various modeling techniques can correctly set the attributes of these tags at high accuracy. Future work can address the applicability of these techniques to other corpora, and explore using tag-a-little, learn-a-little iterative model and corpus development to reduce the labor needed to create annotated corpora of prescription regimens.

The strings in our corpus are textual representations of prescription regimens, complete with errors. By structuring the textual representation through annotation, the text can be compared against the pharmacist-entered structured data (through one-to-one data structure mapping in the case of FHIR-compliant pharmacy data), offering an opportunity to detect and correct discrepancies.

TranScriptML is a richer representation of medication regimen information than those used in previous natural language annotation efforts, and is consistent with emerging standards for representation of structured data in the same domain. We hope these standards will encourage compatibility between clinical NLP tools and the Electronic Health Record (EHR) software ecosystem. For these reasons, we are releasing our annotation schema and guidelines alongside this report, and urge that TranScriptML or compatible representations be used in future corpus development.