
On 30 January 2020, the COVID-19 was recognised by the World Health Organisation (WHO) as a public health emergency of international concern: the WHO’s highest level of alert. On 11 March 2020, this was followed by the WHO declaring the outbreak a pandemic [1]. On 5 May 2023, that is, 170 weeks since announcing the global health emergency, the WHO declared an end to the emergency, while continuing to refer to COVID-19 as a pandemic [2]. Over this time, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact, causing significant loss of life, reducing life expectancy [3, 4], seriously challenging healthcare systems [5], and adversely affecting socio-economic activity worldwide [6]. By mid-June 2023, the pandemic had caused almost 800 million confirmed cases and 7 million confirmed deaths [7].

Over the course of pandemic, the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) which causes COVID-19 has mutated from its ancestral strain into a number of lineages and sub-lineages, varying in terms of infectivity and virulence. Several of these variants have been designated by the WHO as variants of concern, including the highly transmissible lineages B.1.617.2 (Delta) [8, 9] and B.1.1.529 (Omicron) [10, 11]. In Australia, these variants have triggered significant new waves of the pandemic [12,13,14,15].

In response, the public health systems worldwide employed a diverse range of intervention policies. The initial reactions involved non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) [16,17,18]. Typically, the NPI interventions combined various components, such as border closures and travel restrictions, case isolation, home quarantine, school closures, and comprehensive “stay-at-home” orders comprising social distancing. Once safe and effective vaccines became available, this was followed by mass vaccination campaigns around the globe [19,20,21]. Vaccination rollouts differed with respect to (a) population coverage, ranging from partial to nearly complete; (b) rollout schemes, e.g., preemptive, progressive, or boosting; as well as (c) different vaccine combinations, e.g., priority and general vaccines [21]. Each vaccine had efficacy variations with respect to (i) the susceptibility-reducing efficacy, (ii) the disease-preventing efficacy, and (iii) the transmission-limiting efficacy [19, 21]. In addition, vaccine effectiveness was nonlinearly diminishing over time [22]. The practice of dealing with multiple variables, objectives and constraints confounded many potential effects of various intervention policies: for example, school closures have been found to contribute differently under different circumstances [18, 23].

The combined effects of the evolving viral lineages and complex intervention policies have been difficult to systematically analyse, model and predict. For example, the persistence of the Omicron variant in Australia and the resulting recurrent waves were explained by a nuanced combination of the new transmissible sub-variants, the fluctuating adoption of NPIs, and the waning immunity from prior infections and vaccinations [15]. Importantly, such complex effects become sensitive to demographic variations in heterogeneous populations spanning different age groups, household sizes, socio-economic profiles and jurisdictions. In general, to study a pandemic which has lasted more than three years, one needs to account for demographic changes which play an increasingly salient role. This influence often remains concealed due to the lack of high-resolution data and presence of jurisdictional barriers, socio-political biases, and other factors [24, 25].

Here, we aim to examine some of these public health challenges and carry out a systematic simulation-based analysis of several COVID-19 pandemic scenarios, using Australia as a case study. We use two most recent census years (2016 and 2021) as the alternative demographic settings within which each pandemic scenario is simulated. Our comparative analysis contrasts three variants of concern which made an impact in Australia: the ancestral strain, the Delta and the Omicron lineages. For every scenario, five representative intervention policies are compared, ranging from (1) baseline (i.e., no interventions), to (2) partial NPIs without vaccination, (3) partial preemptive vaccination without NPIs, (4) mixed intervention with both partial NPIs and partial vaccination, and (5) partial lockdown including school closures.

In order to compare 30 possible scenarios (\(2 \times 3 \times 5\)), we apply an agent-based model (ABM) which simulates an artificial population generated using the high-resolution Australian census data. The ABM has been previously calibrated and validated for several pandemic stages in Australia during the last four years [13, 15, 18, 21, 26].

This study identifies and explains, in context of different variants and policies, several coupled nonlinear effects of the population growth and heterogeneity on the pandemic severity. In particular, we study how pandemic peaks may be amplified by distributed changes in the population size or the changes in population density.

Importantly, the study introduces a novel measure of pandemic inequality—pandemic Lorenz curves—and demonstrates that the pandemic severity may be distributed unequally across local areas. For example, while the pandemic inequality may reduce when the population or the disease transmissibility grow, it may increase with more stringent interventions or in non-urban areas. We also measure pandemic biomodality, which characterises formation of distinct urban and regional pandemic waves. In addition, we measure bifurcations in the effectiveness of interventions, e.g., school closures, relative to variants of concern.


Agent-based modelling COVID-19 pandemic with Australian census

We simulated several scenarios of the COVID-19 pandemic in Australia using a well-established agent-based model previously validated for several pandemic waves and variants of concern [13, 15, 18, 21]. Our model has two fundamental components: (i) a simulated Australian population generated to represent key demographic features of the Australian census data, and (ii) a stochastic agent-based model for disease transmission and control, detailed in Appendix B and Appendix C, respectively.

Our model comprises stochastically generated anonymous agents that represent the population of Australia: about 23.4 million using 2016 census, and 25.4 million using 2021 census. The population is partitioned into Statistical Areas (SAs) at different resolutions, e.g., SA2 level represents suburbs. The surrogate Australian population is constructed using a number of high-resolution datasets, including demographic data from the Australian census, international air traffic reports from the Bureau of Infrastructure and Transport Research Economics (BITRE), and educational registration records from the Australian Curriculum, and Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA). The generated population matches the population characteristics in terms of age, gender, household composition, student enrollment, workforce mobility, and international travel, as detailed in Appendix B.

Disease transmission follows a discrete-time simulation, updating states of each agent over time. Following initial infections “seeded” around international airports, the transmission is probabilistically simulated by considering agent interactions across multiple social layers (mixing contexts), given different contact and transmission rates within both residential and work/study contexts.

If an agent is exposed to the disease in one of their mixing contexts, it goes through several health states following the natural history disease model: Susceptible, Latent, Infectious (asymptomatic or symptomatic), and Removed (recovered or deceased). For an agent i, let us denote the set \(G_i\) consisting of all mixing contexts in which this agent interacts (e.g., workplace or school, grade and class in daytime cycles; and household, household cluster, neighbourhood and community in nighttime cycles). At time cycle n, the probability for an susceptible agent i becoming infected across context \(g \in G_i\) is determined as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} p^g_i(n) = 1 - \prod _{j \in A_g\backslash \{i\}} (1 - p^g_{j \rightarrow i}(n)) \end{aligned}$$

where \(A_g\backslash \{i\}\) represents the set of agents in the context \(g \in G_i\) excluding agent i, and \(p^g_{j \rightarrow i}(n)\) denotes the instantaneous probability that an infectious agent j who shares the context g with susceptible agent i, transmits the infection to agent i. The transmission probability \(p^g_{j \rightarrow i}\) is determined by epidemiological characteristics and variant-specific natural history of the disease (see Appendix C, and section "Variants of concern").

Then, the infection probability for agent i across all mixing contexts is calculated as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} p_i(n)&= 1 - \prod _{g \in G_i(n)} \left( 1 - p^g_i(n) \right) \\&= 1 - \prod _{g \in G_i(n)} \prod _{j \in A_g\backslash \{i\}} \left( 1 - p^g_{j \rightarrow i}(n) \right) \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

Various intervention policies may reduce this probability (see section " Intervention policies", Appendix "Non-pharmaceutical interventions" and "Vaccination").

Simulated pandemic scenarios

Variants of concern

Our model has been calibrated to match key COVID-19 characteristics across three variants of concern: ancestral (i.e., the strain initially detected in Wuhan, which was prevalent in Australia in 2020) [18], Delta (i.e., B.1.617.2 variant, prevalent in Australia in 2021) [13], and Omicron (i.e., B.1.1.529 variant, prevalent in Australia during 2022) [15]. Over the last four years, these variants have not only evolved towards higher infectivity (i.e., higher basic reproductive number, \(R_0\)), but have also exhibited distinct characteristics in the disease natural history. In this study, we performed a lateral comparison of these three variants, each following a different natural disease history (as shown in Fig. 1), combined with the intervention policies described in section "Intervention policies", and using the data from two most recent census years (2016 and 2021). See Appendix C for a detailed parameterisation of the relevant epidemiological characteristics.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Model of the natural history of three COVID-19 variants: ancestral (blue), Delta (green), and Omicron (red). The illustrated profiles are sampled from 2 random agents. Each profile rises exponentially until reaching the infectivity peak, followed by a linear decrease until full recovery. Vertical lines mark the mean incubation period for the three considered variants (ancestral: blue, Delta: green, and Omicron: red), with the means following a log normal distribution. The mean incubation period and recovery period for each of the variants are reported in Appendix Table 6. The inset shows \(R_0\) of the three considered variants

Intervention policies

NPIs considered in our model include case isolation (CI), home quarantine (HQ), social distancing (SD), and school closures (SC), each affecting different agents based on their health states (infected or susceptible), age groups (school-aged or not), and household compositions (if there is an infected household member).

In simulating pandemic scenarios, we assumed a moderate level of preemptive vaccination coverage of the population (50%), accounting for the combined effects of a relatively high vaccination coverage in Australia [27] and low diminishing vaccine efficacy [28]. In line with prior studies [13, 15, 21], the vaccination scheme distributes two types of vaccines (priority and general), each with the vaccine efficacy defined in terms of reducing susceptibility, preventing symptoms of the disease, and limiting further transmission, as described in Appendix section "Vaccination".

We simulated five specific policies, each with a different combination of preemptive vaccination coverage and NPIs. These policies cover a wide range of scenarios, starting from the “live-as-usual” intervention-free scenario to the lockdown-like scenario with strong restrictions limiting population mobility and social interactions, as shown in Fig. 2. Specifically, these policies can be summarised as follows:

  • Policy 1—baseline: no NPIs and no preemptive vaccination coverage, representing a scenario without any interventions.

  • Policy 2—partial NPIs: some NPIs implemented (CI, HQ and SD at 70% compliance level), with no preemptive vaccination coverage. This represents a pandemic intervention scenario feasible without vaccines.

  • Policy 3—partial vaccination: 50% preemptive vaccination of the population before a pandemic wave. This represents a scenario developing in a population with partially acquired immunity, but without any restrictions on social interactions during the pandemic.

  • Policy 4—mixed intervention: some NPIs implemented during a pandemic wave (CI, HQ and SD at 70% compliance level) assuming that 50% of the population has been preemptively vaccinated prior to the pandemic wave. This represents a scenario with partial acquired immunity in the population, followed by further restrictions on social interactions during the wave.

  • Policy 5—partial lockdown: all NPIs implemented (CI, HQ, SD at 70% compliance level, and SC in addition) and 50% preemptive vaccination of the population. This scenario represents a lockdown of the partially immunised population using strong restrictions on social interactions.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Five simulated intervention policy scenarios. PRE-VAC: preemptive vaccination prior to the pandemic. NPIs: non-pharmaceutical interventions. Policies are considered to be more stringent moving from left to right. The macro- and micro-parameters for NPI-related policies are summarised in Appendix Table 7. Parameters relating to the vaccination coverage and vaccine efficacy are summarised in Appendix Table 8

Lorenz curves: measuring unequal distribution of pandemic severity

Different communities may experience impacts of interventions in significantly different ways, and these complex effects may not uniformly aggregate into the national pandemic dynamics (e.g., nationwide incidence and cumulative incidence). To examine distribution of the overall pandemic severity across different local areas, we introduce a novel technique based on Lorenz curves.

Lorenz curves, initially proposed to evaluate the degree of inequality in wealth distribution in society [29], have since been applied in many other domains, such as economics [30, 31], underpinning the well-known Gini index which measures income/wealth distribution across a population [32], and biology [33, 34]. In this study, we proposed and constructed the pandemic Lorenz curves that capture inequality in the distribution of cumulative incidence at the SA2 level, and compared their shapes across the considered scenarios. The pandemic Lorenz curve dissects the nationwide cumulative incidence at the SA2 level, tracing it across all SA2 areas and assessing their relative contribution to the pandemic severity.

Figure 3 shows a simplified example to demonstrate possible shapes of pandemic Lorenz curve where the x-axis represents the cumulative fraction of SA2 residential population, ranked by their local attack rate (cumulative incidence over the SA2 residential population), and the y-axis represents the fraction of cumulative incidence at the ‘global’ national level, contributed by the corresponding fraction of SA2 residential population. Appendix D provides a detailed explanation of the Lorenz curves introduced in our study to measure the unequal distribution of pandemic severity.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Pandemic Lorenz curves measuring inequality in distribution of the pandemic severity. The black line represents the line of equality where each SA2 contributes equally to the cumulative incidence. A curve closer to the line of equality (i.e., Lorenz Curve A, shown in red) indicates that the contributions of SA2 residential areas towards the aggregate cumulative incidence in response to a specific intervention policy A are more equally distributed than the contributions of these areas under policy B which are traced by the curve shaped further away from the line of equality (i.e., Lorenz Curve B, shown in blue)


We present our results in three parts matching our key objectives, firstly examining the effects of population heterogeneity on pandemic severity across two census years (section "Effects of population heterogeneity on pandemic severity"), then exploring pandemic spread, under the considered policies, in terms of urbanisation (section "Effects of urbanisation on pandemic spread"), and finally examining varying effects of a specific intervention policy—school closures—across the three considered variants of concern (section "Effects of school closures across variants of concern").

Effects of population heterogeneity on pandemic severity

We related the population heterogeneity with the pandemic severity observed in simulated scenarios across different intervention policies. Here, we measured the pandemic severity as the normalised incidence per million (unless specified otherwise), computed as the ratio between the detected incidence cases to the total population (in millions) for the considered census year. We assessed the population heterogeneity in terms of population increase at the ‘global’ national level (section "Population growth amplifies pandemic peaks") and at the ‘local’ SA2 level (sections "Changes in population size amplify incidence peak more than changes in density" and "Pandemic severity is distributed unequally across local (SA2) areas"). Appendix A provides more information about the population structure captured by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS).

Population growth amplifies pandemic peaks

Our results show that the population growth, i.e., the 8.6% population increase between 2016 and 2021, produced a nonlinear response effect on the pandemic severity. If the pandemic severity was proportional to the population growth, the relative change in incidence between the two years could be expected to be zero (i.e., flat line in Fig. 4, bottom row). However, comparison of the simulated pandemic scenarios between 2016 and 2021 produces a relative change in normalised incidence which non-trivially diverges from a flat profile (Fig. 4, bottom row), especially in scenarios with less stringent policies (e.g., policies 1, 2 and 3). It is clear that the divergence is positive (i.e., a higher normalised incidence in 2021, indicating an amplified nonlinear response to population growth) around the incidence peak, followed by a negative oscillation (i.e., a lower normalised incidence in 2021, suggesting a negative response to population growth) after the peak. Figure 5 (top row) directly contrasts the pandemic profiles across two census years.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Impact of different intervention policies on pandemic severity for three considered variants simulated for two census years (top row: 2016; middle row: 2021; bottom row: relative change between years). Each column compares the impact of five intervention policies for one variant of concern: a ancestral; b Delta; c Omicron. See Fig. 2 for a detailed description of the considered intervention policies. Coloured shaded areas around solid lines show standard deviation. Each profile corresponds to one intervention policy and is computed as the average over 100 runs

This nonlinear response pattern (an early amplification compensated by a late negative oscillation) is manifested for the baseline scenarios across all variants of concern, as well as the scenarios with less stringent policies for the Omicron variant, as shown in Fig. 4 (bottom row). In general, the amplification effect is more notable in the scenarios associated with more transmissible variants (Fig. 5). Specifically, for the Omicron variant, the incidence peak for Policy 1 (baseline) simulated for 2021 census data (Fig. 5a, red profiles, solid and dashed lines), is 12.21% higher than its counterpart produced for 2016 census. This nonlinearity arises due to the population distribution which non-uniformly affects the pandemic severity, amplifying the peak incidence (see the following subsection).

Fig. 5
figure 5

A comparison of pandemic severity for different policies across three considered variants (ancestral: blue; Delta: green; Omicron: red) and two census years (solid line: 2021; dashed line: 2016). The severity of each variant is measured by cases per million (top row). The change in incidence (bottom row) is calculated as the difference of incidence cases per million between two census years. Each column compares the impact of three variants for one intervention policy: a Policy 1; b Policy 4; and c Policy 5. See Fig. 2 for a detailed description of the considered intervention policies. Coloured shaded areas around solid lines (in bottom row) show standard deviation. Each profile (solid and dashed lines) corresponds to one intervention policy and is computed as the average over 100 runs

Changes in population size amplify incidence peak more than changes in density

To investigate possible causes that have contributed to the nonlinear response effects observed at national level, we considered the demographic changes which occurred between the two census years at SA2 level. The higher resolution offered at this level enabled us to trace how the local areas contribute to the disproportionate response in relative incidence between the two census years, 2016 and 2021 (see Appendix A for the demographic statistics and structure captured by census data). Specifically, we examined changes in the incidence peaks across 2147 SA2 areas which were registered in both 2016 and 2021 census years. In doing so, we used the baseline scenario implementing Policy 1 (no interventions) and correlated the peak incidence with specific demographic changes: the residential population size, the population density, and the populations residing in households of different sizes, all measured at SA2 level.

We found that there is a strong positive correlation between the changes of peak incidence and the changes in the “usual residential” population. This finding is supported by high correlation coefficients across all variants (\(0.64 \le r \le 0.91\), as shown in Fig. 6). That is, an SA2 with a greater net population influx in the five-year period between 2016 and 2021 is highly likely to have a higher spike in the incidence peak. The impact of population increase is further amplified for highly transmissible variants, resulting in a greater peak incidence difference shown by the steeper slope observed for the Omicron variant (Fig. 6, in red). In addition to the correlation with the usual residential population, we also found a weaker positive correlation (\(0.34 \le r \le 0.45\)) between the changes in peak incidence and the changes in population density, suggesting that SA2 areas which develop a higher population density may also have a higher incidence peak across all variants (Appendix Fig. 20).

We also found that the identified nonlinear response patterns cannot be attributed to differences in the average household size between census years. Although the SA2 areas with a higher average household size experience slightly worse pandemic effects across all considered variants (Appendix Fig. 21), there is no clear correlation between the difference in average household size and the peak incidence difference between 2016 and 2021, as summarised in Appendix Table 11 for Pearson correlation coefficient, and shown in Fig. 22, across the considered variants.

To further investigate a potential impact of the household size on the nonlinear pandemic response, we partitioned each SA2 population into two sub-populations: (i) residents of large households (i.e., with at least five household members), and (ii) residents of small households (i.e., with up to four household members). Irrespective of the household size, we observed a strong correlation between each sub-population and the peak incidence. This is shown in Fig. 23 for large households, and Fig. 25 for small households. In particular, the sub-population residing in small households shows higher correlations for all considered variants across two census years, with high Pearson coefficients ranging between 0.95 and 0.99 (Appendix Table 12).

However, when considering the correlation between the peak incidence difference between 2016 and 2021 and the difference in a partitioned sub-population—large-household (Fig. 24) or small-household (Fig. 26)—we found that, for the Delta variant, the peak incidence difference is stronger correlated with difference in the large-household sub-population (\(r=0.611\)) than difference in the small-household sub-population (\(r=0.522\)). Appendix Table 12 summarises the comparative analysis.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Positive correlation between the usual residential population difference and the peak incidence difference between 2016 and 2021 at SA2 resolution for three considered variants: Ancestral (blue), Delta (green), and Omicron (red). Dashed lines represent linear fitting for each of the profiles (see Appendix Table 10 for statistical analysis). Data points corresponding to each SA2 are computed as the average over 100 runs. Total number of overlapping SA2 between 2016 and 2021 census years: 2147. Pearson correlation coefficients: \(r_{Ancestral}=0.7717\), \(r_{Delta}=0.6447\), \(r_{Omicron}=0.9002\)

Pandemic severity is distributed unequally across local (SA2) areas

Using Lorenz curves, we examined how the local (SA2) areas are impacted by different intervention policies across two demographic settings representing two census years. Figure 7a and b shows that for the baseline scenario without any interventions (Policy 1), the pandemic effects are distributed equally across the areas, for all considered variants simulated for both census years (Appendix Fig. 27 provides a different layout of the same results). Comparing across two census years, we note that Lorenz curves produced for 2021 census are closer to the line of equality (i.e., the diagonal line) for the less transmissible variants (i.e., ancestral and Delta). This suggests that for these two variants, the SA2 areas contribute to the aggregate attack rate at the national level more equally in 2021 scenarios than in their 2016 counterparts.

For the ancestral and Delta variants, more stringent intervention policies led to a more diverging contribution pattern (i.e., Lorenz curve shaped further away from the line of equality). For example, for the Delta variant, using 2016 census data, we found that the increase in the fraction of cumulative incidence from 20 to 80% under Policy 1 (Fig. 7a top row, blue profile) is attained by an equal increase (i.e., 20 to 80%) in the population ranked by their local SA2 attack rate. However, the same increase in the incidence fraction (i.e., 20 to 80%) under Policy 4 (Fig. 7a top row, purple profile), was attained by a smaller set of SA2s comprising only approximately 40% to 85% of the population ranked by their local attack rate. This finding indicates that the pandemic severity is distributed more unequally under more stringent interventions (including NPIs and vaccinations). Specifically, SA2 areas with a higher local attack rate (i.e., ranked higher on x-axis) account for a higher fraction of the cumulative incidence.

We also note that the unequal distribution of pandemic severity diminishes for the highly transmissible Omicron variant (shown in Fig. 7c) where all simulated intervention policies failed to adequately slow down the transmission. This resulted in all SA2 areas contributing equally to the national-level cumulative incidence, with all Lorenz curves overlapping with the line of equality.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Pandemic Lorenz curves measuring distribution of pandemic effects across SA2 areas for considered variants, years and policies. Each column compares the impact of five intervention policies for one variant: a ancestral; b Delta; c Omicron. Top raw: 2016; bottom raw: 2021. Refer to Fig. 2 for a detailed description of the considered intervention policies. Each profile corresponds to one intervention policy and is computed as the average over 100 runs

Effects of urbanisation on pandemic spread

The bimodal pandemic dynamics is characterised by the incidence peak (attributable to predominantly urban spread), followed by an inflexion point which shapes around a smaller secondary wave (attributable to mostly regional and rural areas) [35]. Typically, the first wave triggered by the international air traffic is rapidly shaped in urban populations concentrated near international airports. In contrast, the pandemic progression into non-urban regions (i.e., areas further away from international airports) is significantly slower. The confluence of these factors resulting in bimodal dynamics in Australia was detected and described in context of simulating the pandemic influenza using 2011 and 2016 census data [35]. Our simulations of the COVID-19 pandemic scenarios in this study also produced bimodal dynamics, especially for the ancestral and Delta variants using 2016 census data (Fig. 8). However, the bimodality is less prominent in scenarios using 2021 census data, indicating a shift of the pandemic dynamics between urban and regional regions.

This observation is also supported by the pandemic dynamics examined at the SA2 level. Appendix Fig. 19 shows that in comparison to the simulated results for 2016 census, the time gap between the first and second pandemic waves (defined in terms of the number of SA2 areas that peaked on a given day) for 2021 census has become shorter at the SA2 level. These findings indicate that there are more intricate structural demographic changes in the population which occurred between 2016 and 2021, beyond a uniform population growth.

To explain this phenomenon, we assessed the pandemic progression during the baseline scenario (Policy 1), by tracing pandemic waves in urban and non-urban SA2 areas (see Appendix Table 13 for the population statistics). Figure 8 compares the Greater Capital Cities (GCCs) against other areas (i.e., all remaining SA2s). We note that the two distinct pandemic progression profiles (urban and non-urban) are mostly separated by the initial conditions: the national incidence peak is largely attributed to urban SA2 areas while the inflexion point observable at a later stage of the pandemic is caused by a secondary wave emerging in non-urban SA2 areas.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Comparison of pandemic waves in Greater Capital Cities (GCCs) and all other areas. Each column compares the baseline scenario (Policy 1) for 2016 and 2021 census data, for a variant of concern: a ancestral; b Delta; c Omicron. Each profile is computed as the average over 100 runs

For the baseline scenarios traced for two census years, our results showed that the bimodal dynamics is diminishing from 2016 to 2021 data. This can be explained by two factors: (i) a higher incidence peak occurring in both GCCs and other urban areas, and (ii) an accelerated pandemic progression into non-urban areas (or at least, into areas outside of GCCs). This effect was observed for scenarios across all variants of concern, with more transmissible variants showing a greater increase in the incidence peak. This observation suggests a faster pandemic spread for 2021 scenarios, indicating that the urbanisation increased over the five-year period, captured by the census statistics (see Appendix Section A), reducing the bimodal dynamics.

We also observed that the bimodality is weakened for the Omicron variant. This is explained by a reduced difference in the peak incidence timing between GCCs and non-GCCs. In other words, the two waves, urban (primary) and non-urban (secondary), tend to merge into a primary significant wave with a single incidence peak. This can be attributed to the high transmissibility of the Omicron variant which suppresses the impact of population heterogeneity. When the transmission was adequately slowed down (due to interventions, for example, implementing Policy 4 and Policy 5), the two pandemic waves became more separable, leading to notable bimodality (Appendix Fig. 28).

It is also worth noting that we do not consider re-infections in these scenarios. In other words, a higher incidence peak occurring earlier in the simulation corresponds to a reduction of the susceptible population, thus exhausting the susceptible population sooner and consequently weakening bimodality.

Effects of school closures across variants of concern

Finally, we examined the effects of school closures across three variants of concern by comparing pandemic scenarios between Policy 4 (Mixed intervention) and Policy 5 (Partial lockdown). Our results suggested that the effectiveness of school closures varies significantly for different variants. The effects of school closures were most prominent for the Delta variant with a two-order reduction in peak incidence (from over 1000 cases per million to under 10 cases per million), resulting in a sharp difference shown in Fig. 9b. Such a bifurcation was observed only in scenarios for the Delta variant and was not detected for variants with either lower \(R_0\) (i.e., ancestral variant, Fig. 9a) or a higher \(R_0\) (i.e., the Omicron variant, Fig. 9c).

For the ancestral variant, Policy 4 was sufficiently effective in containing the spread with new cases kept at a very low level. Although school closures could further reduce the peak incidence, the reduction (from around 2 cases per million to around 0.6 cases per million) would be marginal. This could be observed for both 2016 and 2021 census years (Fig. 9a).

For the Omicron variant, school closures delay the incidence peak by approximately 25 days with a sizable reduction from nearly 9000 cases per million to under 6000 cases per million (Fig. 9c). This reduction, however, would still be insufficient to curb the spread. This finding suggests that school closures could slow down the spread of the Omicron variant to some extent but would be inadequate for suppressing incidence, due to the extremely high \(R_0\) of the Omicron variant.

Overall, these observations suggest that when coupled with NPIs and partial vaccination, school closures can be a highly effective policy for pandemic suppression of variants comparable in transmissibility with the Delta variant. These benefits, however, may not eventuate for either significantly less or significantly more transmissible variants of concern.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Effects of school closures combined with NPIs for three considered variants (log scale): a ancestral; b Delta; c Omicron. School closures effectively control the spread of Delta variant, producing a sharp difference in incidence. Such a bifurcation is not observed for the ancestral and Omicron variants. Each profile corresponds to one intervention policy and is computed as the average over 100 runs. Appendix Fig. 31 shows these plots on linear scale


In this study, we carried out a systematic comparison of pandemic scenarios across census years, variants of concern and intervention policies. The considered scenarios combined five different intervention policies with three dominant variants impacting Australia between 2020 and 2023 (ancestral, Delta, and Omicron), using a surrogate population generated based on 2016 and 2021 Australia census data. Our simulation results revealed that the population growth and heterogeneity nonlinearly affect pandemic dynamics, amplifying the peak incidence for all variants of concern. These nonlinear response effects highlight a complex interplay between the demographic and pandemic characteristics, which may amplify pandemic impacts on continuously growing populations worldwide.

Firstly, we focused on the Australian population which grew by 8.6% between 2016 and 2021 (net gain of nearly 2 million people). However, the population growth has been distributed non-uniformly across the country, affecting both local residential population size and population density. Such unevenly distributed demographic changes directly affect pandemic progression, and our results demonstrated that the estimation of pandemic severity cannot be accomplished by a simple scaling of the outcomes obtained for previous datasets, such as 2016 census data. This strongly suggests that pandemic models and public health policies need to be frequently reviewed and adapted to changes in the population heterogeneity, especially when dealing with long-lasting pandemics similar to COVID-19.

We showed that the effectiveness of intervention policies differed across variants of concern (Figs. 4 and 5). Coupled with the observed amplification effects of demographic changes (Fig. 6), these findings call for specific interventions aimed to reduce the amplification effect, e.g., prioritising (1) the SA2 areas with a higher population growth, and (2) the SA2 areas with a higher density increase. Growth in large-household sub-populations may deserve additional attention, especially when dealing with specific variants, e.g., variants comparable in their epidemiological profile with the Delta variant.

At the same time, some policy-related findings were independent of the considered variants or demographics. In particular, the scenarios considered in this study strongly suggested that a partial preemptive vaccination rollout with 50% coverage and limited vaccine efficacy (Policy 3) would likely only be effective in a combination with partial NPIs, comprising a mixed intervention (Policy 4). Applied on its own, Policy 3 was unable to control the pandemic spread across all considered scenarios, as shown in Fig. 4. Thus, the ongoing and future immunity boosting vaccination rollouts need to aim at high population coverage comparable with original mass-vaccination campaigns, while still being complemented by partial NPIs. Similarly, partial NPIs (Policy 2) cannot provide a principled solution on its own. While managing to control pandemic scenarios for the less transmissible ancestral variant, partial NPIs did not succeed in preventing sizable incidence peaks in scenarios for the Delta and Omicron variants, but only delayed these peaks (Fig. 4). In general, such delays may be useful in rolling out booster vaccinations, reinforcing the point that a mixed intervention which combines partial NPIs and partial vaccination (such as Policy 4) may provide an adequate intervention.

Our study has also highlighted the “pandemic inequality”, with certain SA2 areas contributing to the nationwide cumulative incidence stronger than others. We found that the pandemic inequality reduces when the population or the disease transmissibility grows (Fig. 7). However, the opposite tendency—increasing pandemic inequality—was observed with more stringent interventions (Appendix Fig. 27) or in non-urban areas (Appendix Fig. 30). While this inequality was lesser in scenarios for the highly transmissible Omicron variant, the findings still suggest that a resource prioritisation scheme is needed, with the interventions targeting the localities and regions which have been experiencing a high population growth and/or developing a high density.

Secondly, we quantified the pandemic effects of urbanisation, distinguishing between the first wave affecting Greater Capital Cities and a delayed second wave developing in regional and rural areas (Fig. 8). This bimodality indicates that, to be effective, the intervention efforts need to adapt during a pandemic progression, with the initial focus on metropolitan centres followed by a shift to non-urban areas, in anticipation of the corresponding peaks. Such geo-spatial redistribution of healthcare and vaccination resources needs to account for the transmissibility of dominant variants of concern, as more transmissible variants accelerate the pandemic, bring the urban and non-urban waves closer in time, and shorten the time between their peaks.

Finally, we evaluated the role of school closures in suppressing the pandemic transmission caused by different variants of concern in a partial lockdown-like scenario in combination with other interventions. Crucially, we demonstrated that the effects of school closures are highly dependent on the dominant variant, with the more decisive effect observed only for the Delta variant (given the range of other policy-defining parameters, i.e., the vaccination coverage of 50% and the NPI compliance with 70% SD), as illustrated in Fig. 9. This also reinforces the suggestions that policy makers should not assume that interventions will have the same effect across different variants. In addition, this highlights the possibility that some interventions can compensate others in specific circumstances: for example, when the preemptive vaccination or booster uptake is lower or slower than anticipated, school closures and stricter NPIs may be required to compensate for the lack of immunity.

In summary, the study highlighted the need for geo-spatially and demographically tailored, proactive and agile interventions, in contrast to general-purpose, reactive and rigid policies.

Limitations and future work

This study of pandemic severity did not include considerations of (a) socio-economic factors, and (b) disease burden in terms of hospitalisations, ICU occupancy and mortality. As demonstrated in our previous studies [13, 15, 26], these components can be included within an ABM study but substantially increase its scope.

Our simulations ran over a period of 196 days, without considering re-infections. Given the considered simulation horizon, this limitation has a minor effect discussed in our study of recurrent waves [15].

Our focus on the three dominant variants of concern rather than on their numerous sub-lineages (which may co-circulate) allowed us to distill some of the salient public health lessons. We believe these lessons would remain relevant across other sub-variants, including co-circulating ones.

We re-iterate that our aim was to compare key pandemic scenarios rather than replicate the 2021 incidence of COVID-19 in Australia. Thus, we intentionally did not use the air traffic data between 2020 to 2021 due to the severe disruption of international travel caused by the travel restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic at the time.

Our ABM includes a substantial number of parameters, which have been calibrated to different variants or estimated using available epidemiological evidence. As more data become available, the parameter ranges may change and some estimates and findings may be refined. At the same time, a comprehensive sensitivity analysis provides strong evidence that the model and its outcomes are robust to parameter changes.

Finally, we did not model the differences in vaccine efficacy across variants of concern (including ancestral, Delta, and Omicron variants). This should not impact the outcomes over the considered simulation horizon. Nevertheless, our model will be extended in near future, addressing these limitations (re-infections and multiple co-circulating variants with different immunity profiles).


In pursuing our objectives, we solved several methodological challenges, extending the range of applicability for agent-based pandemic modelling. Firstly, we incorporated the ABS census data for 2021, thus accounting for the most recent demographic information for Australia, in terms of the population structure, age distribution, household composition, and commuting flow patterns. This “upgrade” is important because previous similar studies used the data from the Australian census of 2016, scaling the modelling outcomes by approximately 10% to account for the larger population. Our results showed that the demographic changes over the five-year period contribute to the pandemic outcomes in more subtle nonlinear ways that often cannot be captured by a uniform scaling. To study these nuanced contributions, we employed Lorenz curves characterising an unequal distribution of pandemic effects.

Secondly, we addressed a well-known inconsistency between low-resolution and aggregated high-resolution census data brought about in 2016 by the ABS anonymity policy compliance system [36, 37]. In order to reduce this mismatch, we reconstructed a surrogate high-resolution 2021 commuter topology (Section "Surrogate domestic commuting network" of Appendix). This allowed us to examine nuanced effects of the pandemic scenarios on urban and regional areas, and measure pandemic bimodality.

Overall, the extended ABM, coupled with the reconstruction techniques, offered a versatile approach to model comparative scenarios with multiple variants of concern, simulated across different demographic settings (census years) and for distinct intervention policies. A combination of census-based ABM and pandemic Lorenz curves provided a unique high-resolution method to not only simulate different pandemic scenarios across varying demographics and variants, but also evaluate the unequally distributed effects of feasible intervention policies. This, in particular, allowed us to emphasise the divergent role of school closures as a complementary NPI–with respect to the disease transmissibility, exemplifying a bifurcation in the effectiveness of school closures.

In summary, the presented results illustrate how comparative analysis measuring distribution of the pandemic severity across different dimensions can help in improving public health preparedness and response to future pandemics. In particular, the study highlights that rigorous pandemic modelling can provide insights into the impact of complex demographic factors on the spread of infectious diseases over medium- to long-term.