
An external current may be induced by the motion of space-charge between two electrodes. The Shockley-Ramo theorem1,2 is widely acknowledged to provide a basic description of the external current. This theorem describes the current induced by a moving point space-charge between electrodes. It has a wide range of applications, including biological ion channels3,4,5, solid-state devices6,7,8, electrochemistry9,10, electrical discharge11,12 and semiconductor detectors13,14,15. The Shockley-Ramo theorem is useful for understanding the behaviour of point space-charges. For example, when this theorem is applied to calculate the gating current of an ion channel, it relates the microscopic motion of the ions to the macroscopic current recorded using a voltage clamp3. The Shockley-Ramo theorem does not, however, provide circuital information on the induced current. Although the motion of space-charge has aspects of resistance and capacitance, it provides only one combined current.

An equivalent circuit approach to understanding the space-charge behaviour may be more useful for investigation of dielectric barrier discharge16,17,18. Equivalent circuit models have been employed in nanopore sequencing19,20,21 and nano-scale devices22,23,24. Such circuital studies predetermine the overall equivalent circuit and the circuit components are typically evaluated experimentally. The resulting capacitance can be fixed20,21 or time-varying16,17,18,19; however, the physical relationship between the space-charge and equivalent capacitance is not well understood. Nanopore studies have posed some basic and general questions, including the meaning of capacitance and its evolution into the corresponding bulk properties25.

Here we study the microscopic motion of discrete charges in circuital terms and attempt to characterise the evolution thereof into macroscopic circuit components. One restriction in the derivation of the Shockley-Ramo theorem is the fixed applied voltage between the electrodes1,2. With our analysis, however, we consider a time-varying applied voltage for a simple system composed of only positive electrode-charge and positive space-charge. Our framework is based on conservation of the electrostatic potential energy of the system. This leads to two approaches: the energy-to-current transformation rule and the energy-equivalence-based definition of capacitance. Results obtained using this theoretical framework are validated via a comparison between experimental and numerical analyses of an air corona discharge with a time-varying applied voltage; i.e., a sinusoidally varying bias with a DC offset. Additional analyses are carried out to compare our results with those of the Shockley-Ramo theorem and the electric current that results from applying the Ampère-Maxwell equation. In particular, the time dependence of the capacitance due to space-charge is examined in detail.



The proposed system consists of two electrodes separated by space, as shown in Fig. 1a. A positive electrode (the emitter) is connected to the positive terminal of a power supply and the negative electrode (the collector) is grounded. The applied bias between the electrodes is Va and the external current is I. The collector is set as a reference for the electric potential, so that the potential of the collector is zero and that of the emitter is Va. The system consists of a positive electrode-charge QL and a positive space-charge Q. The electrostatic potential energy due to QL can be expressed as KL = 1/2QLVa and the electrostatic potential energy due to Q is given by , where υ is the volume between the electrodes, q is the charge density and V is the electric potential with respect to the reference26. The quantity KQ can be transformed in terms of the electric field using integration by parts after applying Gauss’s law and assuming that a constant permittivity ε26; i.e.,

Figure 1
figure 1

Schematic diagram of the two-electrode system and corresponding circuit diagrams.

(a) The two-electrode configuration, where QL is charge on the electrode, is the total space-charge, υ is the volume enclosed by dotted line, CL is the capacitance between emitter and collector, CQ is the equivalent capacitance of the charge Q, RQ is the equivalent resistance of the charge Q, CΔQ is the equivalent capacitance of ΔQ, RΔQ is the equivalent resistance of ΔQ, VΔQ is the local electric potential imposed on ΔQ, s and s′ are vector areas and E↓ is the downward electric field. The downward field causes space-charge to drift downwards, as shown by the red downward arrows (↓). (b) A schematic diagram of the energy interactions. The rectangle shows the boundary of the system. (c) The equivalent electric circuit with charge-based current continuity. (d) The equivalent electric circuit with electric-field-based current continuity.

where E2 = E · E, E( = −∇V) is the electric field, Se is the surface of the emitter and s is the vector area (see Fig. 1a). The above relation can be written as KQ = KEE + KVE, where   and . We use the symbol K to represent the charge-based electrostatic potential energy; i.e., KL and KQ and we represent the electric-field-based electrical energy as KEE and KVE.

Figure 1b shows the total energy of the system. We use the same assumption as that used in the Shockley-Ramo theorem; i.e., that magnetic effects are negligible in the quasistatic regime1,2. The total electrical energy KM in the system is then the sum of KL and KQ (i.e., KM = KL + KQ). Consider the case whereby the power supply provides the system with an electric power P(=IVa) and there is no energy interaction with the space medium. Using conservation of energy, this input power will increase KM to satisfy the relation . Therefore, if we know , the external circuit current can be expressed as . Based on this rationale, here we implement a streamlined energy-to-current transformation rule such that KX (the electrical energy) → (=dKX/dt, the equivalent circuit power) → IX(, the equivalent circuit current), where the subscript X represents a specific characteristic. Using this rule, we can conveniently transform the foregoing electrical energies to equivalent circuit currents for a given applied voltage such that KLIL, KQIQ, KEEIEE and KVEIVE. In the same manner, energy relations are readily transformed to current relations such that KQ = KEE + KVEIQ = IEE + IVE and KM = KL + KQIM = IL + IQ.

The capacitance between the two electrodes is usually defined as QL = CLVa, where CL is the capacitance of the electrodes (see Fig. 1a) and is the constant of proportionality between QL and Va26. Here CL is dependent only on the geometry of the system and the permittivity; CL = ε(A/dg) for a pair of parallel electrodes, where A is the area of the electrodes and dg is the separation between them. Here we assume that the electrodes are perfect electric conductors, so that the electric field inside the conductor is zero26 and the electric potential of the electrode is equal to the applied bias. In addition, no external field can penetrate the conductor and the net induced charge is zero26. It follows that the electric field generated by the space-charge should not change the charge on the electrode QL and that CL is constant, even in the presence of space-charge. We define the capacitance using the following energy equivalence relation26:

If we apply KL = 1/2QLVa, the above expression reduces to QL = CLVa; however, equation (2) is of interest because our analysis is based on conservation of energy. For example, the capacitance due to the total space-charge (i.e., CQ in Fig. 1a) is defined by . Furthermore, this method can be extended to the electrical energy which does not include charge. The capacitance of the electrical energy stored in the electric field can be defined from 22. Note that the above two definitions of capacitance result in different currents when the system is time varying. This will be discussed in greater detail later.

Discrete circuit components and evolution

As shown in Fig. 1a, a discrete positive charge ΔQ drifting between the two electrodes is assumed to have a discrete resistance RΔQ. As ΔQ drifts due to the Coulomb force FΔQ(=ΔQE), it does resistive Ohmic work due to ion-neutral collisions, where the work rate is FΔQ · UΔQ27. Here UΔQ(=μE) is the velocity of the discrete charge ΔQ and μ is the electrical mobility. In this way, the electrical energy of the system is converted into the thermal energy in the space between the electrodes27. The notation can be used to describe the Ohmic work done by the charge ΔQ because this energy dissipation process consumes electrostatic potential energy. This microscopic process can be described by the discrete energy dissipation rate , which satisfies the energy equivalence relation , where IΔR is the equivalent discrete circuit current of RΔQ. From this relation and using Ohm’s law (i.e., Va = IΔRRΔQ), we find that the discrete circuit resistance RΔQ is given by

The total Ohmic work rate (, F = qE, U = μE)27 in the space between the electrodes and the corresponding circuit resistance RQ (see Fig. 1a) should satisfy the power relation as well as Ohm’s law Va = IRRQ, where IR is the equivalent circuit current of RQ. Using conservation of energy, the total is the sum of each discrete (, see equation (3)), which leads to the relation . Therefore, all of the discrete resistances can be said to evolve in parallel into the equivalent circuit resistance.

Note that ΔQ is assumed to have a discrete capacitance CΔQ, as shown in Fig. 1a. Because the charge ΔQ leads to a local electric potential VΔQ, the electrostatic potential energy due to ΔQ can be expressed as KΔQ = 1/2ΔQVΔQ. From equation (2), we may write to define CΔQ as the equivalent discrete circuit capacitance due to ΔQ. From those two expressions, we may write CΔQ as follows:

From conservation of energy, the total energy is the sum of each discrete term , which leads to . Hence, all of the discrete capacitances can also be said to evolve into the equivalent circuit capacitance in a parallel topology.

Development of the charge-based circuit

The overall instantaneous application of conservation of energy for the system leads to , where VaI is the input power from the power supply, is the power loss from the system to the space medium and is the rate of change of the total electrostatic potential energy inside the system. This in turn leads to , after dividing both sides by Va and we arrive at the following charge-based current continuity equation:

where IL and IQ are the capacitive contributions to the currents, which come from the non-dissipative electrostatic potential energies, whereas IR is a resistive current. Therefore, the above charge-based current continuity relation can be represented as a parallel circuit composed of two capacitors CL and CQ and one resistor RQ, as shown in Fig. 1c.

Transformation to an electric-field-based circuit

The currents IL and IQ are transformed from KL and KQ, respectively. To understand the current continuity in terms of the electric field, KL and KQ should be transformed from the charge-based electrostatic potential energies to the electric-field-based currents. As we have already shown, KQ is transformed using the current relation IQ = IEE + IVE. In addition, KL can be transformed into the electric field energy. If we assume the surface of the emitter is a Gaussian surface, Gauss’s law for the emitter charge QL can be written as when there is no space-charge; here ELp is the Laplacian electric field and s′ is the vector area (s′ = − s, see Fig. 1a). This relation however applies even in the presence of space-charge, since QL is not influenced by the space-charge, as discussed previously. By substituting the expression into KL = 1/2QLVa, we obtain , as well as by employing the transformation rule. By inserting IQ = IEE + IVE and into equation (5), we obtain . Consequently, if and IVE are combined into an equivalent current , we arrive at the following electric-field-based current continuity:

where IS given by

The term IEE in equation (6) is the non-dissipative volumetric current and includes a volume integral (see KEE in equation (1)), whereas IS in equation (7) is a non-dissipative surficial current which includes the surface integral. The volumetric current IEE and surficial current IS are geometrically independent. Hence, the above electric-field-based current continuity relation can be represented as a parallel circuit composed of two capacitors CEE and CS and one resistor RQ, as shown in Fig. 1d.


An experimental setup consisting of an axisymmetric wire-to-cylinder positive air corona discharge28 was used to validate the theoretical framework described here, as shown in Fig. 2a (see Methods for details of the experiment). If a positive voltage applied to the emitter exceeds the corona discharge initiation voltage, a positive charge (i.e., a collection of positive ions) will be generated in a thin plasma sheath around the emitter28,29 (shown by the dotted circle in Fig. 2a) and that charge will drift toward the collector due to the Coulomb force28,29. Here we assume that the applied bias is described by a sinusoidal waveform with a DC offset, as shown in the leftmost two waveforms in Fig. 2b, i.e., Va = Vm + Vo sin (2πf)t, where Vm is the mean voltage (i.e., DC offset), Vo is the amplitude of the time-varying component, f is the frequency of the time varying component (so that T = 1/f is the period) and t is time. The purpose of this waveform is to enable time-varying motion of the space-charge.

Figure 2
figure 2

Experimental setup and simulated currents.

(a) A schematic diagram showing the wire-to-cylinder positive air corona discharge. The outer radius of the emitter was re = 0.02 mm, the inner radius of the collector was rc = 17 mm and the length (perpendicular depth of cross-section) was l = 100 mm. The theoretical value of CL is given by , where ε is the permittivity of free space and RS is the shunt resistance. The eight radial arrows show the axisymmetric drift of annular discrete charge ΔQr at radius r. Vr is the electric potential at r and qr is the charge density at r. The dotted circle shows the boundary of the plasma sheath with the radius rp ≈ 3re(see Methods). (b) The waveform of applied voltage used for experiments and simulation (the left half shows t ≤ 2T), where Vm = 9 kV, Vo = 0.53 kV, f = 20 kHz and T = 50 μs. (c) Transition of the simulated currents from time-varying to the steady-state. The current I is shown in blue, ISR in green and IL = 0 is shown by the symbol ↓. The left-hand side corresponds to the loop Va-I (see Fig. 4a).

First, we attempt to reproduce the parallel topology discussed above. The terms CL and CQ (see Fig. 1c) result from KL (due to the electrodes) and KQ (due to the space-charge), whereas CEE and CS (see Fig. 1d) result from KEE (for the volume) and KS (for the surface). The summation of these geometrically separated energies corresponds to the parallel connection of two capacitors. However, concerning the space-charge, it is not clear whether the drift of the point charge ΔQ (see Fig. 1a) corresponds to a parallel or series connection of CΔQ and RΔQ. In this respect, it is helpful to experimentally confirm the parallel connection between RQ and the two capacitances. With periodic conditions, the mean circuit current of the proposed parallel circuit should always be equal to the mean resistor current for a given Vm because the mean of the capacitor current is zero regardless of frequency. For Vm = 9 kV, as shown in Fig. 3a, the experimental result reveals that the Va-I loop contracted to the line A as the frequency decreased from 20 kHz to 1 kHz. Consequently, Imean for each axisymmetric current loop exactly coincides with one centred point for all frequencies, which corresponds to a parallel circuit topology. Figure 3b provides further support of this when Vm and Vo are varied. The solid line in Fig. 3b shows the DC current-voltage curve, which is the same as the Vm-Imean curve for f = 0 kHz. For f = 20 kHz and Vo = 1.0 kV, the centred point coincides exactly with the Vm-Imean curve at the three points of Vm and with f = 100 kHz and Vo = 0.1 kV, the centred point coincides exactly with the Vm-Imean curve at the five points of Vm.

Figure 3
figure 3

Experimental validation of the parallel circuit topology.

(a) Va-I loops for frequencies of 20 kHz (□), 10 kHz (◊) 5 kHz (△) and 1 kHz (○). The coincidences of Imean(•) were as follows: 0.206 mA for 0.2 kHz, 0.207 mA for 0.5 kHz, 0.206 mA for 1 kHz, 0.204 mA for 2 kHz, 0.207 mA for 5 kHz, 0.204 mA for 10 kHz and 0.204 mA for 20 kHz, average: 0.2054 mA, standard deviation: 0.0013 mA. The 2-kHz loop is plotted between 1- and 5-kHz loops (not shown). The 0.2-kHz and 0.5-kHz loops were almost identical to line A. (b) The experimental DC current-voltage curve reveals typical wire-to-cylinder corona discharge and can be fitted with I = 0.00405 Va(Va − Vci), where Vci = 3.4 kV is the corona discharge initiation voltage28. Data for f = 20 kHz and Vo = 1.0 kV are shown by the ‘○’ symbols and data for f = 100 kHz and Vo = 0.1 kV by the ‘▲’ symbols. Difference between DC data and 8 symbols; average: 0.00042 mA, standard deviation: 0.0012 mA.

To quantitatively understand the theoretical framework described above, the Poisson and charge conservation equations were solved for the experimental setup to obtain the time-varying equivalent currents and circuit components (see Methods for details of the simulation). Note that the electrode current IL was calculated from using the theoretical value of CL (0.825 pF, see Fig. 2a). Figure 4a shows various current-voltage loops for f = 20 kHz, which are plotted for the fully periodic state. In the lower part of the figure, the loop IQ coincides with the loop IEE + IVE, whereas the loop IL coincides with the loop . This supports the relations IQ = IEE + IVE and , which are pivotal in the charge-to-field transformation. In addition, the surficial current IS is revealed to be a considerable loop. The complete coincidence of the loop I (i.e., the sum of IL, IQ and IR) and the loop It (the sum of IEE, IS and IR) supports the equivalence of charge-based and electric-field-based approaches.

Figure 4
figure 4

Validation of the theoretical work.

(a) Simulated Va-I loops for f = 20 kHz, Vm = 9.0 kV and Vo = 0.53 kV. The components of the current I, IR, IR + IEE, IL and IQ are shown in blue and It, , IVE, IEE + IVE and IS are shown in red. The coincidences between I and It, IR + IEE and , IL and , IQ and IEE + IVE were so good that the differences cannot be distinguished. ▲: I(0.319 mA), •: IR + IEE (0.282 mA), ■: IS(0.037 mA). (b) Circuit current comparison between experiment (○) and simulation (shown by the blue inner loop) for the same conditions as Fig. 4a. The measured capacitance (CL = 0.89 pF) is shown by the red outer loop. The current ISR is shown by the solid green curve and IL + ISR is shown by the dashed green curve. (c) Additional comparison between experiment (○) and simulation for f = 100 kHz, Vm = 7.0 kV and Vo = 0.05 kV. The current ISR is shown by the solid green curve and IL + ISR is shown by the dashed green curve. (d) Instantaneous profiles of If and Id plotted with as a function of the radius for re ≤ r ≤ rc. (e) A magnified profile of Ifd shown in (d).

Figure 4b shows a comparison between the measured circuit current I and the simulated current for the case shown in Fig. 4a. Although the two loops are in very good agreement, both in terms of the overall shape and the instantaneous data, a small discrepancy was observed at the top. The experimentally measured loop was somewhat distorted, compared with the simulated data, which is attributed to the incomplete sine wave generated by the power supply and the measured capacitance CL = 0.89 pF was found to provide better agreement. As shown in Fig. 4c, similar agreement was achieved with f = 100 kHz, which supports our theoretical result; i.e., the two equivalent circuits shown in Fig. 1.

Comparison with the Shockley-Ramo theorem

This theorem expresses the circuit current induced by the point space-charge ΔQ as ΔQUΔQ · ELp for an applied bias of 1 V, which leads to the relation 30 for the total space-charge. When we plot ISR, as shown in Fig. 4b,c the results were in poor agreement with the experimentally measured current for both cases. It has been reported1,13,31 that the electrode current IL should be added to ISR to provide the correct external circuit current, since ISR is obtained with a fixed Va. This appears reasonable for a time-varying Va; however, as shown in Fig. 4b,c, IL + ISR did not provide good agreement with the experimentally measured current. Figure 2c shows the transition of the current from the time-varying applied bias to the steady-state. The current I merged with ISR as Va became constant and finally coincided with IR in the steady state as IQ became zero. This result suggests that ISR does not predict the circuit current for the motion of space-charge when the applied voltage varies with time.

Comparison with spatial electric currents

The currents shown in the charge-based and electric-field-based current continuities are the equivalent circuit currents, rather than actual currents that flow in the space between two electrodes. Here we compare the equivalent circuit currents with the spatial current density J that appears in Ampère-Maxwell equation26, i.e., ∇ × H = J, where H is the magnetic field and J = Jf + Jd, where Jf ( = qU) is the conduction current density of free charge and Jd ( = ε∂E/∂t) is the displacement current density. To understand how J relates to the circuit current, we attempt to visualise the spatial Jf and Jd at a moment, which corresponds to the symbols ▲, • and ■ shown in Fig. 4a. Figure 4d shows the radial distributions of the free charge current If (, where Sr is surface at radius r; see Fig. 2a,) and displacement current . The ripples that appear in If and Id are due to fluctuations in the applied voltage. Although the shape of Ifd ( = If  + Id) appears to be flat with low ripples because the fluctuations of If and Id cancel, those ripples exhibit a wave pattern, as shown by the magnified plot in Fig. 4e. Let be the volume average of Ifd; although, we find agreement between (0.281 mA) and IR + IEE (0.282 mA), this does not imply an exact equivalence of and IR + IEE and rather suggests that the J is linked to the volumetric terms IR + IEE. Subsequently, the agreement between I (0.319 mA) and (0.318 mA, where IS = 0.037 mA) supports our theoretical identification of surficial current IS. Figure 4a shows further overall agreement between and IR + IEE for the entire loop.

The numerically demonstrated link between the spatially averaged and the volumetric IR + IEE is supported theoretically. The term can be re-written as , whereas KEE in equation (1) is differentiated to give . Consequently, leads to . If we resort to the definition of work rate E · Jf26, which is done by the moving charge, the above relation suggests that Jf is linked to IR and Jd is linked to IEE.

Evaluation of circuit components

There are five circuit components: CL, CQ, RQ, CEE and CS in the two proposed circuits. With the exception of CL, the other four components can be calculated from the acquired V and q fields. The resistance RQ can be calculated using equation (3), whereas three capacitances are calculated using equation (2); we arrive at the following expressions: , , and . With the same conditions as the data shown in Fig. 4a, the four components are plotted in Fig. 5a–d. Interestingly, RQ was not fixed. This quantity forms a pinched loop that relates to the time-varying characteristics of the circuit in a similar manner to a memristor Rm32 and is identical to RQ from the definition of Va = IRRm. The three capacitances CQ, CEE and CS lead to three elliptical loops that describe the time-varying characteristics of the system. All of the capacitances, including CL, are compared in Fig. 5e. The two parallel charge-based and electric-field-based circuits shown in Fig. 1 are equivalent, so that CL + CQ should be equal to CEE + CS. The data plotted in Fig. 5e reveal a complete coincidence between CL + CQ and CEE + CS. The data plotted in Fig. 5e show that this is indeed the case. This agreement confirms the effectiveness of the proposed method to define the capacitance, which can be extended to the electric field energy.

Figure 5
figure 5

Evaluation of time-varying circuit components at 20 kHz.

(a) Va-RQ. (b) Va-CQ. The direction of the two arrows agrees with the time increment. (c) Va-CEE. (d) Va-CS. (e) All capacitances are compared. The CL + CQ loop (blue) coincides with CEE + CS loop (red) such that the difference is barely distinguishable.

Capacitive current and time-varying capacitance

We examine the current flowing in the time-varying capacitance CQ, as shown in Fig. 5b. The time-varying capacitance (which is similar to a memcapacitor19,32,33) is defined as Q = CQVa, where the capacitor current IQA is defined by applying the product rule for differentiation to IQA = dQ/dt = d(CQVa)/dt32; i.e.,

The capacitor current IQB, which results from the energy equivalence of , can be expressed by applying the product rule to ; i.e.,

where IQA and IQB reveal an apparent difference in the first term, which reflects the effects of the unsteady capacitance; i.e., Va(dCQ/dt) for IQA and 1/2Va(dCQ/dt) for IQB. It should be noted, however, that both IQA and IQB reduce to the usual capacitor current relation of IQ = CQ(dVa/dt) when CQ is constant. Figure 6a shows a comparison between IQA and IQB for f = 20 kHz. The exact coincidence of IQB with IQ, which is calculated from , suggests that equation (9) is more plausible than equation (8) to describe the time-varying capacitance.

Figure 6
figure 6

Analysis of capacitive current due to space-charge.

(a) Comparison between IQA and IQB for 20 kHz (see Fig. 4a). The IQ loop (blue) coincides with the IQB loop (red) such that the difference is not clearly distinguishable. (b) The quantity IQB (△ symbol) plotted in Fig. 6a is decomposed into IQB1 (□ symbol) and IQB2 (○ symbol). The directions of the three arrows agree with the time increment. (c) The IQB (△ symbol) is decomposed into IQB1 (□ symbol) and IQB2 (○ symbol) for f = 100 kHz (see Fig. 4c). (d) IQB1 and IQB2 relations; the outer loop (blue) corresponds to f = 20 kHz and the thin inner loop (red) to f = 100 kHz. The direction of the two arrows agrees with the time increment.

Figure 5e shows that the electrode capacitance CL is approximately one third of CQ. It follows that IL should be one third of IQ, according to the usual capacitor current relation; however, the IQ and IL loops plotted in Fig. 4a have approximately same magnitude at the point Va ≈ 9 kV. This apparent contradiction can be resolved by considering the effect of the time-varying capacitance. In Fig. 6b, the quantity IQB that is plotted in Fig. 6a is decomposed into that due to the time-varying capacitance, which is denoted IQB1 ( = 1/2Va(dCQ/dt)) and that due to the steady-state capacitance, denoted IQB2 ( = CQ(dVa/dt)), where IQB = IQB1 + IQB2. With Va ≈ 9 kV, the relatively large value of IQB2 (0.165 mA) was counterbalanced by the negative value of IQB1 (−0.113 mA) to create a relatively small value of IQB (0.053 mA). This counterbalancing effect of the time-varying capacitance is sufficiently large (IQB1/IQB2 = −0.68 ≈ −2/3) to allow IQB to be one third of the usual capacitor current IQB2. With f = 100 kHz, as shown in Fig. 6c, a similar counterbalancing effect was observed at the point Va ≈ 7 kV; i.e., IQB2 = 0.066 mA, IQB1 = −0.044 mA and IQB = 0.022 mA, so that we have IQB1/IQB2 = −0.67. As shown in Fig. 6d, the IQB2-IQB1 relations form elliptical loops, with a narrow outer loop for f = 20 kHz and a thin inner loop for f = 100 kHz. These two points correspond to the bottom-right corners of the two loops. The lower turning point shown in Fig. 6d corresponds to the arrow to the right (→) in Fig. 6b and the lower arrow (↘) of Fig. 5b. This tilted arrow corresponds to an increase in Va (dVa/dt > 0) and decrease in CQ (dCQ/dt < 0), which leads to a positive IQB2 and a negative IQB1 at the lower turning point of Fig. 6d. In the same manner, the upper turning point shown in Fig. 6d corresponds with the upper arrow (↖) of Fig. 5b. This tilted arrow corresponds to a decrease in Va (dVa/dt < 0) and an increase in CQ (dCQ/dt > 0), which gives a negative IQB2 and a positive IQB1 in the upper turning point of Fig. 6d.

The terms IQB2 and IQB1 exhibit a phase difference of 180° in the time domain (see Fig. 6b,c). This can be interpreted as follows: IQB1 behaves as an inductor current rather than the usual capacitor current IQB2. The overall linear relation between IQB1 and IQB2 shown in Fig. 6d is IQB1 ≈ −0.7IQB2 at both 20 kHz and 100 kHz, where the –0.7 implies a significant counterbalancing effect of the rate of change of the capacitance with the time-varying motion of the space-charge. This relation will hold only for the completely periodic case under the DC biased sinusoidal waveform of applied voltage adopted in this report.


Our analysis is restricted to the electrostatic potential energy of positive space-charge; however, the approach can also be applied to negative space-charge. Considering the symmetry of positive and negative charges, the reference of electric potential for the negative space-charge should be changed from collector to emitter in Fig. 1a. In this case, the electric potential energy of the discrete negative charge −ΔQ located in the local electric potential VΔQ is expressed as the positive value of KΔQ = 1/2(−ΔQ)(VΔQ − Va).

Regarding the method used to define the capacitance, we reconsider the usual definition of QL = CLVa for the application to space-charge. According to this definition, the capacitance due to space-charge ΔQ can be deduced from , where is the local capacitance for the local VΔQ. The is identical to the proposed definition of if KΔQ = 1/2ΔQVΔQ; however, should be transformed to the circuit capacitance CΔQ, which is defined at the circuital Va. We employ the energy equivalence relation for this transformation. It follows that this transformation rule can be expressed as , which supports our definition of the capacitance due to ΔQ in equation (4) when is applied. In other words, our proposed method to define the capacitance can be said to be the capacitance transformation from one voltage to another, without violating the conventional method.

The physical interpretation of the two charge-based and electric-field-based current continuities is discussed using three examples. For the time-varying case with no space-charge, the Ohmic current IR due to the drift of space-charge disappears and the surficial current IS becomes zero from E = ELp (see equation (7)). It follows that the electric-field-based current continuity reduces to I = IEE, whereas charge-based continuity reduces to I = IL, since both IQ and IR are zero. The following relation IL = IEE can be transformed to a KL = KEE relation, which implies a textbook example26; i.e., the electrostatic potential energy stored in the electrode capacitor is equal to the volumetric electric field energy between the electrodes. In this case, the displacement current Id is equal to the circuit current I26. For the steady state case with space-charge, both current continuities result in I = IR, which is an example of steady-state electrical discharge27,29,34. In this case, the motion of free charges and the corresponding current If is equal to the circuit current I. With the time-varying case, however, as shown in Fig. 4a, the average spatial current is lower than the circuit current by an amount IS. From the perspective of field theory, the surface integral KVE in equation (1) is considered to be negligible compared with the volume integral KEE, by assuming a very large enclosed volume26. It follows that all of the electric field energy can be considered to be stored only in the spatial electric field26. However, KVE was not neglected in the configuration discussed here because of the small enclosed volume. In this context, a so-called surficial current IS may be taken as an additional spatial current.

The circuital characteristics of the motion of the space-charge with a time-varying applied bias can be summarised as follows. The microscopic behaviour of the space-charge is decomposed to a discrete equivalent circuit resistance and a discrete equivalent circuit capacitance. These microscopic components evolve in parallel with the macroscopic equivalent circuit components to form a charge-based circuit, which can be equivalently transformed into an electric-field-based circuit. All of the circuit components calculated using the space-charge and electric-potential fields vary with time, in accordance with the time-varying motion of the space-charge. With the configuration discussed here, 70% of the usual capacitive current was significantly counterbalanced by the current due to the rate of change of the capacitance. The two approaches were crucial for the theoretical framework described here: the transformation rule, which was used to transform electrical energy into an equivalent circuit current and the method to define the capacitance, which is based on energy equivalence. The Shockley-Ramo theorem was shown to be invalid when the applied voltage was time-varying. The electric-field-based current continuity description includes an additional electric current to describe the oscillatory motion of the space-charge. We expect that our results and approach will be helpful for understanding experimental results, the design of equivalent circuits and further theoretical studies in relevant fields.



Figure 2a shows a cross-section of the wire-to-cylinder air corona discharge configuration with a central emitter formed of tungsten wire, with a diameter of 40 μm, inside a circular collector, which was formed of stainless steel pipe, with an inner diameter of 34 mm. This experimental configuration was used to approximate the one-dimensional electric potential and charge density distributions, by eliminating any edge effects. For the collector structure, five small cylindrical stainless steel tubes that were 100 mm long were assembled to form a long pipe, where for each pipe the neighbouring pipes were electrically insulated by a small air gap. The tungsten wire was placed under tension and carefully centred along the axis inside the pipes. The five collector pipes were then electrically connected in parallel and a shunt resistance of RS = 10 kΩ (see Fig. 2a) was connected to each pipe in series to measure the current. A preliminary experiment was carried out to evaluate the experimental electrode capacitance CL of each pipe without space-charge (i.e., with Va < Vci, see Fig. 3b). When CL was calculated using Va,rms = Irms/(ωCL), where ω = 2πf and the subscript rms stands for root-mean-square, the central pipe exhibited the smallest capacitance (0.89 pF), which corresponds to the measured CL. The phase difference θ between Va and I was observed to change as the frequency was varied; we find θ = 84.2° for f = 20 kHz and θ = 65.0° for f = 100kHz, in contrast to the expected value of θ = 90°. Furthermore, the capacitance was observed to be independent of the frequency. Positive discharge exhibited a more stable current waveform than negative discharge. Mechanical vibration of the wire was minimised by fixing the wire with small pieces of dielectric (thin pieces of paper) inserted through the four gaps between neighbouring pairs of pipes. In the experiments, the current in the central pipe was measured for positive corona discharge with phase compensation of 5.8° for f = 20 kHz (see Fig. 4b) and 25.0° for f = 100kHz (see Fig. 4c).

The waveform Va was generated using a high-voltage amplifier (10/40A, TREK) triggered by a function generator (WF1974, NF). Va was measured using a 1000:1 divider inside the 10/40A amplifier. The circuit current I was calculated using Ohm’s law from the measured voltage drop across the shunt resistance Rs. The waveforms of Va and I were observed using a storage oscilloscope (6050A, LeCroy) and the stored data were processed to obtain the experimental data. The experiments were carried out with a temperature in the range 27.8-28.1 °C and a relative humidity in the range 51.0-52.2%.


We solved the Poisson’s equation (i.e., ∇2V = −q/ε) coupled with the charge conservation equation ∂q/∂t + ∇ · Jf = 0 for the space between re and rc, corresponding to the experimental arrangement. The Laplace equation ∇2V = 0 was also solved to obtain the electric field ELp, which is necessary to calculate IS and ISR. The term Jf in the charge conservation equation is given by Jf = q(Uc + U) −Dq, where Uc is the convective fluid velocity, U( = μE) is the velocity of the charge (i.e., ion), μ is the mobility of the ion and D is the diffusion coefficient29. The effects of Uc and diffusion were neglected (i.e., we assumed Uc = 0 and D = 0)29. We used a value of μ = 1.4 × 10−4 m2V−1s−1 for the mobility of the positive ions35,36. The permittivity of free space was used for ε29.

We followed the simulation method that we have previously reported for steady-state simulations27,29,34. To achieve the precise time-varying simulation required for this study, we took advantage of the symmetry of the system, so that the equations could be solved in one dimension, which provides significant gains in terms of the computational expense. Vr and qr (see Fig. 2a) are functions of the radius and time. The grid structure was composed of one string of 236 cells with dense grids on the emitter side (start size: 2 μm, growth rate: 1.05, maximum size: 100 μm) to describe the large gradient of Vr and qr near the emitter. The time-step was 0.2 ns, which maintains a maximum Courant number (charge velocity×iteration time/cell size) of Cr < 0.1 in the first cell above the surface of the emitter. Dirichlet boundary conditions were used for Vr at the emitter (Vr = Va) and the collector (Vr = 0) and we imposed ∂qr/∂r = 0 at both electrodes. A “constant charge density” (qi) model was used to represent the charge generation process in the plasma region around the emitter with the assumption that the radius of the plasma sheath is given by rp ≈ 3re29 (see the dotted circle in Fig. 2a). As the first step in the qi decision process, we measured the DC current I for a given Va. The steady-state simulation subsequently followed to make the simulated current (i.e., integration of Jf on the collector surface) coincide with the measured I by adjusting qi of the plasma region and resulted in qi = 0.0191 Cm−3 for Vm = 9.0 kV case and qi = 0.0038 Cm−3 for Vm = 7.0 kV case. We used a Va waveform with a very small ratio Vo/Vm for the above plasma region model in the time-varying simulation, with a high frequency to increase the influence of capacitive currents IL and IQ, i.e., Vo/Vm = 0.059 (0.53 kV and 9.0 kV) at 20 kHz and Vo/Vm = 0.0071 (0.05 kV and 7.0 kV) at 100 kHz.

From the simulated time-varying V and q fields, we calculated the components of the currents shown in Fig. 4a using ΔKXt/Va (where Δt = 40 ns); , , , , , and , where Δυ is the volume of each cell and SeA is the area of the surface of the emitter. The circuit components shown in Fig. 5 were calculated using , , and .

Additional Information

How to cite this article: Kim, C. et al. Circuital characterisation of space-charge motion with a time-varying applied bias. Sci. Rep. 5, 11738; doi: 10.1038/srep11738 (2015).