
Humans can learn a new ability after practicing a few hours (e.g., driving or playing a game), while to solve the same task artificial neural networks require millions of reinforcement learning trials in virtual environments. And even then, their performances might be not comparable to human’s ability. Humans and animals, have developed an understanding of the world that allow them to optimize learning. This relies on the building of an inner model of the world. Model-based reinforcement learning1,2,3,4,5,6 have shown to reduce the amount of data required for learning. However, these approaches do not provide insights on biological intelligence since they require biologically implausible ingredients (long off-line learning periods, expensive Monte Carlo tree search to correct the policy). Moreover, the storage of long sequences is highly problematic on neuromorphic and FPGA platforms, where memory resources are scarce, and the use of an external memory would imply large latencies. The optimal way to learn and exploit the inner-model of the world is still an open question. Taking inspiration from biology, we explore an intriguing idea that a learned model can be used when the neural network is offline. In particular, during deep-sleep, dreaming, and day-dreaming.

Sleep is known to be essential for awake performances, but the mechanisms underlying its cognitive functions are still to be clarified. A few computational models have started to investigate the interaction between sleep (both Rapid Eye Movement, REM, and Non-Rapid Eye Movement, NREM) and plasticity7,8,9,10,11,12 showing improved performances, and reorganized memories, in the after sleep network. A wake-sleep learning algorithm has shown the possibility to extend the acquired knowledge with new symbolic abstractions and to train the neural network on imagined and replayed problems13. However, a clear and coherent understanding of the mechanisms that induce generalized beneficial effects is missing. The idea that dreams might be useful to refine learned skill is fascinating and requires to be explored experimentally and in theoretical and computational models.

Here, we define “dreaming” as a learning phase of our model, in which it exploits offline the inner-model learned while “awake”. During “dreaming” the world-model replaces the actual world, to allow an agent to live new experiences and refine the behavior learned during awake periods, even when the world is not available. We show that this procedure significantly boosts learning speed. This choice is a biologically plausible alternative to experience replay14,15, which requires storing detailed information of temporal sequences of previous experiences. Indeed, even though the brain is capable to store episodic memories, it is unlikely that it is capable to sample offline from ten or hundreds of past experiences.

Also, we defined “planning”, an online alternative to “dreaming”, that allows to reduce the compounding-error by simulating online shorter sequences. However, this requires additional computational resources while the network is already performing the task. As stated above, learning the world-model usually requires the storage of an agent’s experiences1,2,3,4,5,6, to offline learn the model. We circumvent this problem by formulating an efficient learning rule, local in space and time, that allows learning online the world-model. In this way, no external storage is required.

For the sake of biological plausibility, we consider the most prominent model for neurons in the brain: leaky integrate-and-fire neurons. Deep RL algorithms like Deep Q-Network (DQN) and Twin-Delayed Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (TD3) have been implemented in spiking networks16,17,18, showing promise for complex continuous control problems. Spike-based systems offer advantages like spike-driven weight updates and communication between neurons, crucial for neuromorphic hardware. However, existing training algorithms rely on non-local learning rules, making them computationally expensive and biologically implausible. Recent advances show promising results in the direction of implementing local learning rules19,20,21,22,23, but none of them include the learning of a biologically plausible world model.

We stress that in order to properly learn a desired policy in a simulated environment, it is essential to build a reliable world model. This requires the use of very large networks with millions of parameters24. However, in biological models this is limited by biological constraints, as discussed above. Dreams in human experience are indeed imperfect reproductions of real environments. One of the major contribution of our work, is to demonstrate that despite the limitations of the learned model, our learning framework allows to reliably improve performances and sample efficiency.

Sample efficiency refers to the ability of an agent to learn an optimal policy with minimal interactions or experiences with the environment25, and measures how well an RL algorithm can learn from a limited amount of data. The Atari 100k benchmark is a specific example of a sample efficiency test, where RL agents are trained on Atari games with only 100,000 environment steps, equivalent to about two hours of gameplay1.

To our knowledge, there are no previous works proposing biologically plausible model-based reinforcement learning in recurrent spiking networks. Our work is a step toward building efficient neuromorphic systems where memory and computation are integrated into the same support, a network of neurons. This allows for avoiding the problem of latency when accessing an external storage, e.g., to perform experience replay. Indeed, we argue that the use of (1) spiking neurons, (2) online learning rules, (3) memories stored in the network (and not in external storage), make our model, almost straightforward to be efficiently implemented in neuromorphic hardware.

Figure 1
figure 1

The agent-model spiking network. (A, B) Network structure: the network is composed of two modules: the agent and the model sub-networks. During the “awake” phase the two networks interact with the environment, learning from it. During the dreaming phase the environment is not accessible, and the model replaces the role of the environment. (C) Example frame of the environment perceived by the network. (D) Example of the reconstructed environment during the dreaming phase.


We propose a two-modules recurrent spiking network (See Fig.1A), one computing the policy to behave in an environment, and the other learning to predict the next state of the environment, given the past states, and the action selected by the agent.

The spiking network

Each module \(\alpha\) (\(\alpha = A\) for the agent network and, \(\alpha = M\) for the model one) is composed of \(N=500\) neurons. Neurons are described as real-valued variable \(v_{\alpha ,i}^t \in \mathbb {R}\), where the \(i \in \left\{ 1, \dots , N\right\}\) label identifies the neuron and \(t \in \left\{ 1, \dots , T\right\}\) is a discrete time variable. Each neuron exposes an observable state \(s_{\alpha ,i}^t \in \left\{ 0, 1 \right\}\), which represents the occurrence of a spike from neuron i of the module \(\alpha\) at time t. We then define the following dynamics for our model:

$$\begin{aligned} \left\{ \begin{array}{l} \hat{s}_{\alpha ,i}^{t} = \left( 1-\frac{\Delta t}{\tau _s} \right) \, \hat{s}_{\alpha ,i}^{t-1} + \frac{\Delta t}{\tau _s} \, s_{\alpha ,i}^{t} \\ v_{\alpha ,i}^{t} = \left( 1-\frac{\Delta t}{\tau _m} \right) \, v_{\alpha ,i}^{t-1} + \frac{\Delta t}{\tau _m} \, \left( \sum _j w_{ij}^{\alpha } \hat{s}_{\alpha ,j}^{t-1} + I_{\alpha ,i}^t + v_{\rm rest} \right) +\\ \quad \quad \quad - \, w_{\rm res} s_{\alpha ,i}^{t-1}\\ s_{\alpha ,i}^{t+1} = \Theta \left[ v_{\alpha ,i}^t - v^{\rm th} \right] \end{array} \right. \end{aligned}$$

\(\hat{s}_{\alpha ,i}^{t}\) is a temporal filtered version of the spiking activity, \(\Delta t\) is the discrete time-integration step, while \(\tau _s\) and \(\tau _m\) are respectively the spike-filtering time constant and the temporal membrane constant. Each neuron is a leaky integrator with a recurrent filtered input obtained via a synaptic matrix \(w_{ij}^{\alpha }\) (from neuron j to neuron i) and an external input current \(I^t_{\alpha ,i}\). \(w_{\rm res} = 20\) accounts for the reset of the membrane potential after the emission of a spike. \(\Theta [\cdot ]\) is the Heaviside function, \(v{\rm th}=0\) and \(v_{\rm rest}=-4\) are the threshold and the rest membrane potential. The input to the agent network is a random projection of the state \(\xi _h^t\) describing the world: \(I_{A,i}^t = \sum _h w_{ih}^{A,in} \xi _h^t\). The elements in \(w_{ih}^{A,in}\) are randomly extracted from a zero mean Gaussian distribution and variance \(\sigma ^{A,in}\) (see Table 1).

The input to the model network is a projection of the action \(a^t \in \{1,\ldots ,A\}\) chosen by the agent and of variables describing the world state: \(I_{M,i}^t = \sum _h w_{ih}^{M,in,a} \mathbbm {1} _{a^t=h} + \sum _h w_{ih}^{M,in,\xi } \xi _h^t\) . Here, the projection matrices \(w_{ih}^{M,in,a}\) and \(w_{ih}^{M,in,\xi }\) are randomly extracted from zero mean Gaussian distributions and variance respectively \(\sigma ^{M,in,a}\) and \(\sigma ^{M,in,\xi }\). The action is one-hot encoded: \(\mathbbm {1} _{a^t=k}\) at time t, which assumes the value 1 if and only if \(a^t = k\) (and 0 otherwise).

Finally, we define the following quantities, that are relevant to the learning rules described in the following sections. \(p_{\alpha ,i} ^t\) is the pseudo-derivative (similarly to19,26) \(p_i^t = \frac{e^{v_i^t/\delta v}}{\delta v (e^{v_i^t/\delta v}+1)^2}\) (it peaks at \(v_i^t = 0\) and \(\delta v\) defines its width) and \(e_{\alpha ,j} ^t = \frac{\partial v_{\alpha ,i}^t}{\partial w_{ij}^{\alpha }}\) the spike response function that can be computed iteratively as

$$\begin{aligned} e_{\alpha ,j} ^{t+1} = \exp { \left( - \frac{\Delta t}{\tau _m}\right) } \, e_{\alpha ,j} ^t +\left( 1 - \exp { \left( -\frac{\Delta t}{\tau _m} \right) } \right) \, \hat{s}^{t}_{\alpha ,i}. \end{aligned}$$

Learning the world model

We train the model-network to predict the following state of the world \(\xi _i^{t+1}\) and reward \(r^t\) given the current state \(\xi _i^{t}\) and the agent action \(a^t\). The state \(\xi _i^{t+1}\) and reward \(r^t\) are encoded as linear readouts \(\xi _k ^t = \sum _{i} {\textsf{R}}_{ki}^{\xi } \bar{s}_{M,i} ^t\), \(r ^t = \sum _{i} {\textsf{R}}_{i}^{r} \bar{s}_{M,i} ^t\) of the spiking activity of the network, where \(\bar{s}_{\alpha ,i} ^t\) is a temporal filtering of the spikes \({s}_{\alpha ,i} ^t\) , where \(\Delta t\) is the temporal bin of the simulation and \(\tau _{\star }\) the timescale of the filtering:

$$\begin{aligned} \bar{s}_{\alpha ,i}^{t} = \exp { \left( - \frac{\Delta t}{\tau _\star }\right) } \, \bar{s}_{\alpha ,i}^{t-1} + \left( 1 - \exp { \left( -\frac{\Delta t}{\tau _\star } \right) } \right) \, s_{\alpha ,i}^{t} \end{aligned}$$

In order to train the network to reproduce at each time the desired output vector \(\{\xi _{k}^{\star t},r^{\star t}\}\), it is necessary to minimize the loss function:

$$\begin{aligned} {\rm E}^M = c_{\xi } \sum _{t,k} \left( \xi _{k}^{\star t} - \xi _{k} ^t \right) ^2 + c_r \sum _{t} \left( r^{\star t} - r ^t \right) ^2. \end{aligned}$$

where \(c_{\xi }=1.0\) and \(c_{r}=0.1\) are arbitrary coefficient. It is possible to derive the learning rules by differentiating the previous error function (similarly to what was done in19,26):

$$\begin{aligned} \left\{ \begin{array}{l} \Delta w_{ij}^{M} \propto \frac{d {\rm E}}{d w_{ij}} \simeq \sum _{t} \left[ c_{\xi } \sum _k {\textsf{R}}^{\xi }_{ik} \left( \xi _k^{\star t+1} - \xi _k ^{t+1} \right) + c_r {\textsf{R}}^{r}_{i} \left( r^{\star t+1} - r ^{t+1} \right) \right] p_{M,i} ^t e_{M,j} ^t \\ \Delta \textsf{R}^{\xi }_{ik} \propto \frac{d {\rm E}^M }{d \textsf{R}^{\xi }_{ik} } = \sum _{t} c_{\xi } \left( \xi _k^{\star t+1} - \xi _k ^{t+1} \right) \bar{s}_{M,k}^t \\ \Delta \textsf{R}^{r}_{k} \propto \frac{d {\rm E}^M }{ d \textsf{R}^{r}_{k} } = \sum _{t} c_{r} \left( r^{\star t+1} - r^{t+1} \right) \bar{s}_{M,k}^t \end{array} \right. \end{aligned}$$

The resulting learning rule is local both in space (the synaptic update only depends on the presynaptic and postsynaptic neurons) and in time (the update at time t does not depend on future times). This allows to train online the recurrent spiking model-network.

Table 1 Model parameters.

Learning the agent’s policy

The policy \(\pi _k^t\) defines the probability to pick the action \(a^t = k\) at time t, and it is defined as:

$$\begin{aligned} \pi _k^t = \frac{\exp {(y_k^t)}}{\sum _i \exp {(y_k^t)}} \end{aligned}$$

where, \(y_k^t = \sum _i R_{ki}^{\pi } \bar{s}_{\alpha ,i}^t\). Following a policy gradient approach to maximize the total reward obtained during the episode, it is possible to write the following loss function (see19,27):

$$\begin{aligned} E^A = - \sum _t R^t log(\pi _k^t) \end{aligned}$$

where \(R^t = \sum _{t'\ge t} r^{t'} \gamma ^{t'-t}\) is the total future reward (or return), and \(\gamma = 0.99\) is the discount factor. Using the one-hot encoded action \(\mathbbm {1} _{a^t=k}\) at time t, which assumes the value 1 if and only if \(a_t = k\) (else it has value 0), we arrive at the following synaptic plasticity rules (the derivation is the same as in19, to which we refer for a complete derivation):

$$\begin{aligned} \left\{ \begin{array}{l} \Delta w_{ij}^{A} \propto \frac{d E^A}{d w_{ij}^{A}} \simeq \sum _k r^t R_{ik}^{\pi } \sum _{t' \le t} \gamma ^{t-t'} \left( \mathbbm {1} _{a^{t'}=k} - \pi _k^{t'} \right) p_{A,i}^{t'} e_{A,j} ^{t'}\\ \Delta R_{ik}^{\pi } \propto \frac{d E^A}{d R_{ik}^{\pi } } = \sum _k r^t \sum _{t' \le t} \gamma ^{t-t'} \left( \mathbbm {1} _{a^{t' }=k} - \pi _k^{t'} \right) \bar{s}_{A,i}^{t'} \end{array} \right. \end{aligned}$$

Intuitively, given a trial with high rewards, policy gradient changes the network output \(y_k^t\) to increase the probability of the actions \(a^t\) that occurred during this trial. Even in this case, the plasticity rule is local both in space and time, allowing for an online learning for the agent-network. All the weight updates are implemented using Adam28 with default parameters and learning rate 0.001.


The code to run the experiments is written in Python 3. Simulations were executed on a dual-socket server with eight-core Intel(R) Xeon(R) E5-2620 v4 CPU per socket. The cores are clocked at 2.10GHz with HyperThreading enabled, so that each core can run 2 processes, for a total of 32 processes per server. To reproduce each training curve the computation time is 1–2 h per realizations (10 realizations).


We considered classical benchmark tasks for learning intelligent behavior from rewards29: winning Atari video games provided by the OpenAI Gym30 (The MIT License). In particular, we considered Pong (both from RAM variables and from pixels) and boxing (from pixels).

As a first task, we trained the network to solve the Pong game from RAM variables. We considered the case of a limited temporal horizon, \(T=100\). In this case, in the best scenario the agent scores 1 point and in the worst one the opponent scores 2 points. The world variables \(\xi _k^t\) represent the paddles and ball coordinates (the dimensionality of the world is \(D=4\)). To win such a game, the agent needs to infer the value of specific actions even if rewards are obtained in a distant future.

Indeed, Atari games still require a large amount of computational resources and interaction with the environment to be solved. Only recently, model-based learning have shown to achieve efficient solutions for such tasks, see e.g.1. This is why we introduce the model-based component to outperform the state of the art of reinforcement learning in recurrent spiking networks19.


We defined an “awake” phase (see Fig. 1) in which our network interacts with the environment and plays a match. The dynamics of the agents and of the environment are defined by the following equations:

$$\begin{aligned} \left\{ \begin{array}{l} \pi _k^{t+1} = \sum _{i} R_{ki}^A \bar{s}_{A,i}^{t+1} \\ \xi _k^{t+1} = G \left( a_k^{t+1},\xi _k^{t}\right) \\ r^{t+1} = F \left( a_k^{t+1},\xi _k^{t} \right) \end{array} \right. \end{aligned}$$

where the functions \(G \left( a_k^{t+1},\xi _k^{t}\right)\), \(F \left( a_k^{t+1},\xi _k^{t}\right)\) are evaluated by the Atari environment. In this phase, the agents optimizes online its policy, updating its weights in agreement with Eq. (8). At the same time, the model-network, learns online to predict the effects of agent’s actions on the environment (reward and world update) following Eq. (5).

Figure 2
figure 2

Dreaming. (A) Three consecutive frames of the reconstructed environment during the dreaming phase. (B) Example of the spiking activity in the two sub-networks during a dream (left). (right) Example, of the read out of the two sub-networks, representing the policy and the predicted position of the y paddle. (C) Average (dashed line), standard error (shading), and 80th percentile (solid line) over 10 independent realizations of the achieved reward. Reward as a function of the number of interactions with the environment, with (orange) and without (black) the dreaming phase. Thin lines represent the single realizations. (D) Average (dashed line), standard error (shading) and 80th percentile (solid line) of the reward when the policy gradient is active only during sleep. (E) Same as in (D), but the update of the model is interrupted after 40 (\(\times\)5000) interactions with the environment (blue dashed vertical line).


At the end of this phase, it follows the “dreaming” phase, in which the network is disconnected from the environment (see Fig. 1B). The agent plays a match in its own mind (for a temporal horizon of \(T=50\)), interacting with the model-network which replaces the world. In Fig. 1D a sketch of a reconstructed frame from the dream is reported. In this case the predicted paddles and ball coordinates are used to graphically represent the frame. In this phase, the agent updates its policy following the same update it would have in the awake phase (see Eq. 8), while the model is not updated. The initial condition of the variables describing the world \(\xi _k^t,r^t\) are extracted randomly, and their dynamics is defined by the equations:

$$\begin{aligned} \left\{ \begin{array}{l} \pi _k^{t+1} = \sum _{i} R_{ki}^A \bar{s}_{A,i}^{t+1} \\ \xi _k ^t = \tilde{G}(a_k^{t+1},\xi _k^{t}) = \sum _{i} {\textsf{R}}_{ki}^{\xi } \bar{s}_{M,i} ^{t+1} \\ r ^t = \tilde{F}(a_k^{t+1},\xi _k^{t}) = \sum _{i} {\textsf{R}}_{i}^{r} \bar{s}_{M,i} ^{t+1} \end{array} \right. \end{aligned}$$

where now the functions \(\tilde{G}(a_k^{t+1},\xi _k^{t})\) and \(\tilde{F}(a_k^{t+1},\xi _k^{t})\) are estimated by the model-network. In this way, it is possible to simulate a Pong game (see Fig. 2A for an example of simulated consecutive frames) in which the agent is able to test its policy and to improve it, even when the environment is not accessible. In Fig. 2B(left) it is reported an example of the spiking activity in the two network (agent and model top and bottom respectively). In Fig. 2B(right) it is shown an example of the output of the two networks during one single dream. It is interesting to see that the change of the paddle position estimated by the model-network, follows the policy computed by the agent-network (e.g., the y coordinate of the paddle increases when the probability to go up is high, green line).

We run an experiment in which we alternate one game in the environment and one dream. We report in Fig. 2C (orange lines) the performances of the network as the average total reward as a function of the number of interactions with the environment (dashed line, solid line and shading are the average, the 80th percentile and the standard error respectively, evaluated over 10 independent realizations of the experiment). We compare such performances with the ones obtained in the case in which the model does not dream between one (real) game and the other (see Fig. 2C black lines).

The second condition is equivalent to e-prop, the approach used in19, which is the state of the art in reinforcement learning for recurrent spiking networks. This approach has been proven to achieve performance comparable to A3C29. In the task of the Atari Pong game with a temporal horizon of 100 frames, our model significantly improves learning speed, reducing the number of interactions with the environment required to achieve desirable performance.

To prove that the model is actually learning during the dreaming phase, we made an experiment in which the policy gradient plasticity rule is active only during the dreaming phase (see Fig. 2D), showing the capability to successfully learn to win the game.

An important contribution to this point, is online learning. This is a choice we made as a constraint for biological plausibility. However, doing so, the model-network tends to forget situations that are not observed since a long time. As an example, if the agent-network is always scoring points, the model-network might forget situations in which a negative reward is received.

However, we note the importance to regularly to compare the model with the reality and to update it. Otherwise, the agent-network cannot improve indefinitely its policy in the simulated environment. We show that when we stop the update of the model, the policy doesn’t improve anymore (see Fig. 2E, vertical blue line). This is probably due to the fact that after a policy improvement, the agent has access to new states configurations of the environment. E.g., at the beginning it scores few points, and it rarely observes positive rewards. As a consequence, the model-network is not capable to predict positive rewards when it starts scoring more points.

This observation highlights the fact that the limitations imposed by biology can make it challenging to build highly accurate world models. However, our proposed learning protocol, which involves alternating between “awake” and “dreaming” experiences, is able to overcome these limitations and significantly improve learning performance and data sampling efficiency.

Figure 3
figure 3

Planning. (A) Example of online “planning”, during the observation of the world (gray lines) the model is used to predict \(n_{fut}\) steps in the future. (B) Average (dashed line), standard error (shading) and 80th percentile (solid line) of the reward as a function of the number of interactions with the environment, with (green) and without planning (black, policy gradient only). (C) Average final reward as a function \(n_{fut}\).


We considered an online alternative use of the world model, that is “planning”. Contrarily to the “dreaming”, this is not a separate phase, but acts in the awake phase. There are many possible ways to use planning in reinforcement learning31. In this work, we use it, similarly to the dreaming, to increase the data to perform the policy gradient.

In principle, this approach should be much more accurate than “dreaming”, since dreams produce long simulated games, possibly producing a large compounding-error. On the contrary, “planning” simulates a few steps \(n_{fut}\) (see Fig. 3A) in the future every \(\Delta t_{pred} = 2 n_{fut}\) time steps in the real world (in order to have comparable data augmentation in planning and dreaming), minimizing the effect of the compounding-error. However, “planning” requires online computational resources, while “dreaming” doesn’t, since the extra computational cost is required offline, when the world would not be available anyway. For this reason, we report the performance obtained with planing and without planning (policy gradient only, which is equivalent to e-prop as mentioned above) for \(n_{fut}=1\) (see Fig. 3B, respectively green and black). In Fig. 3C we show the average reward at the end of the training (average over the last 250 games, and over 10 independent realizations), as a function of \(n_{fut}\). In Fig. 3C we observe that the performances obtained with dreaming and planning are comparable. This would be enough to prefer dreaming to planning, however it is possible that in other conditions (more complex games, longer temporal horizon) planning would show visible advantages.

Of course the simulation of short sequences, starting from real-world initial conditions, could be done offline, but that would require the storage of detailed information (actions, states, rewards) about the “awake” experience, to define the initial condition of such sequences for any temporal frame. This is something that is not biologically plausible, and that cannot be done in a one-shot learning fashion with current learning rules. For these reasons, we discard this approach.

In conclusion, we show that dreaming can achieve performances comparable to planning, despite its susceptibility to compounding errors. This makes dreaming preferable in some situations, as it requires fewer online resources than planning.

Generalizability of the approach

Boxing from pixels

When considering Boxing from pixels, we observe that dreaming and planning does not improve agent performances in the random latent space, as it is defined in the previous section. For this reason we used a simple autoencoder to define the world variables, such that \(\xi _k^{t+1} = G( {\xi }^t )\) (where G represents the encoder part of the autoencoder, and \({\xi }\) a vector whose components are \(\xi _k^{t+1}\)). The decoder is only used for visual purposes, to reconstruct the predicted frames while “dreaming” (see Fig. 4B, bottom). The autoencoder is simply defined as a 3 (encoder) + 3 (decoder) layer (33600,128,64,36,64,128, 33600) feed forward network, trained on 10,000 frames collected from the environment using a random policy. In this case, the dimensionality of the latent space describing the world was \(D=36\). We show that “dreaming”, in this latent space, shows improvement in performances and sample efficiency (see Fig. 4A), if compared to simple policy gradient without dreaming (which is equivalent to e-prop, as stated above).

Figure 4
figure 4

(A) Average reward over 10 realizations, as a function of “number of dreams” after the “awake” phase. Black solid line: median reward at the end of the training, Dashed black lines, 20-th and 80-th percentiles of the reward over 10 realizations. Dashed gray lines: comparison between median rewards obtained with “dreaming” and without it (which is equivalent to e-prop). (B) Top. Three consecutive frames in the environment. Bottom. Three consecutive reconstructed frames while dreaming.

Pong from pixels

The task described above is a low-dimensional task from the relevant variables of the pong environments (ball and paddles positions). To show that our framework can be extended to other conditions, we run an additional experiment. We evaluated the Atari Pong from pixels. In order to do so, we opted for a simple approach: we took the black/white frames of the pong game, and randomly projected all the 33,600 pixels (\(x_i^t, \, i=1,...33,600\)) into a small number of variables (\(D=4\) in our case). As a result, the world variables \(\xi _k^{t+1}\) (as described above) are a random combination of the 33600 pixels, \(\xi _k^{t+1} = \sum _{h = 1}^{33600} F_{kh} x_h\), where \(F_{kh}\) are Gaussian weights with zero mean and 0.1 variance, and \(k = 1,...D\). In other words, we randomly defined a low dimensional latent space. We observed results (reported in Fig. S1) comparable to what shown in Fig. 2c. The approach described above allows, in principle, to apply our method to any other Atari games from pixels.


We presented a two-module spiking network, capable of performing two alternative versions of model-based biologically plausible reinforcement learning: “dreaming” and “planning”. We demonstrate that the simulated world observation produced by the model-network, provides valuable data for the agent-network to improve its policy, significantly reducing the necessary number of interactions with the real environment. A major goal of our model is to achieve a high level of biological plausibility. For this reason, we propose plasticity learning rules that are local in space and time. This is a major requirement in biology, since synapses have only access to local information (e.g., the activities of the pre- and post-synaptic neuron and the reward at that time). Moreover, this allows for an online training of our networks. Usually, training the world-model requires the storage of an agent’s experiences1,2,3,4,5,6 to offline learn the model. Besides being implausible, storage of long sequences is highly problematic on neuromorphic and FPGA platforms, where memory resources are scarce, and are in general dedicated to the storage of the synapses describing the model. The storage of N temporal sequences would require an order \(O(N \times T)\) memory (where T is the number of temporal steps), hence saturating the available memory. A typical solution is to store externally the temporal sequences, but that would imply a latency of order O(T) since the available bandwidth for memory access is much lower than the one used to exchange signals internal to the network. In our case, the possibility to learn online, makes it unnecessary to store any information on the agent’s experience. We observe an interesting tradeoff between “dreaming” and “planning”. Dreaming simulates long sequences in the model-based simulated environment. Usually, this approach provides limited improvements because of the large compounding errors. On the other hand, it can be comfortably performed offline. On the other hand, planning simulates shorter sequences, but requires computation online, while the network is already performing the task. The comparability of performances for planning and dreaming (for the same amount of simulated generated data) underlines the importance of the “dreaming” learning phase in biological and artificial intelligence. Our model provides a proof of concept that even small and cheap networks with online learning rule can learn and exploit world models to boost learning. Our work is a step forward, towards building efficient neuromorphic systems for autonomous robots, to efficiently learn in a real world environment. “Dreaming” intervenes when the robot is no longer able to explore the environment (it is not accessible anymore, the robot is low energy). These methods are highly significant when obtaining data from the environment is slow, costly (in the case of robotics) or risky (e.g.,, in the case of autonomous driving).

Limitations of the study

This study, shows a promising biologically plausible implementation of efficient model-based reinforcement learning, proving that it is possible to speed up learning in biological-based networks. However, we considered a specific task with a limited temporal horizon (T = 100). We plan to test our approach on more complex and long-horizon tasks. Even though we are capable to show the effectiveness of our model in different task (atari Pong and Boxing) and conditions (from RAM and from pixels), it remains crucial to look at how the performance scales with the size of the network and the dimensionality of the problem. A possible generalized task can take inspiration from what is used in human experiments with multiple cue learning tasks32.That would be a good testbed to see how the performance scales with the complexity of the task, and how they compare to human performances.