
Double perovskite oxides A2BB'O6, where A is an alkaline-earth or rare-earth metal and B(B') is a transition metal (TM), have attracted considerable attention due to many recent experimental findings, including those related to room-temperature (RT) half-metallicity1,2,3,4,5, high-temperature (HT) insulating ferrimagnetism6,7,8,9,10, multiferroicity11,12,13,14, ferromagnetism15,16,17 and so on. Recently, the double perovskites Ca2FeOsO6, SrCaFeOsO6 and Sr2FeOsO6 were found to display dramatically different magnetic behavior7,18,19,20,21,22. Ca2FeOsO6 is an insulating ferrimagnet with a very high transition temperature of 320 K7. If half of the Ca2+ ions of Ca2FeOsO6 were replaced with larger Sr2+ ions, the resulting SrCaFeOsO6 was found to retain its ferrimagnetic property, but with a significantly lower Curie temperature of 210 K18. However, Sr2FeOsO6 was experimentally found to be an antiferromagnet with low transition temperatures21. Experimental observations show that, with the lowering of temperature, Sr2FeOsO6 transforms from the paramagnetic phase to the AF1 antiferromagnetic phase at 140 K and then to the AF2 antiferromagnetic phase at 67 K21. These experimental results are particularly interesting because these compounds have similar chemical composition. In this context, many important questions remain.

As a result of spin-lattice coupling, the magnetism is usually correlated with the detailed lattice structure. Previous experiments showed that Ca2FeOsO6, SrCaFeOsO6 and Sr2FeOsO6 have somewhat different lattice distortion patterns. Ca2FeOsO6 crystallizes with a monoclinic space group of P21/n7, yet Sr2FeOsO6 crystallizes with a tetragonal symmetry20,21. In the ab plane, the Fe-O-Os, Os-O-O-Os, Fe-O-Os-O-Fe and Os-O-Fe-O-Os paths of Ca2FeOsO6 are very similar to those of Sr2FeOsO6, except that the lattice distortion in the former case is much stronger (see Fig. 1). In Ca2FeOsO6, the out-of-plane Fe-O-Os paths are very bent (see Fig. 1a). Consequently, the out-of-plane Fe-O-Os-O-Fe and Os-O-Fe-O-Os paths are highly distorted as well (see Fig. 1a). However, the out-of-plane Fe-O-Os angles in Sr2FeOsO6 are all nicely 180 degrees and the out-of-plane Fe-O-Os-O-Fe and Os-O-Fe-O-Os paths are not at all distorted (see Fig. 1b). Compared to Ca2FeOsO6, Sr2FeOsO6 also has less distorted out-of-plane Os-O-O-Os paths. Finally, it is worth noting that SrCrFeOsO6 takes on a similar structure to Ca2FeOsO6, but with a reduced structural distortion7,18. Therefore, we find progressively weaker lattice distortion when comparing Ca2FeOsO6 to SrCaFeOsO6, to Sr2FeOsO6.

Figure 1
figure 1

Lattice structures of Ca2FeOsO6 (a) and Sr2FeOsO6 (b). The Fe-O-Os paths are shown by solid lines and experimentally measured Fe-O-Os angles are also shown in units of degrees. The Os-O-O-Os paths are depicted by dashed lines. The Fe-O-Os-O-Fe and Os-O-Fe-O-Os paths are depicted by dot-dashed lines. The in-plane and out-of-plane paths are shown in black and blue, respectively. The letter a, b and c denote the crystal axes. Ca2+ and Sr2+ ions are not displayed for the sake of clarity.

Although it was pointed out7 that lattice distortion is correlated with magnetic behavior, the detailed microscopic mechanism remains unclear. Since the generalized double-exchange mechanism operates only in metals23, it cannot account for the HT insulating ferrimagnetism in Ca2FeOsO6. On the other hand, the origin of AF1 and AF2 spin orders of Sr2FeOsO6 remains under debate. For the AF1 order, it is widely accepted that the ferrimagnetic (FIM) ab planes are coupled to the neighboring planes by the out-of-plane ferromagnetic (FM) Fe-O-Os superexchange20,22. However, it has been recently suggested that these FIM ab planes may be coupled by out-of-plane antiferromagnetic (AFM) Os-O-O-Os interactions18. For the AF2 order, Morrow et al. proposed that the long-range Fe-Fe AFM interaction (via the four-bond Fe-O-Os-O-Fe path) dominates and produces AFM-type Fe-Os chains along the c axis18, however Kanungo et al. showed that the long-range Os-Os AFM interaction through the four-bond Os-O-Fe-O-Os path is primarily responsible22. For the magnetic ordering temperature, there is to date no clear quantitative understanding as to why the TN of AF1 is unexpectedly low. To the best of our knowledge, there also remains a lack of clear understanding as to how LT antiferromagnetism of A2FeOsO6 transforms to HT ferrimagnetism with an accordant increase in lattice distortion, namely, with a decrease in the ionic radii of A2+ ions.

In this Report, in order to obtain a comprehensive insight into the magnetic behaviors of A2FeOsO6 (A = Ca, Sr), we systematically investigate the frustrated magnetism of the double perovskites Ca2FeOsO6, SrCaFeOsO6 and Sr2FeOsO6, by employing density functional theory (DFT) and maximally-localized Wannier functions (MLWFs). We find lattice distortion enhances the AFM Fe-O-Os interaction but weakens the AFM interactions of the Os-O-O-Os and Fe-O-Os-O-Fe paths. As a result of the serious lattice distortion, Ca2FeOsO6 has a strong and dominant AFM interaction between the nearest neighboring (NN) Fe3+ and Os5+ ions. Consequently, the NN Fe3+ and Os5+ ions are coupled antiparallel and ferrimagnetism is experimentally observed. Simultaneously, corresponding AFM interactions via the Os-O-O-Os and Fe-O-Os-O-Fe paths are weak, so the Os-Os and Fe-Fe induced magnetic frustration is effectively relieved and one observes a very high TC. Because SrCaFeOsO6 is less distorted compared to Ca2FeOsO6, its magnetic frustration becomes stronger despite the FIM ground state being preserved. Accordingly, its TC is lowered. In the tetragonal I4/m structure of Sr2FeOsO6, lattice distortion vanishes along the c axis but it is very similar to that of Ca2FeOsO6 in the ab plane. This special lattice distortion pattern results in both the in-plane NN Fe3+ and Os5+ ions being aligned antiparallel and the FM chains along the c axis. The resulting magnetic structure is just the strongly frustrated antiferromagnetism AF1 with a very low Neel temperature . Lastly, strong spin-lattice coupling leads to a transformation from AF1 to AF2. Our work illustrates the magnetic frustration can be effectively relieved by lattice distortion, which may well be responsible for the complex magnetism observed in other 3d–5d (4d) double perovskites as well.


Lattice-Distortion dependence of magnetic interactions in Ca2FeOsO6

In order to understand why Ca2FeOsO6 is FIM and how lattice distortion affects this ferrimagnetism, we have systematically explored the effect of lattice distortion on the magnetic interaction of Ca2FeOsO6. Since the positions of O2− ions are known to be vital, we performed a series of calculations using a linear superposition of the Wyckoff positions of the O2− ions of both the relaxed and pseudo-cubic structure. In the pseudo-cubic structure, O2− ions are artificially positioned to make Fe-O-Os angles straight, but lattice constants and the positions of the Fe3+, Os5+ and Ca2+ ions are fixed at their corresponding positions in the relaxed structure. The O2− ions positions is computed as follows:

In Eq. (1), Rrelax and Rcubic are the position vectors of O2− ions in the relaxed and pseudo-cubic structures respectively and αx varies between 0 and 1. For example, αx = 0 corresponds to the relaxed structure and αx = 1 corresponds to the pseudo-cubic structure. Thus αx characterizes the lattice distortion induced by O2− ions. The dominant magnetic interactions are divided into three groups (see Fig. 2a). The first group is the superexchange between the NN Fe3+ and Os5+ ions. The second involves super-superexchange between the next near-neighboring (NNN) Os5+ ions. The third involves long-range Fe-Fe interactions via the four-bond Fe-O-Os-O-Fe path. Technically, we adopt the four-state mapping method to evaluate these various magnetic interactions24. Note that a positive exchange constant J corresponds to the AFM interaction, but a negative exchange constant J corresponds to the FM interaction.

Figure 2
figure 2

Magnetic exchange paths and evolutions of magnetic interactions and TC of Ca2FeOsO6.

(a) The NN superexchange paths Fe-O-Os (marked by the black J1, J2 and J3), NNN super-superexchange paths Os-O-O-Os (marked by the blue J1, J2, J3 and J4) and long-range four-bond Fe-O-Os-O-Fe exchange paths , and (marked by the green J1, J2, J3 and J4) are shown by the black, blue and green solid lines, with double arrowheads respectively. The dependence of Fe-O-Os superexchange interactions, Os-O-O-Os super-superexchange interactions and the long-range four-bond Fe-O-Os-O-Fe magnetic interactions on the lattice distortion (αx) are shown in (bd), respectively. Figure (e) shows the evolution of TC (star) obtained by Monte Carlo and the energy of the FIM (square) and AF1 (circle) magnetic structures with respect to lattice distortion (αx).

We find the magnetic interaction between the NN Fe3+ and Os5+ ions is intrinsically AFM. The calculated magnetic exchange constants of Fe-O-Os paths in the pseudo-cubic structure are shown in the Fig. 2b. They are all positive and thus AFM. The intrinsically AFM interaction of the Fe-O-Os path can be qualitatively understood based upon the extended Kugel-Khomskii model25,26,27. According to this model, magnetic interactions can be evaluated based on the hopping integrals and on-site energies, namely,

In Eq. (2), U, JH and Δij are the on-site Coulomb interaction, Hund’s coupling and the energy difference between the ith and jth energy levels, respectively and is the hopping integral. The first term in Jij describes the AFM contribution due to the hybridization between the two occupied orbitals. The second term describes the FM contribution due to the hybridization between the occupied and empty orbitals. In order to elucidate why the magnetic interaction between the NN Fe3+ and Os5+ ions is intrinsically AFM, we take the Fe-O-Os path along the c axis of the pseudo-cubic Ca2FeOsO6 as a typical example. Its detailed hopping integrals and energy levels are given in the right panel of Fig. S1 of supplemental material (SM). Compared with the FM interaction between the NN Mn3+ ions in the cubic LaMnO3 (LMO)28, two pivotal factors are seen to drive the magnetic interaction between the NN Fe3+ and Os5+ ions in the pseudo-cubic Ca2FeOsO6 to be intrinsically AFM. The first factor is the very large energy difference Δ (up to 3.0 eV) between the occupied eg orbitals of Fe3+ ion and the unoccupied eg orbitals of Os5+ ion. This will give a weak FM contribution according to the Eq. (2). The second factor is the rather large hopping integrals between the occupied t2g orbitals of the Fe3+ and the Os5+ ions. For instance, the leading hopping integral is 0.27 eV. This will give strong AFM contribution according to the Eq. (2). Therefore the AFM contribution dominates over the FM one, giving rise to the intrinsically AFM interaction between the NN Fe3+ and Os5+ ions, regardless of the magnitude of the Fe-O-Os angle.

In addition, we find lattice distortion can effectively relieve the magnetic frustration in Ca2FeOsO6 and thereby raise its FIM phase transition temperature TC. Since Os5+ ions form a face-centered sublattice with geometrically frustrated edge-sharing tetrahedrons, antiferromagnetically interacting Os5+ ions are strongly frustrated. Figure 2c shows lattice distortion can dramatically weaken the NNN AFM interactions between the NNN Os5+ ions, which implies that the Os5+ ions’ induced magnetic frustration can be relieved by lattice distortion. Besides, Fe3+ ions can also be magnetically frustrated because of the following factor. The dominant NN Fe-O-Os AFM interactions require the magnetic moments of Fe3+ ions to be aligned parallel, but the AFM magnetic interaction through the four-bond Fe-O-Os-O-Fe paths requires the magnetic moments of Fe3+ ions to be antiparallel. Because lattice distortion slightly enhance the NN AFM interactions between the NN Fe3+ and Os5+ ions (see Fig. 2b) but weakens the long-range four-bond Fe-O-Os-O-Fe AFM interactions along the pseudo-cubic [001], [010] and [100] axes (see Fig. 2d), it can effectively relieve the Fe3+ ions induced magnetic frustration. And, we should note, accompanied with the relief of such magnetic frustration is the raising of the FIM phase transition temperature TC. Figure 2e shows the evolution of TC obtained by Monte Carlo (MC) as lattice distortion weakens. It clearly shows the TC of the relaxed structure (about 266 K, close to the experimentally measured one7 TC ≈ 320 K) is higher than that of the less distorted one . Note that TC slightly increases with the weakening of lattice distortion for large αx. This is because the magnetic ground state of Ca2FeOsO6 with small lattice distortion is no longer FIM but AFM with the AF1 order as appearing in the Sr2FeOsO6 (see Fig. 2e).

Figure 3a demonstrates the mechanism by which lattice distortion enhances the NN Fe-O-Os AFM interaction. For illustration purposes, we consider the Fe-O-Os path along the c axis as an example. Fig. S1 of the SM shows the detailed leading hopping integrals and energy levels in the relaxed and pseudo-cubic structures, respectively. These hopping integrals clearly indicate lattice distortion tremendously reduces the electron hopping between the occupied eg orbitals of Fe3+ ions and the unoccupied one of Os5+ ions. Consequently, one can conclude based on the formula of Jij (see Eq. (2)) that lattice distortion extraordinarily reduces the FM contribution to the NN superexchange. In contrast, lattice distortion has a rather minor effect on the AFM contribution, because it increases the electrons hopping between the occupied eg orbitals of Fe3+ ions and the occupied t2g orbitals of Os5+ ions, although it reduces the hopping between the occupied t2g orbitals of Fe3+ and Os5+ ions. Therefore, lattice distortion enhances the NN AFM interaction by dramatically reducing the FM contribution and by maintaining the AFM contribution almost unchanged.

Figure 3
figure 3

Mechanism by which lattice distortion enhances the NN AFM interaction between Fe3+ and Os5+ ions

(a) and weakens the NNN AFM interaction between Os5+ ions (b) in Ca2FeOsO6. Solid (dashed) lines with double arrowheads indicate the electron hopping causing AFM (FM) contribution to the NN superexchange or NNN super-superexchange. S and W represent “strong” and “weak” words, respectively. In (a), the FM contribution of ax = 0 is weaker than that of ax = 1. However, the AFM contribution of ax = 0 is stronger than that of ax = 1. In (b), the AFM contribution of ax = 0 is weaker than that of ax = 1. Insets in (a,b) are for the local structures of Fe-O-Os and Os-O-O-Os paths, respectively. The relevant bond angles, bond lengths and calculated magnetic exchange constants are explicitly given in the inset of figures (a) and (b).

We find the NNN AFM interaction between the NNN Os5+ ions is weakened by lattice distortion. This is because such NNN super-superexchange has a sensitive dependence on the geometry of the Os-O-O-Os path. Shown in the insets of Fig. 3b are the geometries of the relevant Os-O-O-Os paths in the relaxed and pseudo-cubic structures. The detailed leading hopping integrals and energy levels between the investigated Os5+ ions are shown in the Fig. S2 of the SM. Note that FM contribution to the NNN super-superexchange is rather weak in the relaxed and pseudo-cubic structures because of small hopping integrals and large energy differences. So the NNN super-superexchange is basically determined by the AFM contribution. Comparison of the two investigated Os-O-O-Os paths shown in Fig. 3b clearly indicates lattice distortion increases the O-O bond length. Such an increase can reduce the hopping between the t2g electrons of Os3+ ions, as is readily verified by the reduction of hopping integrals from the pseudo-cubic structure to the relaxed one (see Fig. S2 of the SM). Therefore lattice distortion blocks the t2g electron hopping through Os-O-O-Os path, thereby weakening the otherwise robust NNN AFM interaction.

Low-temperature antiferromagnetism of Sr2FeOsO6

Sr2FeOsO6 adopts two different magnetic and lattice structures depending on temperature21. With decreasing temperature, its magnetic structure transforms from AF1 into AF2 antiferromagnetism and its lattice structure transforms from I4/m into I4 with a dimerization between the NN Fe3+ and Os5+ ions along the c axis. In both AF1 and AF2, moments of Fe3+ and Os5+ ions are coupled antiparallel in the ab plane (Fig. 4a and Fig. 4c). In AF1 spins order as ++++ along the c axis (Fig. 4b). In AF2, spins order as ++−−++−− (Fig. 4d).

Figure 4
figure 4

Dominant magnetic exchange paths and AF1, AF2 magnetic structures of Sr2FeOsO6.

All magnetic exchange constants J are in units of meV. Figures (a,b) correspond to the I4/m-AF1 phase. Figures (c,d) correspond to the I4-AF2 phase. Figures (a,c) are the spin arrangement in the tetragonal ab plane. Figures (b,d) are the spin ordering along the c axis. Blue arrows represent spins. The relevant bond distances and angles obtained from DFT calculations are shown in (ad).

Our study on the I4/m-AF1 phase (Fig. 4a and Fig. 4b) shows that the out-of-plane NN AFM interaction is much weaker than its in-plane counterpart and that the out-of-plane NNN AFM interaction is stronger than the in-plane counterpart , which are readily understood based upon our above results for Ca2FeOsO6. Because the Fe-O-Os angle along the c axis is 180.0°, similar to that in pseudo-cubic Ca2FeOsO6, the out-of-plane NN AFM interaction is weak. In the tetragonal ab plane, lattice distortion is similar to that in the relaxed Ca2FeOsO6, so the in-plane NN AFM interaction is strong. The weak in-plane NNN AFM interaction is due to the strong in-plane lattice distortion blocking the Os5+ ions’ t2g electron hopping, similar to the weak NNN AFM interactions in the relaxed Ca2FeOsO6. Besides, the out-of-plane NNN AFM interaction is stronger than that of the relaxed Ca2FeOsO6 but weaker than that of the pseudo-cubic Ca2FeOsO6. Overall, such magnitudes of the spin interactions are a result of the combination of the absence of the lattice distortion along the c axis and the strong lattice distortion in the tetragonal ab plane. Finally, it is expected that the long-range four-bond Fe-O-Os-O-Fe AFM interaction along the c axis is stronger than the in-plane counterpart . Note that the super-superexchange Fe-Fe interaction through the Fe-O-O-Fe path is very weak compared with the others and thus is omitted from our model.

Here we discuss how the competing magnetic interactions establish AF1 in the tetragonal I4/m structure of Sr2FeOsO6. First, it should be noted that the magnetic easy axis is the c axis21, that is, magnetic moments can only point up and down along it. The calculated results (see Fig. 4a) show that the in-plane NN AFM interaction is approximately four times of the magnitude of the in-plane NNN AFM interaction , as well as the in-plane long-range four-bond Fe-O-Os-O-Fe AFM interaction . In addition, their pairwise numbers (Z’s) are all the same (Z = 4). For the in-plane magnetic interactions, therefore, the optimal configuration is such that the magnetic moments of Fe3+ and Os5+ ions are aligned antiparallel in the ab plane, as experimental observations21. For the magnetic interaction along the c-axis, the out-of-plane NN , NNN and the long-range four-bond magnetic interactions are all AFM (see Fig. 4b). If only the out-of-plane NN AFM interaction is taken into consideration, the FIM Fe3+-Os5+ layers should be coupled antiparallel along the c axis. In this case, the resulting magnetic structure is FIM (see Fig. 5a). If only the out-of-plane NNN AFM interaction is taken into consideration, the FIM Fe3+-Os5+ layers should be coupled parallel along the c axis. In this case, the resulting magnetic structure is AF1 (Fig. 5b), which is just the experimentally observed. Finally, if only the long-range four-bond Fe-O-Os-O-Fe AFM interaction is taken into consideration, it gives rise to AF2 (Fig. 5c). Obviously, the out-of-plane NN , NNN and the long-range four-bond AFM interactions compete to give rise to the different magnetic ground states. Since their magnitudes are comparable, their pairwise numbers are the decisive factor in determining the optimal magnetic structure, being ZNN = 2, ZNNN = 8 and , respectively. This indicates the out-of-plane NNN AFM interaction easily dominates the out-of-plane NN and long-range four-bond AFM interactions. Therefore the optimal magnetic configuration is AF1.

Figure 5
figure 5


(a), AF1 (b) and AF2 (c) magnetic structures. In (ac), the frustrated magnetic ions pairs are connected by black dashed lines with double arrowheads. Fe (Os) sites are represented by the green (gray) horizontal lines. Blue (red) arrows represent up (down) spins. Figure (d) shows the specific heat of Sr2FeOsO6, calculated as a function of temperature T in terms of spin exchange interactions. The peak locates the magnetic phase transition temperature TN.

This deduction can be confirmed as follows. In the FIM, all the out-of-plane Fe-Fe and Os-Os pairs are frustrated (see Fig. 5a). In the AF1, all the out-of-plane Fe-Os and Fe-Fe pairs are frustrated (see Fig. 5b). In the AF2, half of the out-of-plane Fe-Os and Os-Os pairs are frustrated (see Fig. 5c). In terms of the out-of-plane NN , NNN and long-range four-bond AFM interactions, therefore, the formula-unit (f.u.) magnetic energies of the FIM, AF1 and AF2 are as follows:

This indicates that FIM should have the highest energy, with AF2 at a median value, then AF1 at the lowest level. Such estimation is in accord with our DFT calculations: So AF1 is found to readily relieve magnetic frustration.

The low Neel temperature TN of the AF1 is a result of the strong magnetic frustration. Actually, only the in-plane and the out-of-plane AFM interactions are not frustrated in the AF1. However, the in-plane , out-of-plane and the long-range four-bond , AFM interactions antagonize the AF1 antiferromagnetism and therefore will induce frustration. Our MC simulations (see Fig. 5d) indicate the TN of AF1 is very high, up to 354 K, sharply contradicting with the experimentally observed value (140 K), if only and are taken into consideration. To determine why the experimentally measured TN is so low, we performed four additional MC simulations: one with the in-plane , one with the out-of-plane , one with the long-range four-bond and and one with all of these magnetic interactions. The resulting specific heat versus temperature plots are presented in Fig. 5d. As can be seen, , and the long-range four-bond and can all lower the TN because they are all frustrated. Moreover, the out-of-plane Fe-O-Os AFM interactions make the largest contribution to the lowering of TN for AF1. If all the dominating magnetic interactions are taken into consideration, the MC simulated TN is 155 K, which is very close to the experimental value.

By comparing the magnetic exchange constants of I4 structure with those of I4/m structure (see Fig. 4), one finds that the magnetic interactions in the former are very similar to the latter’s, with the exception that the rather slight dimerization along the c axis in the I4 structure prominently enhances the out-of-plane NN AFM interactions (see Fig. 4d), which indicates a very strong spin-lattice coupling. Like in the I4/m structure, the long-range four-bond Fe-O-Os-O-Fe AFM interaction favors the formation of the AF2, as does the enhancement of the out-of-plane . Thus we attribute the AF2 antiferromagnetism in I4 structure to the strong spin-lattice coupling.

Low-temperature ferrimagnetism in the SrCaFeOsO6

Comparing SrCaFeOsO6 with Sr2FeOsO6 and Ca2FeOsO6, one can conclude that its mediate lattice distortion causes its ferrimagnetism to have a lower TC. Experiments show that SrCaFeOsO6 has a rather similar lattice structure to that of Ca2FeOsO618. However, its Fe-O-Os bond angles reveal a more linear geometry than that of Ca2FeOsO6, because half of Ca2+ ions are replaced by larger Sr2+ ions18. So it can be inferred that SrCaFeOsO6 can be readily ferrimagnetic. To confirm this, we studied three different types of arrangements of Ca2+ and Sr2+ ions. The first is where all the Ca2+ (Sr2+) are arranged in the ab plane (Fig. 6a). The second is where all Ca2+ (Sr2+) are arranged along the c axis (Fig. 6b). The third is where Ca2+ and Sr2+ ions are arranged in a checkerboard manner (Fig. 6c). For each arrangement, the FIM, AF1 and AF2 are considered. In all three of these cases, FIM always has the lowest total energy (see Fig. 6d). So the magnetic ground of SrCaFeOsO6 should be FIM, consistent with experimental observations18. Since its Fe-O-Os bond becomes straighter, its NN Fe-O-Os AFM interactions become weaker however its NNN Os-O-O-Os and long-range four-bond Fe-O-Os-O-Fe AFM interactions become stronger. This is verified by the calculated magnetic exchange parameters, as listed in the Table I of the SM. Consequently, its magnetic frustration gets stronger and its TC should accordingly be lowered. Our MC simulated TC for SrCaFeOsO6 is approximately 100 K, lower than the corresponding TC of 266 K for Ca2FeOsO6, consistent with experimental observations.

Figure 6
figure 6

Three types of arrangement patterns of Ca2+ and Sr2+ ions in the SrCaFeOsO6, and their corresponding energies.

(a) All Ca2+ (Sr2+) are arranged in the ab plane. (b) All Ca2+ (Sr2+) are arranged along the c axis. Figure (c) shows Ca2+ and Sr2+ ions are arranged in the checkerboard manner. Figure (d) shows the energies of the FIM, AF1 and AF2 magnetic structures of the three most typical arrangement patterns of the Ca2+ and Sr2+ ions.


Based on the present work, an important and general rule on the 3d5–5d3 superexchange in the double perovskites can be proposed as follows. It is generally accepted that29 the d5-d3 superexchange changes from FM for θ > θc to AFM for θ < θc with 135° < θc < 150°. However, we demonstrate the magnetic interaction between 3d5 and 5d3 TMs will be intrinsically AFM (this conclusion is independent of the particular choice of (a reasonable) U, see Table II of the SM) and further that this AFM interaction will increase as its angle θ decreases, as evidenced by the Fe-O-Os interactions in Ca2FeOsO6, SrCaFeOsO6 and Sr2FeOsO6. This intrinsically AFM interaction results from both the large hopping integrals between the occupied t2g orbitals and the large energy difference between the occupied eg orbitals of 3d TM and the unoccupied orbitals of 5d TM, because the former gives rise to a strong AFM contribution and the latter gives rise to a relatively weak FM contribution to the 3d5–5d3 superexchange. As the angle θ decreases, the electron hoppings between the occupied eg orbitals of the 3d5 TM and the unoccupied ones of the 5d3 TM will be substantially reduced, but the electron hopping between the occupied orbitals of 3d5 TM and 5d3 TM remain largely unchanged. Thus decreasing the angle θ means reducing the FM contribution, while leaving the AFM contribution largely unchanged. Consequently, the AFM interaction of the 3d5-O-5d3 path increases with decreasing θ.


In conclusion, we have investigated the effect of lattice distortion on the frustrated magnetism of certain double perovskites: Ca2FeOsO6, Sr2FeOsO6 and Sr2CrOsO6. In these cases, we find lattice distortion enhances the NN AFM Fe-O-Os interactions but weakens the AFM interactions of the Os-O-O-Os and Fe-O-Os-O-Fe paths. Because lattice distortions become increasingly severe from Sr2FeOsO6 to SrCaFeOsO6 to Ca2FeOsO6, the NN AFM Fe-O-Os interactions also become increasingly strong, but the AFM interactions of Os-O-O-Os and Fe-O-Os-O-Fe paths become increasingly weak. Consequently, the magnetic ground state transforms from antiferromagnetism to ferrimagnetism and the magnetic transition temperature increases. We propose the 5d3-3d5 superexchange is intrinsically antiferromagnetic, instead of being, as previously thought, ferromagnetic. Our work illustrates the magnetic frustration can be effectively relieved by lattice distortion in certain 3d–5d (4d) double perovskites.


First-principles calculations

First-principles calculations based on DFT are performed within the generalized gradient approximation (GGA) according to the Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof (PBE) parameterization as implemented in Vienna Ab initio Simulation Package (VASP)30. The projector-augmented wave method31, with an energy cutoff of 500 eV and a gamma-centered k-point mesh grid are used. Ion positions are relaxed towards equilibrium with the Hellmann-Feynman forces on each ion set to be less than . We use the simplified (rotationally invariant) coulomb-corrected density functional (DFT + U) method according to Dudarev et al.32. and are applied to the Fe 3d and Os 5d states22, respectively. With this effective U, the calculated band gap of Ca2FeOsO6 is about 1.19 eV, very close to the experimentally measured activation energy7 . Because the spin-orbit coupling (SOC) in Ca2FeOsO6 has been demonstrated to be insignificant19, SOC is not taken into account in this present work.

Maximal localized Wannier functions calculations

Hopping integrals between 3d/5d orbitals are extracted from the real-space Hamiltonian matrix elements in the non-spin-polarized MLWFs basis. MLWFs are obtained by employing the vasp2wannier90 interface in combination with the wannier90 tool33. In order to obtain the 3d/5d-like Wannier functions, we construct MLWFs in a suitable energy window, using primarily 3d/5d antibonding states. All MLWFs are considered to be well converged if the total spread over 50 successive iterations is smaller than 10−9 Å2.

Monte Carlo simulations

The magnetic phase transition temperature TC or TN is obtained using parallel tempering Monte Carlo simulations34,35. These calcuations are performed on the 7 × 7 × 5 supercell based on the classical spin Hamiltonian: , wherein the spin exchange parameters Jij are those defined in the text. To obtain the TC or TN, we first calculate the specific heat once the system reaches equilibrium at a given temperature (T). Then TN can be obtained by locating the maximum on the C(T) vs T plot.

Additional Information

How to cite this article: Hou, Y. S. et al. Lattice-distortion Induced Magnetic Transition from Low-temperature Antiferromagnetism to High-temperature Ferrimagnetism in Double Perovskites A2FeOsO6 (A=Ca, Sr). Sci. Rep. 5, 13159; doi: 10.1038/srep13159 (2015).