Correction to: J Transl Med (2018) 16:142

Following publication of the original article [1], the authors reported an error in the spelling of one of the author names. In this Correction the incorrect and correct author names are indicated and the author name has been updated in the original publication. The authors also reported an error in the Methods section of the original article. In this Correction the incorrect and correct versions of the affected sentence are indicated. The original article has not been updated with regards to the error in the Methods section.

Incorrect author name upon publication:

  • Tobias Walpert

The correct author name:

  • Tobias Walbert

The affected sentence in the Methods section upon publication, with the error marked in bold:

  • In general, approximately 2 g of tumor tissue was needed to produce the full ten doses for the 36-month treatment and follow-up schedule. The vaccine was aliquoted in individual doses and cryopreserved at < 150 °C [22].

The corrected sentence, with the corrected temperature marked in bold:

  • In general, approximately 2 g of tumor tissue was needed to produce the full ten doses for the 36-month treatment and follow-up schedule. The vaccine was aliquoted in individual doses and cryopreserved at < − 150 °C [22].

The reference which is cited in the above sentence can be reviewed in the original article.