Changes to the protocol

Changes for version 3.0

Amendment 1: Option of surveying students online at home

If schools dismiss classes and move to online learning because of COVID infections, we will offer schools the option of surveying students online at home. Schools will send students details of how to log in to surveys using laptops, phones or tablets. Surveys will include links to information boxes explaining key terms informed by the questions students have raised during classroom-based surveys. Students will be asked to skip questions they do not understand or do not wish to answer. Students will be advised to contact their school safeguarding lead for support should they feel confused or upset as a result of completing the questionnaire, with the team briefing safeguarding leads about this and liaising with them to record where this has occurred.

Amendment 2: Increase in number of lessons

We will add one additional (core) lesson for year 10 students in intervention group to ensure dating and relationship violence and sexual harassment are adequately addressed [1].

Amendment 3: Flexibility for training arrangements

We will provide training to schools more flexibly to fit with school needs. The initial training for school leads in the curriculum will remain as 7 h in total, but this will be delivered in flexible sections to fit school needs. This training will be video-recorded and made available to schools. The training which school leads cascade to other teachers involved in delivering the curriculum will involve a minimum of three hour’s training but organised flexibly to fit school needs.

Changes for version 4.0: Further amendments to intervention

Amendment 4

The intervention has been modified in three ways. First, the initial start-up meeting with schools has been reduced from 2 h to half an hour. Second, the cascading of training by schools internally has been broadened to allow a range of total training duration from 1 to 3 h. Third is additional support in the form of webinars and drop-in sessions. These changes have been made based on advice from the Sex Education Forum as the intervention lead agency. They reflect the need for support to schools to be more flexible to reflect schools’ varying needs.

Trial status

Schools were recruited September–December 2021, and students are being recruited and surveyed November 2021–March 2022.