
Transposable elements (TEs) are genetic elements capable of replicating and inserting themselves into new positions within a genome. TEs were discovered in the 1940’s by Barbara McClintock [1] in the maize genome. There was controversy surrounding their involvement in genetic processes as they were initially believed to be junk DNA with no function within a genome. However, recent studies have shown that TEs can play significant roles in a genome such as being a source of genetic diversity, contributing their genes to the host in a form of domestication, adding redundancy in function through the duplication of genes, and providing parts of their sequences as promoters and enhancers to host genes [2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10].

TEs are found in nearly all eukaryotes — both animals and plants — and prokaryotes. The human genome is composed of nearly half of TEs [7, 11], in comparison to the coding regions which only make up approximately 1–2% of the genome. For the wheat (Triticum aestivum) genome, 85% is made of repeats including TEs [12].

TEs are classified into two classes: Class I and Class II. Class I is composed of retrotransposons. Class II is composed of DNA transposons. These two classes are separated by their mechanism of transposition; retrotransposons use a “copy-and-paste” method where they move through reverse transcription, using an RNA intermediate, while DNA transposons use a “cut-and-paste” method where they move through a DNA intermediate [2]. Recent alternate classifications have been proposed; most of these classifications depend on TE internal genes [13].

Retrotransposons can be further split into two categories: Long Terminal Repeat (LTR) retrotransposons and non-LTR-retrotransposons. LTR-retrotransposons are characterized by their LTRs which are two very similar sequences found at the 5’ and 3’ ends of a TE and a polypurine tract found in the region flanked by the two LTRs. It is important to note that these LTRs have the same orientation and are not complemented or reversed. A primer binding site is found on the opposite end of the internal part from the polypurine tract [13, 14]. We will refer to LTRs as the 5’ and 3’ LTRs and LTR-retrotransposons as the entire element (comprising of the LTRs and the internal part). Non-LTR-retrotransposons are composed of Long Interspersed Nuclear Elements (LINEs) and Short Interspersed Nuclear Elements (SINEs).

The translocation of a TE into a genomic location may be unsafe. For example, suppose a TE inserts itself into a gene. This could cause the gene to become non-functional; it could also lead to the gene producing an altered protein with detrimental effects. For example, in the plant species Ipomoea purpurea, TE insertions cause loss of function resulting in color variations [6]. However, translocation may not always cause deleterious effects. For example, in Brassica rapa, a TE inserted into the BrMYB18.1 gene result in enhanced gene expression for a specific leaf, identified as L7, during the Chinese cabbage heading state [15].

LTR-retrotransposons are the most abundant type of TEs in plants [16], which serves to dramatically increase the size of plant genomes [17]. They generally come from the two super-families Ty1/Copia and Ty3/Gypsy [13, 18]. LTR-retrotransposons can be categorized as autonomous or non-autonomous, where autonomous elements are capable of self-replication, whereas non-autonomous elements are not capable because of missing coding capacities preventing their mobilization, thus requiring external sources to transpose  [13]. These missing functions are a result of mutations over time or even as an evolutionary advantage.

LTR-retrotransposons carry enhancers and promoters that can also affect the expression of nearby genes [2, 18]. Different types of stress such as heat can cause activity in LTR-retrotransposons, resulting in genetic diversity and evolution [19]. According to the study in [20], LTR-retrotransposons inserted into the introns of a gene can cause suppression of that gene. There is evidence suggesting that LTR-retrotransposons can co-opt sequences from genes for their own purposes and vice versa [3, 18]. Further, LTR-retrotransposons make up a significant portion of the repeats at the centromeres of plants [18, 21].

Tools capable of locating LTR-retrotransposons in a genome are therefore of great interest to researchers. Tools for locating TEs can be classified into six types: library-based, learning-based, signature-based, comparative-genomics-based, de-novo-based, and pipelines of tools [14, 22]. Detection of LTR-retrotransposons currently are only available through library-based, signature-based, and pipeline tools. We note that the following is not a comprehensive list of tools for LTR-retrotransposon detection. For a more comprehensive list, we refer the reader to a review paper dedicated to the topic [23]. Library-based tools such as RepeatMasker [24] use a database of known TEs such as Repbase [25] and Dfam [26] to identify LTR-retrotransposons. A known issue with library-based tools is that they are unable to identify novel LTR-retrotransposons. Signature-based tools such as LTRharvest [27, 28] and LtrDetector [29] identify TEs by their structural features, e.g., matching LTRs, polypurine tract, etc. A new tool called Inpactor2 [30] utilizes neural networks in combination with the signature-based tool LTR_Finder [31]. Pipelines rely on multiple tools from the other categories to identify LTR-retrotransposons. Two examples of this are TransposonUltimate [32] and LTRpred [33]. Pipelines are powerful as they tend to be modular by design; as new tools are created, older tools can be replaced. This allows for easy maintenance as only parser scripts that read the output of the tools need to be created or modified instead of the entire tool. However, pipelines are known to be computationally expensive and time-consuming as they run multiple tools as well as difficult to install.

LTR_retriever [34] and LTRdigest [35] are post-processing tools. These tools do not directly locate LTR-retrotransposons. Instead, they process the output of an LTR-retrotransposon detection tool such as LTRharvest. They are used to filter out false positives from the predictions of other tools, build LTR-retrotransposon libraries, or locate important structures. Further, pipeline tools can integrate detection and post-processing functionality into a singular workflow, such as TE-greedy-nester [36] which utilizes LTR_Finder or LTRharvest to detect LTR-retrotransposons and then annotates nested elements.

At this time, LTR-retrotransposon detection tools do not take full advantage of information within a genome as well as information across species. Most of the tools for annotating LTR-retrotransposons are designed for locating single, complete elements; such tools are not specifically designed for locating recently nested elements. Usually, another tool is applied to locating recently nested LTR-retrotransposons after applying a tool for detecting single elements [37, 38]. However, not all information is carried from one tool to the next; further, some tools are now obsolete and unavailable [38]. Another limitation of the currently available tools for LTR-retrotransposons is that some of them rely heavily on alignment algorithms, resulting in expensive computations. To solve these issues, we developed Look4LTRs, a signature-based tool focused on the detection of LTR-retrotransposons genome-wide.

Results & discussion

For this study, we developed Look4LTRs, a tool capable of locating LTR-retrotransposons in a genome or a group of related genomes. Look4LTRs utilizes genome-wide information about the repetitiveness of a sequence [22]. Such information can also be collected across multiple closely related genomes. This allows for cross-species studies of LTR-retrotransposons by comparing the results of Look4LTRs on a single genome to the results of Look4LTRs on a group of related genomes. Look4LTRs can locate recently nested LTR-retrotransposons with multiple levels of nesting. Further, as Look4LTRs does not search for coding domains, it is capable of finding non-autonomous LTR-retrotransposons such as terminal-repeat retrotransposons in miniatures. Finally, Look4LTRs uses minimal local alignment and a machine-learning-based approach for calculating global, pairwise identity scores efficiently [39]. These innovations make Look4LTRs the state of the art in detecting LTR-retrotransposons computationally. We will now discuss the methodology of Look4LTRs and its evaluation.

Look4LTRs modules

Look4LTRs annotates LTR-retrotransposons in a genome or a group of related genomes. The tool consists of these five modules (Fig. 1):

  • The scorer module is responsible for scoring the genome by distances between k-mer copies,

  • The merger module is responsible for merging similar regions of scores together into stretches,

  • The detector module is responsible for merging stretches into candidate LTRs (not the entire LTR-retrotransposon) by a trained classifier,

  • The matcher module is responsible for matching pairs of candidate LTRs into potential LTR-retrotransposons, and

  • The filter module is responsible for filtering out potential elements that cannot be confirmed.

Look4LTRs outputs LTR-retrotransposons including recently nested elements.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Overview of Look4LTRs. Our tool takes one genome or a group of related genomes as the input and outputs Long Terminal Repeat (LTR) retrotransposons. Five modules comprise Look4LTRs: (i) the scorer module, (ii) the merger module, (iii) the detector module, (iv) the matcher module, and (v) the filter module. The scorer module scores the genomes by nearby, matching k-mers. The merger module uses the scores to begin assembling potential LTRs. The detector module uses repeat content learned by Red (a tool for detecting all types of repeats uncategorized) from the genome(s) to finish assembling potential LTRs. The matcher module matches LTRs to each other to form LTR-retrotransposon candidates. The filter module removes candidates that fail to meet one of our confirmation criteria, e.g., the presence of a polypurine tract

The detector and the matcher modules utilize the tool Red [22], which can locate all types of repeats (tandem and interspersed) in a genome without grouping them into specific types or families. This allows Look4LTRs to use the repeat content found by Red to help connect stretches into candidate LTRs in the detector module. Additionally, Look4LTRs uses the repeat content for matching LTRs appropriately in the matcher module; specifically, if the internal part of an LTR-retrotransposon is not repetitive — that is to say, does not repeat throughout the genome — this candidate is unlikely to be an LTR-retrotransposon. The matcher module utilizes another tool called Identity [39], which calculates global identity scores of sequence pairs efficiently. These identity scores are incorporated as a part of our multi-evidence matching approach. These two tools provide APIs, allowing for their integration with the other five modules into one code base; Red and Identity are not called externally. The code of the five modules and the two APIs are packaged and shipped together. Thus, the user is not required to install multiple tools — just one.

Scorer: The scorer module takes a sequence of DNA and scores it by the distances between matching k-mers. This essentially allows us to find matching regions of DNA. We generate two sets of scores: the forward score that marks matching regions further in the genome, and the backward scores that mark preceding matching regions.

Merger: The merger module takes the forward and backward scores separately. Each score in the forward/backward scores represents a k-mer matching another k-mer. If multiple scores have similar values and are close to each other, they may represent a larger matching region. The merger module groups these scores into what we call stretches for each set of scores (forward and backward). In other words, the merger module lets us find large regions of nucleotides that match other, similar size regions of nucleotides. Ideally, these matching regions are LTRs.

Detector: The process of merging scores in the merger module is based on statistical inference of the scores themselves. As such, the context surrounding LTR-retrotransposons are not taken into account. Such context includes the repetitiveness of LTR-retrotransposons. The detector module utilizes this missing context to finish the merging of scores into LTR-candidates.

Matcher: The matcher module takes the LTR candidates and matches them to each other to form LTR-retrotransposon candidates. A large problem when it comes to LTR-retrotransposon detection is multiple same-family elements within close proximity. The matcher module considers this situation to appropriately match LTR candidates to each other. Through this consideration, recently nested elements are able to be detected.

Filter: The filter module removes candidates that fail to meet our confirmation criteria, e.g., the presence of a polypurine tract.

Essentially, Look4LTRs searches for matching regions looking downstream and upstream of a sequence of DNA. These matching regions are potential LTR-retrotransposons and are further processed to confirm.

Look4LTRs is capable of locating both autonomous and non-autonomous LTR-retrotransposons in a genome or a group of related genomes

Training & testing evaluation

We evaluate Look4LTRs alongside these three related tools: LTR_Finder [31], LTRharvest [27], and LtrDetector [29]. Look4LTRs was evaluated on four training genomes and four testing genomes.

Our training genomes consist of Arabidopsis thaliana, Oryza sativa japonica, Glycine max, and Sorghum bicolor. The testing genomes consist of Zea mays, Solanum lycopersicum, Solanum tuberosum, and Theobroma cacao. A ground truth was generated for each genome using a procedure described in the Implementation section. This procedure includes the use of RepeatMasker [24] with the appropriate species name passed as an argument as well as the tool One Code To Find Them All [40]. These tools are used in conjunction to delineate LTR-retrotransposons in a chosen genome. We apply various filters such as confirming similarity between the LTRs of an LTR-retrotransposon to ensure that the elements delineated are truly LTR-retrotransposons. Further details of this procedure are found in the Implementation section. Table 1 shows the results of the tools on the training and testing genomes. Figure 2 shows the recall, precision and F1 scores of the tools on the testing genomes. Due to time constraints, we did not run LTR_Finder on Zea mays. Previous experience with LTR_Finder shows that Zea mays would take many days of uninterrupted running to complete. We will now discuss the results on the training and testing genomes.

Table 1 Results of Look4LTRs, LTR_Finder, LTRharvest, and LtrDetector on the training and testing genomes. GT is the number of elements in the ground truth, TP is the number of true positives, FP is the number of false positives, Total Predictions is the number of predictions made by a tool, memory is the peak memory usage of a tool, and time is the total time taken by a tool to run. aWe did not run LTR_Finder on Zea mays due to the time it would take. bFor the overall peak memories, we take the maximum peak memory usage from each tool over the training genomes. Note that LTRharvest and LTR_Finder were run as provided by their authors — without parallelization — because a biologist would apply them this way without any modifications
Fig. 2
figure 2

Results of Look4LTRs, LTR_Finder, LTRharvest, and LtrDetector on the testing genomes. The testing genomes consist of Zea mays, Solanum lycopersicum, Solanum tuberosum, and Theobroma cacao. The recall (a), precision (b), and F1 scores (c) are shown as percentages. LTR_Finder was not run on Zea mays due to its slow speed

Recall: On the training genomes, Look4LTRs was the best in terms of recall overall, followed by LtrDetector, LTRharvest, and then LTR_Finder. On the testing genomes, Look4LTRs came first on three genomes and third on one genome (Solanum lycopersicum). However, it was notably in first place on the largest genome of the four (Zea mays) showing an improvement from the second-best tool (LtrDetector) by 8%. On Theobroma cacao, Look4LTRs tied for first place with LtrDetector. LtrDetector and LTRharvest varied between first, second, and third place on the testing genomes. LTR_Finder was consistently in last place in terms of recall. Thus, Look4LTRs is highly capable of finding LTR-retrotransposons; Look4LTRs is comparable to the other tools and surpasses them in many cases.

Precision: Overall, LTR_Finder was the best in terms of precision on the training genomes, followed by Look4LTRs, LTRharvest, and LtrDetector (comparable to LTRharvest). All tools achieved high overall precision scores (92–99%) on the training genomes. Next, we discuss precision scores on the testing genomes. On Zea mays, LTRharvest was in first place; nonetheless, Look4LTRs (in second place), and LtrDetector (third place) were very comparable. The results for Solanum lycopersicum show a similar trend with LTR_Finder in first place (100%) but the other tools were very comparable — LTRharvest at 99.49%, LtrDetector at 99.48%, and Look4LTRs at 99.21%. For Solanum tuberosum, all tools suffered in precision; however, all but LtrDetector (70.85%) were very comparable (84.55–86.64%). Finally, on Theobroma cacao, Look4LTRs achieved 97.62%; however, Look4LTRs came last because all other tools were highly precise. Look4LTRs is very comparable to the other tools in terms of precision. On the genomes where it fell behind the others, the difference was minimal.

Table 2 Cross-species results of Look4LTRs compared to other tools. The tools used are Look4LTRs-SS (Single-Species), Look4LTRs-CS (Cross-Species), LTRharvest, and LtrDetector on the following five rice species: (i) Oryza sativa japonica, (ii) Oryza glaberrima, (iii) Oryza sativa indica, (iv) Oryza longistaminata, and (v) Oryza rufipogon. Look4LTRs-SS is applied to each species separately, i.e., it only trains and predicts on one given genome at a time. Look4LTRs-CS is applied to the five species together, i.e., it learns the repeat content of the five species and predicts on all of them. aThe memory and time for Look4LTRs-CS is the same for every genome and the Overall because Look4LTRs-CS was run on all genomes at once. Thus, they all come from the same exact run

F1 score: Look4LTRs was the best in terms of F1 score, followed by LtrDetector, LTRharvest, and then LTR_Finder, collectively on the training genomes. With respect to the testing genomes, Look4LTRs came first (94.03%) on Zea mays, followed by LtrDetector (89.79%) and LTRharvest (73.55%). For Solanum lycopersicum, LTRharvest came first at 92.71%, but was comparable to LtrDetector (91.3%) and Look4LTRs (90.14%); LTR_Finder came last at 54.02%. Look4LTRs was in first place at 87.54% on Solanum tuberosum, closely followed by LTRharvest at 84.09%; LtrDetector was in third place at 75.05% and LTR_Finder was in last place at 32.15%. For Theobroma cacao, LtrDetector was in first place at 86.86%, followed closely by Look4LTRs at 86.5%, then followed by LTRharvest at 81.7% and LTR_Finder at 37.04%. From these results, Look4LTRs offers a good balance of recall and precision evident by achieving the highest overall F1 score on the training genomes and either the highest F1 score or comparable scores to those of the best performing tools on the testing genomes.

Number of predictions: Overall, on the training genomes, LTR_Finder made the least number of predictions at 28,181, followed by LTRharvest at 48,427. Look4LTRs produced 84,017 predictions and LtrDetector produced a comparable amount of 85,733 predictions. This trend continued for every genome — training or testing — where LTR_Finder makes the least number of predictions, followed by LTRharvest. Look4LTRs and LtrDetector predict a comparable number of predictions and vary between third and fourth place on the testing genomes. Look4LTRs produces less predictions than LtrDetector while retaining a high recall and F1 score.

Peak memory usage: The lowest peak memory overall on the training genomes was LTRharvest at 0.6 GigaBytes (GBs), followed by LTR_Finder at 1.72 GBs, Look4LTRs at 15.35 GBs, and LtrDetector at 26.36 GBs. For the results on the training genomes, the same trend continues except for on Zea mays where Look4LTRs takes 35.67 GBs and LtrDetector takes 23.15 GBs. Look4LTRs takes less memory than LtrDetector on most genomes. Although it was not the lowest in memory consumption, many modern computational machines can handle the memory requirements of Look4LTRs.

Time: Look4LTRs was the quickest on the training genomes overall at approximately 16 minutes, followed by LTRharvest at 42 minutes, LtrDetector at 47 minutes, and LTR_Finder at 23 hours. In regards to the testing genomes, Look4LTRs was the quickest on Zea mays at 18 minutes, followed by LtrDetector at nearly 30 minutes and LTRharvest at 34 minutes. For the rest of the testing genomes, Look4LTRs was also the quickest followed by LTRharvest, LtrDetector, and then LTR_Finder. Look4LTRs was quick in comparison to the other tools. We note, however, that there is a trade-off in speed to memory usage. The more the cores, the more the memory requirements; if time is not an issue, then Look4LTRs can be run on a single or few cores to reduce memory usage at the cost of Look4LTRs’ quick speed.

Cross-species evaluation

A crucial feature of Look4LTRs is its suitability to cross-species studies. We evaluated Look4LTRs on five species from the rice (Oryza) family. These five species are: (i) Oryza glaberrima, (ii) Oryza sativa indica, (iii) Oryza longistaminata, (iv) Oryza rufipogon, and (v) Oryza sativa japonica. As some of these species are not specifically well annotated in RepeatMasker’s Repbase library, we passed Oryza as the species parameter of RepeatMasker instead of the specific species name. We also evaluated LTRharvest and LtrDetector on these species for comparison.

We use two different versions of Look4LTRs to evaluate. The first version of Look4LTRs, which we refer to as Look4LTRs-SS (Single Species), is applied to each species separately, i.e., it only trains and predicts on one given genome at a time. The second version of Look4LTRs, which we refer to as Look4LTRs-CS (Cross Species), is applied to the five species together, i.e., it trains on the five species and predicts on all of them. The purpose of these two applications is to study the added benefit of using information from related-species for finding LTR-retrotransposons. Table 2 displays the results of the tools on the mentioned rice species. Figure 3 shows the recall, precision, and F1 scores of the tools on the rice species.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Results of Look4LTRs-SS, Look4LTRs-CS, LTRharvest, and LtrDetector on the testing genomes for cross-species evaluation. These genomes consist of five species from the rice (Oryza) family: (i) Oryza sativa japonica, (ii) Oryza glaberrima, (iii) Oryza sativa indica, (iv) Oryza longistaminata, and (v) Oryza rufipogon. Look4LTRs-SS is Look4LTRs when applied to each species separately. Look4LTRs-CS is Look4LTRs when each genome is provided at once for training, thereby allow for cross-species examination. The recall (a), precision (b), and F1 scores (c) are shown as percentages

Overall, Look4LTRs-CS has the highest recall and F1 score. Look4LTRs-CS shows an improvement over Look4LTRs-SS. The cross-species aspect of Look4LTRs improved the overall recall (88.55% vs. 85.13%). The precision of the cross-species version was very comparable to the single-species version (77.42% vs. 77.76%). For the overall F1 score, Look4LTRs-CS was at 82.43% in comparison to Look4LTRs-SS at 81.47%. This slight improvement was due to the improvement in recall. Additionally, there was a speed-up advantage for using the cross-species version when running all of the genomes; Look4LTRs-CS took approximately 9 minutes, whereas Look4LTRs-SS took 10 minutes, LTRharvest took 21 minutes, and LtrDetector took nearly 40 minutes. These results demonstrate that information from related species utilized in Look4LTRs-CS improved the discovery of LTR-retrotransposons.

Coverage estimation of LTR-retrotransposons

We estimated the coverage of LTR-retrotransposons in the twelve analyzed genomes and an additional genome of Hordeum vulgare. We used the output of Look4LTRs for all but the rice genomes, which we instead used the output of Look4LTRs-CS. Figure 4 shows these percentages. Interestingly, Oryza sativa indica, a subspecies of Oryza sativa, has more LTR-retrotransposons than the other subspecies Oryza sativa japonica (30.78% vs. 22.14% coverage).

Fig. 4
figure 4

Coverage of LTR-retrotransposons in the analyzed genomes. The coverage is the percentage of the genome that is covered by LTR-retrotransposons. LTR-retrotransposons comprise more than 60% of Zea mays and Hordeum vulgare genomes. We note that these values are likely underestimates of the true values due to the difficulty in completely annotating every LTR-retrotransposon, of which there may be many extremely divergent elements

Look4LTRs is able to discover recently nested repeats; we show our estimation of their coverage in the thirteen genomes in Fig. 5. We found that Sorghum bicolor has the highest content of recently nested LTR-retrotransposons at 0.53%, followed by Glycine max at 0.38%, Theobroma cacao at 0.36%, Hordeum vulgare at 0.21%, and Zea mays at 0.08%. On the remaining genomes, Look4LTRs was only able to find very few recently nested LTR-retrotransposons. On Oryza sativa indica and Oryza rufipogon, Look4LTRs was unable to find any recently nested LTR-retrotransposons.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Coverage of recently nested LTR-retrotransposons in the analyzed genomes. The coverage is the percentage of the genome that is covered by recently nested LTR-retrotransposons. Due to the difficulty in detangling recently nested LTR-retrotransposons, these recently nested elements found may be less than the true number of recently nested elements. Oryza sativa indica and Oryza rufipogon, where no recently nested elements were found by Look4LTRs, are a good example of the difficulty in finding recently nested elements. In Sorghum bicolor, 0.53% of the genome is covered by recently nested LTR-retrotransposons

Expert manual confirmation

A blind manual evaluation was performed on the results of Look4LTRs applied to the barley genome. This plant has a haploid genome size of about 5.3 Gb distributed in seven chromosomes with a TE content of about 76% composed in majority of LTR-retrotransposons [41]. Sequences identified as single LTR-retrotransposons and recently nested insertions were investigated. For this, each sequence was compared to the Repbase 2018 database and to the NCBI non-redundant protein database using BlastX [42].

Concerning single LTR-retrotransposons, six sequences were assessed. Three of them correspond to known LTR-retrotransposons (BARE1, BARE-2 and Sabrina) described in the barley. Two sequences could correspond to new families not described yet that contain a pol gene and two sequences likely corresponding to LTRs at each extremity, while the last sequence is a false positive not corresponding to any TE. From the two sequences from potentially new families, the first sequence is located in chromosome 2H, starting at position 252,757,149 and ending at position 252,771,106. The second sequence is located in chromosome 3H, starting at position 380,967,486 and ending at position 380,979,130. These two sequences are shown in Fig. 6.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Two, potentially new, LTR-retrotransposons located in Hordeum vulgare on chromosomes 2H and 3H identified by Look4LTRs

In addition, we checked five sequences considered by Look4LTRs as recently nested elements. Two of them correspond to false positives. However, the three other sequences correspond to a LTR-retrotransposon inserted into another one (Fig. 7). More specifically, two cases correspond to an LTR-retrotransposon (BARE-2 and BARE1) inserted into one LTR of a BARE1 element. The last case represents a BARE1 element inserted into the internal part of another BARE1 element. In the first case in chromosome 1H, the outer element (BARE1) is at position 459,838,459 and ends at position 459,853,480. The nested element (BARE-2) is at position 459,839,301 and ends at 459,847,888. In the second case, the outer element is at position 630,335,812 and ends at 630,353,010. The nested element is at position 630,337,503 and ends at 630,346,445. In the third case, the outer element is at position 564,092,881 and ends at 564,110,748. The nested element is at position 564,095,106 and ends at 564,104,043. This evaluation shows that Look4LTRs is able to find recently nested LTR-retrotransposons.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Three cases of recently nested LTR-retrotransposons located in Hordeum vulgare on chromosomes 1H, 2H and 4H identified by Look4LTRs

A second cycle of manual evaluation was performed and five single LTR-retrotransposon sequences were assessed. All but the second sequence correspond to known LTR-retrotransposons described in the barley. The second sequence is also an LTR-retrotransposon with some similarity to two known elements from barley, but it is difficult to assess which one or if it is a new family. In addition, we checked five sequences considered by Look4LTRs as recently nested elements. The first sequence was confirmed to be a BARE1 element inserted into a BARE2 element, the second and fifth sequence were false positives, and the third and fourth sequences were found to be highly complex regions with many fragmented LTR-retrotransposons inserted into and around each other. The locations of these sequences can be found in Supplementary Table 13.


Input & output

Look4LTRs accepts FASTA-format files. We suggest that Look4LTRs is given an entire genome at minimum. Multiple related genomes can be processed simultaneously by Look4LTRs to perform cross-species studies. The tool outputs the positions of long terminal repeat (LTR) retrotransposons, the location of the polypurine tract, and the location of the target site duplications.


A module of Look4LTRs — the detector — is an instance of supervised machine learning, which requires the availability of labeled examples for training and testing. For this reason, we needed some genomes for training the tool and others for testing it. For training our tool, we utilized the genomes of the following four species:

  • Arabidopsis thaliana (TAIR10: thale cress)

  • Oryza sativa japonica (IRGSP-1.0: japonica rice)

  • Glycine max (Glycine_max_v2.1: soybean)

  • Sorghum bicolor (Sorghum_biclor_NCBIv3: great millet)

For testing our tool, we utilized:

  • Zea mays (AGPv4: corn)

  • Solanum lycopersicum (SL3.0: tomato)

  • Solanum tuberosum (SolTub_3.0: potato)

  • Theobroma cacao (Theobroma_cacao_20110822: cacao tree)

For testing the cross-species feature of our tool, we used these four species from the rice genus:

  • Oryza glaberrima (Oryza_glaberrima_V1: african rice)

  • Oryza sativa indica (ASM465v1: indica rice)

  • Oryza longistaminata (ASM980554v1: longstamen rice)

  • Oryza rufipogon (OR_W1943: wild rice)

For manual inspection of the results, we used Hordeum vulgare (MorexV3: barley). These genomes are plants with high TE content. Arabidopsis thaliana was specifically chosen for training because it is a model organism with a well-annotated genome.

We utilized RepeatMasker [24] and a program called One Code To Find Them All [40] to locate Long Terminal Repeat (LTR) retrotransposon for our ground truth dataset. RepeatMasker is first used for locating LTRs and the internal parts of retrotransposons, using the Repbase 2018 database [25]. We used the slow search parameter to increase the sensitivity of the search and provided the appropriate species name for each genome. The only exceptions to providing the species names were the species chosen for the cross-species evaluation (barring Oryza sativa japonica and Oryza sativa indica). These species were not specifically well annotated in the Repbase library. Therefore, we instead passed the genus Oryza. The outputs of RepeatMasker were then passed to One Code To Find Them All, which assembled LTRs and the internal parts into complete LTR-retrotransposons.

We filtered these LTR-retrotransposons according to three criteria: (i) the LTRs and the internal parts must be at least 200 base pairs (bp) long individually, (ii) the LTR-retrotransposon must have at least 80% identity with a consensus sequence from the Repbase database, and (iii) the LTR-retrotransposon must have at least 80% coverage of a consensus sequence. When performing any of the following checks, we account for nested elements in our calculations, allowing confirmed nested elements to remain in our ground truth. For example, suppose we have an element whose internal part is 1000 bp long and another element whose total length (LTRs and internal part) is 2000 bp. If the latter is nested within the former, then the size of the former’s internal part becomes 3000 bp. Presume that the consensus sequence for the former element has an internal part of 900 bp. The former element would be unable to pass the 80% identity or coverage checks. However, by not considering the nested element in these calculations, the internal part of 1000 bp would not change to 3000 and would thus pass the checks. Each LTR and each internal part are checked individually for a minimum length of 200 bp. If any of these regions is less than 200 bp, the whole element is discarded as they are likely to be fragment elements. The LTRs and the internal part in between are then individually aligned to their consensus sequence using Nucleotide BLAST [42]. From BLAST’s alignments, we select the longest alignment with at least 80% identity score. Any elements that failed to meet the minimum 80%-identity criterion are dropped. When checking the coverage, we sum the alignment lengths of the LTRs and their corresponding internal parts and compare the total length to the consensus sequence length. If the coverage is less than 80%, the element is dropped. The remaining LTR-retrotransposons are considered as our golden standard. Figure 8 captures the percentage of super families in each genome and overall. Supplementary Tables 112 contain the percentages of families in each genome.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Percentage of super families in each genome and overall. The percentage of each super family is calculated by dividing the number of LTR-retrotransposons of that super family by the total number of LTR-retrotransposons in the genome

Semi-synthetic genome generation

Annotations of LTR-retrotransposons in the training genomes are incomplete, i.e., we do not know the locations of all LTR-retrotransposons in a genome. When training Look4LTRs on the training genomes, these unknown elements would complicate our training process. To deal with this problem, we generated semi-synthetic genomes for each training genome. We followed the following four steps to generate a semi-synthetic genome: (i) find LTR-retrotransposons for a genome according to our ground truth, (ii) extract these LTR-retrotransposons from the genome, (iii) shuffle the remaining regions randomly to destroy all other elements and repeats, and (iv) reinsert the LTR-retrotransposons at their original positions. To clarify, we note that the semi-synthetic genomes are meant for training a machine learning model in a process specific to LTR-retrotransposons and not other types of transposable elements.

Method overview

As previously mentioned, Look4LTRs is made of the following five modules: the scorer module, the merger module, the detector module, the matcher module, and the filter module. In this section, we provide a detailed explanation of each module.

Next, we give the details of each module starting with the scorer.


The input to this module is a sequence of DNA and the outputs are two groups of scores, called the forward scores and the backward scores. The sequences are scored by 13-mer matching. This value of 13 was determined experimentally on our training genomes. We ran Look4LTRs on our training genomes with different values of k (10–15) and we found that 13 resulted in the best performance.

Our method of scoring was inspired by LtrDetector [29]. There, they score a k-mer by the distance to its closest match in either direction. This method results in LTRs having scores matching them to the other LTR of the same LTR-retrotransposon. Figure 10 shows the result of our implementation of this method to match LTRs together. However, the method depicted in LtrDetector causes what we refer to as the castle problem (we note that this problem was named by ourselves for easy reference). Multiple, sequentially inserted LTR-retrotransposons of the same family may result in the closest match of an LTR to be in the LTR of another LTR-retrotransposon. If the distance between sequentially inserted LTR-retrotransposons is less than the size of the internal parts (distance between LTRs), the scores of the LTRs become fragmented. Even if this distance is greater than the size of the internal parts, the scores may still become fragmented as the LTRs mutate. A mutation in the 5’ LTR of an LTR-retrotransposon will cause the 3’ LTR at the corresponding position to look elsewhere for a match, which is usually another same-family LTR-retrotransposon. This results in difficulty in determining if a region belongs to a single element as the scores of an LTR become fragmented instead of continuous. See Fig. 9 for an example of the castle problem.

Fig. 9
figure 9

The castle problem. Represented are two LTR-retrotransposons of the same family. For simplicity, the internal parts were ignored. The first element is colored blue (vertical hatching pattern) and the second element is colored yellow (horizontal hatching pattern). In this case, a singular vector of scores was used where positive y-values mark a distance to a matching k-mer in the forward direction and negative y-values mark a distance to a matching k-mer in the backward direction. Only the closest match is scored, regardless of direction. The 5’ LTR of the left element is clearly distinguished. The 3’ LTR of the left element is broken into positive and negative scores. The same holds for the 5’ LTR of the right element. The 3’ LTR of the right element is clearly distinguished. In essence, the castle problem is where the scores of the LTRs become fragmented as a result of nearby, same-family elements

To solve the castle problem, we depart from the method of LtrDetector and utilize a new scoring system. Where they have one score per k-mer, we have two scores per k-mer, one for the forward (downstream) direction and one for the backward (upstream) direction. In doing this, we minimize the castle problem, allowing for easier detection of LTRs later. This new scoring completely changes downstream analysis and should not be considered an incremental improvement.

The forward scores are calculated by matching k-mers forward, i.e., copies that are found downstream. The backward scores are calculated by matching k-mers backward, i.e., copies that are found upstream. We first match every k-mer to its closest complete match (forward or backward), within a minimum distance of 400 and a maximum distance of 27,000. If a match is found within this range, we set the score of the current k-mer to the distance between itself and its copy. If no match is found, the score is set to 0. For example, suppose we have a k-mer starting at position 1,000 and a matching k-mer at position 2,000. Let’s refer to them as A and B. The score assigned to A in the forward scores is 1,000 as it is 1,000 bp away from B. The score assigned to B in the backward scores is also 1,000 as it is 1,000 bp away from A. For brevity, when talking about scores, we say that a k-mer is pointing to its copy. Note that each direction is scored separately.

Next, we explain the rationale of the scorer module. Consider a single LTR-retrotransposon. The 5’ LTR and 3’ LTR are similar to each other. That is to say, the k-mers in the 5’ LTR will have matches in the 3’ LTR and vice versa. In the forward scores, the 5’ LTR will have k-mers pointing to the 3’ LTR. In the backward scores, the 3’ LTR will have k-mers pointing to the 5’ LTR. Now, consider two recently nested elements, i.e., one element is nested inside another of the same family. In the forward and backward scores, the outer element will have k-mers pointing to the inner element and vice versa. However, the inner element will also have k-mers in its 5’ LTR pointing to its 3’ LTR. The forward and backward scores generated form a distinctive pattern that we later utilize to discover recently nested elements and single LTR-retrotransposons. See Fig. 10 for examples of the forward and backward scores of LTR-retrotransposons. Next we discuss how we merge our scores to form regions that may belong to LTRs.

Fig. 10
figure 10

Forward and backward scores of LTR-retrotransposon(s). The y-axis shows the scores where positive values represent the forward scores and negative values represent the backward scores. The x-axis shows the genomic positions. Blue bars represent the LTRs of one LTR-retrotransposon and yellow bars represent the LTRs of another LTR-retrotransposon. a A single LTR-retrotransposon. The 5’ LTR (left bar) has a score of approximately 2600, meaning its match begins at approximately 2600 where the 3’ LTR (right bar) starts. b Two recently nested LTR-retrotransposons. The outer LTR-retrotransposon is colored blue (vertical hatch pattern) and the inner LTR-retrotransposon is colored yellow (horizontal hatch pattern). The forward scores and backward scores of the nested LTRs are clearly distinguished. The 5’ LTR of the inner element is at positions 400–500 and the 3’ LTR is at positions 900–1,000. However, the forward and the backward scores of the LTRs of the outer element have merged with the internal parts. The outer 5’ LTR and a slice of the internal parts are at positions 0–400 and the outer 3’ LTR and a slice of the internal parts are at positions 1,000–1,400. Note that the scores of the outer element are pointing to the inner element. The outer 5’ LTR and a slice of the internal parts point to positions 400–700, which include the inner 5’ LTR and a slice of the inner LTR-retrotransposon’s internal part. The outer 3’ LTR and a slice of the internal part point to positions 700–1,000, which include the inner 3’ LTR and a slice of the inner LTR-retrotransposon’s internal parts. It is important to understand that in a recently nested LTR-retrotransposon, the outer LTRs do not point to each other but rather to the inner element


The forward scores and backward scores are passed to the merger module separately. It groups scores — forward or backward — into stretches; a stretch is a region of similar scores with possible small gaps, i.e., scores of zero. We refer to the median of non-zero scores in a stretch as that stretch’s height. We also refer to the number of bps in a stretch (or gap) as the size of the stretch (or gap).

To group scores into stretches, we performed statistical analysis of LTRs found in the training genomes. Two LTRs of the same element are unlikely to be identical because of mutations, which appear as gaps of zero scores. By calculating the distribution of the size of gaps within LTRs, we determined a value for the maximum difference between two scores to be considered similar, i.e., belong to the same LTR. We assumed the gap size is normally distributed. The mean size of a gap within an LTR was found to be 16.30 bp. The standard deviation was 19.62 bp. By adding 3 standard deviations to the mean (covering up to 99.7% of a normal distribution), we determined the similarity margin to be 75 bp. For two scores to be considered similar, the absolute difference between them must be less than the similarity margin.

The merger module performs the following steps:

  1. 1

    Group regions of the same exact non-zero scores into stretches.

  2. 2

    Label these stretches by size; stretches with a size of 16 or more are labeled as keep stretches, otherwise they are labeled as delete stretches. This method of labeling was inspired by LtrDetector [29].

  3. 3

    Merge stretches with similar scores (the absolute difference in height is less than 75) provided that the gap between them is less than 75 (the similarity margin).

  4. 4

    Remove interruptive stretches, which are delete-labeled stretches in between two stretches that would be merged if an interruptive stretch was not in between them.

  5. 5

    Merge stretches.

  6. 6

    Remove delete stretches.

  7. 7

    Merge stretches.

As mentioned before, this merging process is applied to both the forward scores and the backward scores independent of one another. The forward scores become the forward stretches, each one pointing to a location further downstream. The backward scores become the backward stretches, each one pointing to a location further upstream.

Red training

Red is a self-supervised, hidden-Markov-model-based tool that can detect repeats (interspersed and simple) in a genome. It does not group repeats — including LTR-retrotransposons — into families. Red outputs a score for each k-mer in the input genome. This score indicates how many times above what is expected by chance a specific k-mer occurs in a genome. Red gives a value of zero to a k-mer that occurs less than what is expected by chance. We refer to the score as Red score. With respect to software integration, Red is accessed through an API and is not called externally. The code for Red is integrated into Look4LTRs.


The detector module is responsible for the final step in the merging stage. It takes the forward stretches and backward stretches independently. The detector merges stretches into LTR candidates.

A linear classifier — trained by the stochastic gradient descent algorithm — is utilized to predict whether consecutive stretches should be merged. Each pair of consecutive stretches is described by the following 10 features:

  • Size of the first stretch.

  • Size of the second stretch.

  • Size of the gap between the stretches.

  • Absolute difference in height between the stretches.

  • The absolute difference between the Red score medians (not counting zeros) of the two stretches.

  • The absolute difference between the Red score means of the two stretches.

  • Mean Red score of the first stretch.

  • Mean Red score of the second stretch.

  • Mean Red score of the gap between the stretches.

  • Whether both stretches lie within the same repetitive region predicted by Red.

We split our data into three sets: training, validation, and testing, consisting of 70%, 20%, and 10% of the stretches found in the four training genomes. We subtracted the mean and divided by the standard deviation of each feature (except the last feature because it is binary). The mean and the standard deviation were calculated on the training set. To determine the parameters of the model, a random search 10-fold cross validation was performed on 1,000 iterations. We trained the classifier with the parameters found by the random search and kept the model with the best F1 score on the validation set. We performed a final evaluation on the testing set. After determining that our model could achieve satisfactory results, we rescaled the data and trained the classifier on the entire dataset. The final classifier achieved a recall of 92.81%, a precision of 64.37%, and an F1 score of 76.02%.

The trained classifier is given consecutive pairs of stretches and determines whether each pair should be merged. Any stretch that fails to merge with others is still considered an LTR candidate, which consists of one stretch. Candidates shorter than 200 bp (the minimum size of an LTR) are discarded.

Identity training

Identity is a machine-learning-based tool designed for predicting pair-wise global identity scores efficiently [39]. Identity takes a database of the sequences that will be compared later. Because Identity is an instance of self-supervised learning, it can generate its own labeled training data without the user’s involvement. Candidate LTRs outputted by the detector module comprise a database that will be given to Identity. We train two instances of Identity. The first is trained with a focus on sequence pairs of 80–100% identity scores, and the second is trained with a focus on 60–100% identity scores. We refer to the first Identity instance as the standard Identity and the second one as the recent Identity because it is utilized for locating recently nested retrotransposons. Regarding software integration, Identity is accessed through an API and is not called externally.


An LTR-retrotransposon is defined by two matched LTRs with an internal part inbetween. This module attempts matching LTRs. Its input is a list of candidate LTRs assembled from the forward stretches and the backward stretches. It outputs a list of LTR-retrotransposon candidates, solo LTR candidates, and complex regions. A solo LTR is defined as a single unmatched LTR. A complex region is characterized by the presence of multiple same-family candidate LTRs. The matcher module follows two steps. It first builds a directed-weighted graph. Using the information from this graph, it matches LTRs.

Building a directed-weighted graph

Look4LTRs utilizes a directed-weighted graph for matching LTR candidates. A graph consists of nodes, which are connected by edges. An edge is directed and has a weight. We add every LTR candidate to the graph as a node. We distinguish between two types of nodes; forward nodes are candidate LTRs from the forward stretches (forward candidates) and backward nodes are candidate LTRs from the backward stretches (backward candidates). An edge between two nodes, i.e., two LTRs, is added when a forward candidate LTR points to a backward candidate and vice versa. Note that no edges are added between two forward candidates or two backward candidates. An edge is assigned a weight representing how similar two candidate LTRs are. Such a similarity is calculated as the ratio of k-mers that have copies in the other candidate to the total number of k-mers.

To process recently nested elements, including complete and solo elements, we connect overlapping nodes representing forward and backward candidates. Suppose we have three LTRs nearby each other. The first LTR has a forward node. The third LTR has a backward node. The second node has a forward node (pointing to the third LTR) and a backward node (pointing to the first LTR). Therefore, if a forward and backward node overlap with each other, two edges are added to connect them. We call these edges vertical connections. However, weights associated with vertical connections are not assigned because these connections are solely utilized for connecting LTRs that are nearby each other but are not directly connected.

Matching LTRs

Our graph consists of a set of connected components. A connected component is a set of connected — directly or indirectly — nodes that are unreachable from any other nodes in the graph. A complete LTR-retrotransposon (with a possible solo LTR nearby) or a group of recently nested elements is represented by a connected component. Figure 11 shows examples of different components. In the simplest case of a single LTR-retrotransposon, a forward node is connected to a backward node, i.e., a 5’ LTR to 3’ LTR.

Fig. 11
figure 11

Connected components examples of LTR-retrotransposons. These connected components represent perfect-world scenarios; for simplicity, each edge represents two edges pointing in and out and the weights are not shown. For each example, there are two rows. The top rows contain forward nodes (representing LTR candidates found in the forward stretches) that point forward to a match further in the genome. The bottom rows contain backward nodes (representing LTR candidates found in the backward stretches) that point backwards. When nodes from the forward and backwards nodes overlap, they represent the same LTR. a A single LTR-retrotransposon with the 5’ LTR pointing to the 3’ LTR and vice versa. b An LTR-retrotransposon with a solo LTR. This connected component may represent one of three scenarios depending on which node represents the solo element, which can be the leftmost node, the rightmost node, or the middle node. c A recently nested LTR-retrotransposon. Note that the outermost LTRs merged with the internal part of the outer retrotransposon. Two nodes from the nested LTRs merged with the internal part of the nested retrotransposon. However, two nodes from the nested LTRs are not merged and are distinguishable. d A complex graph case where there are many LTRs right by each other

The merger and the detector modules may wrongfully merge stretches from different repetitive elements, causing an issue we call hyper-extension. When matching nodes together, hyper-extensions can be found by looking at the weights of the connections. If the weight of a connection is low in one direction but high in the other, it may be a sign of this issue. As a remedy, we trim the node from which the edge with the lower weight comes to better match the other node. Then the weights of the connections are recalculated. Figure 12 shows an example of the hyper-extension issue and how it is resolved.

Fig. 12
figure 12

An example of hyper-extension. The 3’ LTR is incorrectly merged with another upstream repetitive element. To remedy this issue, we cut off the region marked with the dotted red lines when matching with the 5’ LTR

For each subcomponent, we perform case analysis to determine which pair of nodes form an LTR-retrotransposon. We have five cases to consider: (i) the single case, (ii) the solo LTR case, (iii) the recently nested case, (iv) the complex case, and (v) the deeply nested case.

Single case: In this analysis, we search for single, complete LTR-retrotransposons. First, we look for a forward node that connects to a backward node and vice versa. When found, we check if both weights of the two connections are greater than or equal to 0.27, a value determined by the 95\(^{th}\) percentile of our training genomes’ ground truth. Then we check for repetitiveness of an internal part using Red. We calculate the ratio of non-zero Red scores in an internal part to its size. If this value is at least 0.33, determined by the 98\(^{th}\) percentile on our training genomes’ ground truth, this region is considered a valid internal part. This check ensures that an LTR-retrotransposon candidate follows the general trend for repetitive elements. Because there may be multiple LTRs of the same family nearby, we repeat this process with different combinations of forward and backward nodes that are directly connected, provided they meet the above requirements. Rather than choosing one candidate at this stage, we instead keep multiple pairs and allow the filter module, described later, to filter out false positives.

Solo case: Here, we search for a solo LTR on either side of a single LTR-retrotransposon or nested within it. Similar to the single case, we check for a minimum weight between the connections of forward and backward nodes. We search for three LTRs where the first is connected to the second and the second is connected to the third. Generally, an internal part of a complete LTR-retrotransposon is expected to be repetitive. Thus, we expect a non-repetitive region to separate a complete LTR-retrotransposon from a solo LTR. Red scores are utilized as stated previously to confirm whether a region between LTRs is repetitive. This case is resolved completely if one of the in-between regions is confirmed to be repetitive and the other is not. Otherwise, if all regions are repetitive, it is potentially a nested solo LTR, i.e., the solo LTR is inserted into a complete element of the same family. However, even if all regions are confirmed to be repetitive, it is not certain that the solo LTR is nested. For example, one of the regions could be repetitive because of another inserted unknown repetitive element. In the case where the two in-between regions are repetitive, we output three LTR-retrotransposon candidates, in which the solo LTR can be the first, the second, or the third LTR.

Recently nested case: In this case, we search for LTR-retrotransposons that are nested within another LTR-retrotransposon of the same family. The boundaries of the outer LTRs are merged with the internal part of the outer element, complicating this analysis. However, the boundaries of the nested LTRs remain intact. The single analysis case can be applied to finding the nested LTR-retrotransposon. Using the nested LTRs, we approximate the boundaries of the outer LTRs using information available in a connected component. At this point, the outermost two LTRs are matched and the innermost two LTRs are matched, resulting in two LTR-retrotransposon candidates. After that, we check if the internal parts of the two LTR-retrotransposon candidates (not including the nested region of the outer LTR-retrotransposon) are repetitive. We then check for similarity between the internal parts of the nested and outer LTR-retrotransposon. However, here we must consider the possibility of other nested elements from different families that may cause a large divergence between the internal parts of the nested and outer LTR-retrotransposons. A traditional local alignment technique may be able to correctly align and calculate a proper identity score, but it is computationally expensive. For this reason, we used the recent Identity model to calculate the identity score and relaxed the 80-80-80 rule by lowering the generally used 80% identity score minimum to 60%, thus accounting for the possible divergence as a result of other elements. If the identity score is greater than 60%, we consider these two candidates to be recently nested.

Complex case: Here, we analyze connected components that have many nearby, same-family elements inserted sequentially. The internal parts of such elements should be similar to each other. To confirm, the regions between nodes (possible internal parts) are gathered and compared to each-other (all vs. all) using the Identity standard model. If at least two regions have 80% identity score with each other, we consider the connected component to have sequential LTR-retrotransposons. In essence, this case reports that there are at least two sequentially inserted LTR-retrotransposons. We note that there is no further confirmation of the LTR-retrotransposons for this case due to its complexity.

Deeply nested case We previously discussed the recently nested case which handles up to one level of nesting. We designed a deeply nested case to decompose a region consisting of a recently nested element with many levels of nesting. In this case, we apply a recursive process to discover deep nests, i.e., a nested LTR-retrotransposon within another nested LTR-retrotransposon. To begin, we collect a recently nested LTR-retrotransposon found by the recently nested case. We then remove the innermost element from the sequence. After that, all modules starting from the scorer up to the matcher are applied to the newly constructed sequence. This simplifies the deeply nested case to a recursive application of the recently nested case. This process continues until no more recently nested elements are found.

We have discussed how we matched LTRs to form LTR-retrotransposon candidates. We now discuss an intermittent step before the filter module for extending the boundaries of LTRs.


The LTRs of an LTR-retrotransposon candidate may not be exact matches, especially length wise. We take two steps to alleviate this issue: (i) k-mer extension and (ii) missing-region extension. In k-mer extension, the 3’ LTR is extended by \(k-1\) bp because the last score is the score of the last k-mer — not the score of the last nucleotide. An LTR may be shorter than its paired LTR in an LTR-retrotransposon candidate. Although this can happen in nature due to insertions and deletions, we attempt to extend the short LTR to account for possible failed merging of stretches in the merger and detector modules. In the missing-region extension, we extend the shorter LTR forward and backward to match the length of the longer LTR. We use Identity (the standard) to confirm if an extension results in a better identity score between paired LTRs and keep it if it does.

We discussed how we extend the boundaries of two paired LTRs. In the next stage, candidates are sent to the filter module to drop candidates that fail to meet LTR-retrotransposon’s signature.


This module removes LTR-retrotransposon candidates that fail to meet certain criteria such as signature features. The inputs to the filter are LTR-retrotransposon candidates and solo LTR candidates. The outputs are the filtered LTR-retrotransposons and solo LTRs. We check for the following criteria: (i) LTRs and internal parts are of the proper length, (ii) matched LTRs have comparable length and similarity, (iii) LTR-retrotransposon candidates have polypurine tracts (PPT) within the internal parts, and (iv) LTRs are not Miniature Inverted-repeat Transposable Elements (MITEs). A solo LTR is removed at the end if there are no same-family (according to graph information) LTR-retrotransposon candidates that survived.

Length: The lengths of an LTR-retrotransposon’s components are known to generally be within a certain range. We check if the lengths of the LTRs are at least 2,00 bp and less than 7,000 bp. The internal parts must be at least 2,00 bp long.

Similarity: The LTRs of an LTR-retrotransposon should have similar sizes and sequences. We check if the length coverage ratio (smaller length to longer length) of two LTRs of an element is at least 0.8. If it is not, we use the Smith-Waterman algorithm to align the two LTRs. If the length of the alignment found is at least 80 bp long and the similarity is at least 80%, we keep the element, otherwise the candidate is removed.

Polypurine tract: A signature feature of an LTR-retrotransposon is the PPT, which is a sequence of purines (A and G nucleotides), upstream from the 3’ LTR. We take the last 400 bp of an internal part upstream from the 3’ LTR and convert every G to A. Then, we create a sequence of all A nucleotides with a size of 100. Next, the 100-bp-long sequence is aligned to the 400-bp-long sequence using the Smith-Waterman algorithm. If the alignment length is greater than 12 and there are more A’s than G’s in the region (a signature of the PPT), the PPT is confirmed. If we do not find a PPT this way, we assume that the orientation is potentially reversed and search downstream using the same process but with T’s and C’s instead of A’s and G’s. If a PPT is not found, the candidate is removed.

MITE: Here we check for MITEs which are small transposable elements that can be mistaken for LTRs. Further, they are plentiful in plants. Thus, same-family MITEs can be near each other, potentially resulting in the previous modules matching these elements together as LTR candidates into an LTR-retrotransposon candidate. This necessitates a filter to locate and remove them. We check both LTR candidates of the same retrotransposon independently and drop the entire element only if both LTR candidates are found to be potential MITEs. The first and last 30 bp of an LTR candidate are taken and aligned against each other to check if an LTR candidate has the signature feature of a MITE — terminal inverted repeats. If the alignment length found is greater than 15 and the similarity between the two sequences is greater than 85%, we consider it a MITE. We chose the size of 15 because other tools that specialize in MITE detection using a similar metric of 10 [43, 44]. We took this parameter and increased it by 5 to be stricter as experiments revealed an increase in overall performance of Look4LTRs with this change.

Overlapping outputs

After these filters, we consider every LTR-retrotransposon to be a true LTR-retrotransposon. This point should be made clear again; in the matcher module, an LTR may be paired with multiple other LTRs to form LTR-retrotransposons if they meet the criteria. The filter module drops any LTR-retrotransposon that fails to meet the standard features. However, it is possible for multiple LTR-retrotransposons with the same LTR (5’ or 3’) to pass every criterion. In this case, all of them are reported.


LTR-retrotransposon are further sharpened using target site duplications (TSD). We search 20 bp upstream and downstream an LTR-retrotransposon for a duplication and search for the longest common substring between the two regions. If the substring’s length is at least 4, we conclude that we have found a TSD, otherwise it is not reported. We extend the boundaries of the LTR-retrotransposon to meet the TSD if they are not already touching.


Using our ground truth, we evaluated Look4LTRs alongside the following related tools: LTR_Finder [31], LTRharvest [27], and LtrDetector [29].

Recall that our ground truth is likely incomplete with possibly inaccurate boundaries. Therefore, the definitions of true positives and false positives needed to be modified to account for these two issues. A true positive is a predicted element that has an 80% reciprocal overlap with an LTR-retrotransposon in the ground truth. For false positives, we followed the method described in previous studies [29, 43]. First, we locate all repetitive elements as reported by RepeatMasker and drop simple repeats and low-complexity regions as well as LTR elements — as described by RepeatMasker. This is our false positive dataset. A false positive is then defined as a predicted element whose two LTRs are overlapping (80% reciprocal) with two elements of the same family from the false positive dataset.

To help determine these true positives and false positives, we utilized BEDTools [45].

We note that we did not evaluate Inpactor2 [30] because it utilizes LTR_Finder. Inpactor2 uses LTR_Finder to detect LTR-retrotransposons in chunks of sequences predicted with a neural network to contain LTR-retrotransposons. Adding Inpcator2 to the evaluation would be redundant as its results would be similar to LTR_Finder. Further, Inpactor2 does not return the position of the LTRs, only the position of an entire element, thus making it impossible to find false positives according to our method for determining false positives.

The four tools are evaluated by recall, precision, and F1 score. Recall is the percentage of true positives found by a tool. Precision is the percentage of true positives in all confirmed positive predictions — true or false. F1 score is the harmonic mean of recall and precision. Additionally, we report the peak memory usage and the time required to run a tool. The evaluated tools were ran off-the-shelf, utilizing multi-core capabilities only if they came with it because most biologists would apply a tool without any additional modifications. LTRharvest and LTR_Finder do not come with multi-core capabilities, whereas Look4LTRs and LtrDetector can utilize multiple cores. We used an x86_64 Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server version 7.9 (Maipo) machine to run the tools, utilizing 24 cores if the tool allowed for multiprocessing.


Look4LTRs is a novel tool for LTR-retrotransposon discovery. It processes a whole genome or a group of related genomes simultaneously. Look4LTRs usage of the repetitive content of genomes allows for cross-species studies by finding shared elements between closely related species. According to our evaluations, the usage of repetitive content from related species improves the recall and F1 scores. The repetitive content learned is also used as evidence to enforce that predicted LTR-retrotransposons are repetitive, adhering to the definition of a TE. Further, Look4LTRs is able to find recently nested LTR-retrotransposons. Through this feature, we have determined that 0.53% of Sorghum bicolor is made of recently nested LTR-retrotransposons. Look4LTRs is nearly alignment free, depending on a k-mer matching technique and a graph-based algorithm to find and match LTRs. As a result, Look4LTRs has a low runtime, capable of processing the Zea mays genome. We are convinced that Look4LTRs will be a great addition to the LTR-retrotransposon detection toolset due to the novel features it presents.